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What is the height of the ridge? How to calculate the height of the ridge for a gable roof. Calculation of a hip roof

The height of the placement of cognac determines the static appearance, its specifications and architectural specifics. It is very important when drawing up a project to accurately determine correct proportions designs. To achieve best results, it’s worth better understanding how to calculate the height of the roof - this, in fact, will be discussed in this article.

What to look for when choosing the height of a ridge

The channel is an edge gable roof, located horizontally, which is formed where the vertices of inclined planes connect. By calculating the height of the ridge with overestimated or underestimated values, you can not only spoil the architectural picture, but also create problems that in the future will affect the operation of the entire house.

To better understand what the ratio of the roof to the house should be, you need to imagine the roof in the form of an equilateral triangle. This execution is the most common. There are, of course, asymmetrical double-sided roofs, whose slope areas differ. But since the slopes of opposite sides are often equal, the height of the ridge of a gable roof is determined in a standard way.

An equilateral triangle is divided into two equal parts. The line running from the top of the triangle to its base is the axis of symmetry, and, in our case, the height of the ridge.

Influence of atmospheric phenomena

The climatic factor is a variable that should be taken into account when designing a roof.

TO atmospheric phenomena that will affect the height of the roof include:

  • Wind power. In regions characterized by fairly frequent gusts of wind, it is better to erect flat and low-slope roofing structures with a slope of up to 10 degrees. Where the winds are moderate, the ridge can be installed at any height.
  • Precipitation amount. Precipitation is always considered the most likely threat, causing leaks that lead to gradual destruction rafter system and everything roofing pie. For example, from roofs with a slope of 45 degrees significant precipitation falls faster than from flatter ones.
  • Volumes of snow precipitation. In regions where heavy winter precipitation falls year after year, it is best to construct a roof with a slope exceeding 45 degrees. In this way, faster snow melting can be achieved, which cannot be said about low-slope roofs, where most of the snow will have to be cleared off manually.

All this data can be obtained from your local weather service. Alternatively, you can get them yourself in the literature on building climatology SNiP 23-01-99 or from the available zoning maps SP 20.13330.2011.

How to calculate when installing an attic in a gable roof

Calculating the roof height will also depend on whether you are going to install attic space. If you are going, then attic space will be separated from the house by a ceiling. The attic can be residential or non-residential. Design with residential attic, as a rule, has a broken pattern, in which the rafter system will consist of two tiers.

When determining how high the roof ridge should be if there is an attic, you need to calculate two values: the height of the lower segment of the roof and the height of its top, resting on the lower tier. The lower tier often has a height of 2.0-2.03 meters.

In addition, you need to take into account the height of the tallest owner of the house, adding 30-40 cm to this figure, so that it is convenient and safe to move around in the room. Top dimensions sloping roof may be loved, they will be determined individual preferences owners.

The height of the ridge of attics that will not be intended for living will depend on the standards fire safety.

Another option for an attic-free room is with a space combined with the main box. As a rule, its location is at the same height as the ceiling of the previous floor. Attics mansard type They are constructed according to a gable scheme, and the mauerlat must be laid on walls higher than 1.4 meters. In the case of a half-attic, the height of the ridge begins to be counted from the bottom edge of the mauerlat.

We make calculations based on the type of roofing material

Another factor influencing how to calculate the height of the ridge of a gable roof is the type of used roofing material.

To select a suitable roofing covering, taking into account the height of the ridge, you can use some rules:

  • The smaller the individual roof components, the higher the slope of the pitched plane. A large number of joints most often cause moisture to get under the roof, so in such cases it is very important to make precipitation converge faster.
  • The lower the pitch of your roof, the fewer seams it should have. In such situations, it is best to cover the roof with large-sheet and roll materials.
  • The greater the mass of the covering, the steeper the roof slope should be. It turns out that the higher the ridge, the less force is exerted on the rafter system and the ceiling.

Before calculating the height of the ridge, keep in mind that a roof with a high ridge will be somewhat more expensive. For example, a roof with a slope of 45º requires one and a half times more material than a structure with a slope of 7-10º, and a roof with a slope of 60º will require twice as much money.

As a rule, the distances of suitable slope units are indicated by roofing material manufacturers in the instructions. Such recommendations are worth considering if you expect your structure to last as long as possible. Taking into account the recommended slope, the width of the eaves compartments and the dimensions of the house box, you can easily determine the height of the ridge. Basically, the height of the roof in relation to the width of the house has a more or less standard ratio. However, other methods are used when planning roofs.

To indicate the angle of the slopes, degrees, percentages or decimals, including the height of the ridge, and after the fraction - half of the span being covered. On a construction site, it is easiest to use the third option. Percentage expressions are used much less frequently, because craftsmen and home craftsmen only get confused in them.

Installation of layered rafters is carried out on an already mounted ridge run. This means that you need to know in advance the height of the ridge girder. If you know the height of the ridge, then you don’t have to look at the project from time to time. Using the measurement method, the center of the front wall is calculated. In this place, a block or pole is clearly fixed vertically. From top edge After the Mauerlat is pre-mounted on the wall, the size we determine is counted upward. It will need to be taken into account at the time of construction of the rafter system.

How to calculate roof height

To correctly calculate the height of the roof ridge, as well as to ensure that the height of the roof in relation to the height of the house is selected correctly, you can use one of the many calculator programs that can be easily found on the Internet. They are very easy to use, and the calculation results are fast and accurate.

The only negative is that it is not so easy to check the finished calculation results without the ability to clearly demonstrate the planned roof structure. In addition, if you accidentally enter the wrong number into such a calculator, you will only be able to find the error during construction. Therefore, it will be much better if you check all the numbers and design features before the calculations, so that a minimal error in the future does not cost you significant unplanned costs.

In order to calculate the height of the roof ridge as accurately as possible, you will need knowledge of trigonometry, as well as the ability to build buildings to scale according to the diagram. For this you can use either a monitor or a simple sheet of paper.

Graphic and mathematical methods for determining the height of the ridge

  • Mathematical - in this case, the size is calculated using the formula for determining the length of one of the sides of a right triangle.
  • Graphic - you will need to create a scale diagram of the roof.

When using the mathematical calculation method, you need to take the formula a= b × tgα, where a is the height of the ridge; b – half the span width; tgα – slope determined by the owner of the house based on technical requirements and recommendations of the roofing material manufacturer.

The graphical method involves obtaining dimensions at the intersection of the center of the roof and the slope line running at a certain angle from the last point of the eaves overhang.

It is worth noting that the listed methods can determine the rise of the roof, but not the entire height of the ridge. These indicators are determined by installation technology upper parts rafters When using hanging rafter systems, the height of the ridge will be the same. The same applies to layered systems, in the case where the top of the rafter extends beyond the line of the ridge girder.

When the rafter legs extend beyond the purlin, then 2/3 of the thickness of the board or timber used during the construction of the rafter system must be added to the height of the roof. It is worth considering that the depth of the cut reduces the thickness of the material by a third.

As a rule, the calculation does not take into account the sheathing laid on the rafters. Minor deviations are inevitable during the construction of the roof, which can reach 5-7 cm - this is normal, since negative consequences does not lead.

Using a practical calculation method

Whatever the height one-story house to the roof, you can determine the height of the ridge using a practical method. It is used in calculations by North American carpenters, whose work is focused on the construction of low-rise buildings. frame houses. However, this process is fundamentally no different from the work carried out by craftsmen in other countries.

This method has a technological feature: the installation element of the lower heels of the rafters to the base is carried out using the cutting method. The rafters rest on a ridge board. If this condition is not met at the stage of creating a diagram and obtaining calculations, the slope will become different, and this is best avoided when determining the extreme slope parameter recommended by the manufacturer of the roofing material.

At the basis of the calculations we again have equilateral triangle, divided into two equal parts. We have the width of the house box and the slope.

The sequence for determining the height of the ridge will consist of the following actions:

  • First of all, we create a scaled diagram and indicate on it exact dimensions boxes at home. It is best if the scale is 1:100, at which 1 cm will equal 1 meter in scale. If for some reason it is inconvenient for you to work with such a scale, you can choose your own, larger or smaller.
  • Let's determine the center of the span, and from it we will draw a line upward, which is the axis of symmetry of the roof.
  • Using a protractor from the corner of the house box, mark the angle of inclination created roof. To do this, draw a line based on the marked angle.
  • To determine at what height the ridge board will need to be placed, it is worth relying on the data obtained as a result of the intersection of the axis of symmetry of the roof with the line of inclination of the slopes.
  • We mark the outline of the ridge girder and the post on which the girder will rest. Their line of symmetry should coincide with the line of symmetry of the roof. To do this, you will need to set aside half the thickness of the ridge board in both directions from the axis and draw lines.
  • The line of the lower side of the triangle, the diagonal and the adjacent side edge of the ridge girder, together with the stand, will indicate the triangle we are defining, the vertical leg of which will be equal to the height of the roof.
  • We make the lift less by a third of the thickness of the board - that is, to the depth of the cut of the lower element of the rafters.
  • From the height we have determined upward, we count the width of the ridge board, and draw the ridge purlin, after which we draw the ridge post.
  • Now, according to scale, we draw the rafter leg, taking into account that it will have a drawdown of a third of the width due to cutting. To make the work easier, draw a straight line parallel to the diagonal, 2/3 of the rafter thickness.

In other words, the height of the ridge is the sum of the rise of the roof and 2/3 of the thickness of the rafters. In reality, you won't get perfect accuracy anyway. However, a minor error is considered to be negligible. Minor errors are allowed according to building regulations construction of wooden structures specified in the collection SP 64.13330.2011. An ideal calculation is characterized by taking into account the physical processes of compression and crushing of the wooden elements of the system.

The height of the roof affects the appearance of the house, the complexity of assembly rafter frame and technical specifications. Therefore, it is important to pay Special attention determine the size and only then purchase the material. In order to make calculations, it is not necessary to contact specialized organizations. In the article we will discuss how to correctly calculate the height of the roof, as well as what affects it.

A ridge is a horizontal edge connecting the vertices of two roof slopes. Overestimating and underestimating the height negatively affects the operation of the roof and spoils the appearance of the building. Therefore, when making calculations, it is not enough to be guided only by your own taste. Before calculating the height of the ridge, it is important to pay attention to various technical conditions.

In this article, we will assume by default roofs with equal slopes in length and angle of inclination. This will make it easier to determine the height, although all the principles described apply to asymmetrical structures.

According to geometry, one of the slopes will be the hypotenuse, and the distance from the ridge to the base will be the leg.

  • type of roofing;

Now let's go through each point in more detail.

Roof covering

For different materials there are own requirements for the steepness of the slope. The calculation of the height of the ridge will depend on this indicator gable roof. Eat general principles choice of material depending on the angle of the slope:

  1. For small piece elements, the slope of the slope should be greater than for long sheet materials. This is due to the fact that when moisture accumulates in the joints, leaks may appear. Therefore, skates are for slate roof higher than ridges on a metal roof. The fact is that the length of the wave slate is only 1.75 m, and metal roofing material can occupy the entire length of the slope.
  2. Height ridge roof also affects the number of joints. As the angle decreases, the number of connections and overlaps should also decrease. Therefore, large-sheet and roll materials are considered the most reliable options.
  3. Heavy roofing elements placed on steep slopes. Slate roofs and ceramic tiles They have a large mass, so they make a steep slope. So, they do not bend the rafter beams.

It is worth remembering that the steeper the slope, the more material will be needed to cover the roof. So, if we take the need for a slope angle of 7-10° as 100%, then an angle of 45° will require a 150% overrun, and an angle of 60° will require 200%.

The size of the slopes relative to the width of the house will change with the height of the ridge.

Attic space

There are two types of houses: with and without an attic. For each option there is own terms calculating the height of the ridge. If the attic space is residential, then 30-40 cm is added to the height of the tallest owner. But it is better to think about the guests by making the ceiling at a height of 2.4 meters. But it is important to remember that this is only the ceiling, not the height of the roof. Here you will need to add another half meter or more, depending on your preferences.

If the attic space is non-residential, then the height of the ridge is calculated under the influence of fire safety. One of the clauses obliges the owners to provide a through passage under the roof with a height of at least 1.6 meters and a width of 1.2 m. With complex rafter systems, these dimensions can be reduced by 0.4 m. This space will provide free air exchange and passage for repairs, inspection.

Roofless buildings are constructed in such a way that additional walls are erected above the ceiling of the previous floor. For example, in semi-attic buildings, the height of the walls is increased by 1.4 meters. In such structures, the height of the roof is measured from the bottom edge of the Mauerlat. Such designs are suitable for climatic zones with strong winds. This makes it possible to reduce the slope of the slope.

Attic structures are popular in the construction of garages, warehouses and other small domestic buildings. They usually do not provide attic floor, thereby saving material and time.

Atmospheric phenomena

Climatic conditions directly affect the height of the ridge. Therefore, different cities have their own “golden” slope. Atmospheric phenomena include the following factors:

  1. Precipitation. The more snow it rains in your area, the more slope you need to make. The height of the roof increases accordingly. If this condition is neglected, then the likelihood of leaks increases.
  2. Wind. For areas with medium and low winds there is no difference in the height of the ridge. But like this, where strong, gusty winds often blow, the roof slope usually does not exceed 10°. This imposes certain restrictions on the materials used. Without taking into account the strength of the wind, you risk losing the entire roof structure.
  3. Amount of snow. There is a relationship between the steepness of the slope and the amount of snow. The more it falls in winter, the larger angle have to do. The reason is the increased load on the rafter system. It is recommended to give preference to slopes with a slope greater than 45°.

You can determine the characteristics of your region of residence by contacting the local weather service or reference literature. IN regulatory documentation SNiP 23-01-99 or SP 20.13330.2011 have weather maps and recommendations for construction.

Methods for calculating ridge height

Calculating the height of the roof largely depends on your preferences. There are two main ways:

  • mathematical;
  • graphic.

Let's look at the mathematical method of calculation. As already mentioned in the first subtitle, the default is a gable isosceles roof. We have the ability to calculate required height if we know the slope angle and the distance between the slopes. Now you will need a Bradis table and a calculator. In the reference literature we find the value of the tangent of our angle, and then multiply it by half the length between the slopes. The result is the height of the ridge.

Let's consider the calculation for real example. Let's assume that our building has dimensions of 7x10 meters. At the same time, we are in an area with average winds, and we use metal tiles as roofing. We are not planning to equip the attic, but we will take the slope equal to 20° so that rainwater It drained without any problems.

It turns out that the length of the leg is 7/10 = 3.5 meters. According to the table, the tangent of 20° is 0.839. Now we multiply the resulting numbers: 3.5 * 0.839 = 2.94. This means that the height of the ridge of the gable roof, from the bottom of the mauerlat, is 2.94 meters.

The graphic method is suitable for those who have a sheet of paper, a pencil and a ruler with a protractor on hand. All you need is to draw a sectional view of the roof, keeping to scale. To do this, draw a horizontal line and mark the boundaries of the roof base on it. Determine the middle and draw a perpendicular. Using a protractor, draw a line on one side at the desired angle. The intersection point will show the height, you just need to measure it with a ruler.

The resulting result will be approximate; you also need to add 2/3 of the thickness of the rafter leg to it. Small deviations are acceptable and do not critically affect the operation of the roof. These errors result from the need to provide ventilation under the metal tiles and sheathing.

In order to mark the desired height in reality, it is enough to determine the middle of the building. Then nail a vertical block or pole onto required height. After the calculation has been made, try to transfer it from paper to the real building as accurately as possible. Then the roof will last for many years and will not leak on the rainiest days.

Options for calculating the roof ridge area have their own characteristics. You should know the following values:

  • The sum of the entire length of the skates;
  • Width and length of the structure;
  • What is the number of ridges and total length;
  • How many stingrays are present and what type are they.

When covering the ridge with soft and flexible materials apply the following formula:

Roof area = (2 x overhang width + length of the entire house) x (2 x overhang width + width of the entire house) / cos (angle slope). With all this, it is necessary to take into account the entire coverage area, and the valleys must be calculated in separately. Then, the amount of material used will depend on the type of metal tile used.

Structure gable roof almost similar to structures of other pitched types.

To cover the roof use:

  • Slate;
  • Metal tiles.

Roofing units contain units for ventilation passages of shafts and chimneys that go through the roof covering. The individual method of constructing units and their quality directly depend on the type of roof.

A gable roof consists of the following structures:

  • Rafters;
  • Lathing;
  • Overhangs;
  • Mauerlat;
  • Thermal insulation;
  • Horizontal ribs;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Racks;
  • Endovy.

To calculate a soft roof, take into account:

  • Structural elements;
  • Calculation of the height of the roof and rafter system;
  • Take into account the overhangs of the cornices, overlaps and overlaps of the ridges.

The entire calculation will be exactly the same as for a gable roof, but there are some differences. The main difficulty is that this roof will have more than one angle of inclination, and before starting the calculation, we recommend that you use the “golden ratio” rule, which will allow you to fit the contour of the roof into a circle. This action will help you avoid the most common drawback: if the calculation is done incorrectly, the roof will look very ugly.

Pay special attention to the calculations, because the entire reliability of the structure will depend on this, its long term service and aesthetic appearance. Do the calculations in advance, otherwise you may lose a significant amount of money and waste time redoing all the shortcomings.

Roofing comes first protective barrier home, which prevents cold air, melt or rain moisture from entering the living space. If you correctly calculate and then correctly determine the height of the roof ridge, it will independently remove atmospheric moisture and snow mass from the surface of the slope, preventing an increase in the load on the rafter system. In this article we will tell you how easy it is to calculate the height of the roof of a house, as well as how this parameter affects the quality of the roofing structure.

In order for the appearance of the roof to be harmonious and organically complement the architectural design of the house, it is necessary to correctly calculate the ratio of the width and length of the building. According to construction terminology, the height of the ridge is the distance from the middle of the base of the roof to its highest point. This parameter depends on the following qualities designs:

  1. Roof slope angle. The higher the ridge, the steeper the slope of the roof of the house should be. In the territory middle zone In Russia, which is famous for its large amounts of winter precipitation and prolonged downpours in the fall, it is recommended to choose a slope angle within 20-50 degrees.
  2. Area of ​​slopes. The higher the roof, the larger the area of ​​the slopes, which increases the cost of roofing, as well as material for the manufacture of the rafter frame.
  3. Bearing capacity of the frame. As the height of the roof increases, the weight and, consequently, the load from the roofing pie increases, which is why it is necessary to strengthen the structure frame with additional elements.

Important! There are 2 methods for calculating the height of the roof: you can calculate this parameter based on the desired slope, or, conversely, determine the height of the roof, and then calculate the angle of inclination of the slopes.

Factors influencing choice

The height of the roof of the house has a significant impact on the technical characteristics, performance characteristics designs. If you correctly calculate and then make a roofing design that meets the climatic conditions and the nature of the structure’s use, then it will last longer and will require less care and maintenance. When designing the roof of a house, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Amount of precipitation. The higher the average annual precipitation in the construction region, the higher the ridge should be.
  • Wind strength and direction. In windy regions, it is recommended to build low-rise buildings with a low, sloping roof so that it is not torn off by rapid gusts of air.
  • The nature of the use of the premises. If the house design includes a residential attic, then the height of the ridge should be at least 2.5 m.

Note! The height and slope of the roof are calculated before drawing up the project, since these indicators have a strong influence on the design of the rafter frame and the choice of roofing.

Calculation procedure

Calculating the height of the roof is quite simple, even if you do not have a special calculator program at hand. The calculations are based on the assumption that the vertical section of the roof is an isosceles triangle, the base of which corresponds to the width of the pediment. Knowing geometric formulas, we can find the height of the ridge using the calculation formula valid for a triangle:

  1. First we need to measure the width of the structure and then divide this value by 2.
  2. Then you need to determine the slope of the slope, that is, calculate the angle between the base of the roof and the surface of the slope.
  3. The next step is to use the Bradis table or engineering calculator determine the tangent of the angle formed by the base of the roof and the slope.
  4. Then we multiply half the width of the structure being covered by the tangent of the angle between the slope and the base of the roof, obtaining the height of the ridge.

Video instruction

A properly selected and installed roof will withstand any weather conditions and will last for decades. What will the roof be like? country house, and what materials it will consist of is determined at the design stage. Technical nuances Designing is best left to professionals. Before making the final choice, the future owner needs to get an idea of ​​the features various types roofs and (which is important) about the amount that the chosen structure and roofing material will cost. At this stage, a roofing calculator will help you calculate the material for a gable roof, or any other - this quick way get a detailed answer.

The calculator will help you estimate the cost of a roof in the early planning stages Source

Online roofing calculator

To find out approximate cost roofs, various types, use the following calculator:

Parameters for calculating roofs and roofing materials

Before calculating the roof of a house, the calculator will ask for certain data. One of them is the type of roof. There are two criteria by which you can determine the type of roof: the angle of the roof and the number of slopes (planes). If the angle of inclination of the roof is zero, the roof is called flat; if it is greater than zero, it is called pitched. Pitched structures, in turn, are divided into types, depending on the number of slopes. In private low-rise construction There are several types of roofs, including:

    Single-pitch. It looks rather modest, but it is the simplest in design and the least expensive to build. It is a plane supported by walls of different heights. Shed roof can be seen on a garage, barn or modern high-tech project. Such designs are described by a small number of parameters and are calculated for all online calculator Oh.

Common forms pitched structures Source

    Gable (gable). The most common classic version with two inclined planes rectangular, connected by a ridge, and centuries-old history. The vertical triangular planes between the slopes are called pediments (gables). In modern private construction, the symmetry of the slopes is an optional condition. They can have different slopes and vary in size (broken), which opens up great design possibilities roofing structures. Gable roof - perfect option for the installation of an attic. For calculations on the online calculator, parameters such as the length and width of the slopes, the length of the overhangs and the height of the structure are used.

    Hip (hatched). The main slopes are called hips and have the form of trapezoids, and the pediments are not located vertically, but at an angle, turning into slopes. Hip system much more difficult to develop and install than the previous ones, but this is compensated by increased structural stability. In addition, the hip roof allows you to raise the ceiling for the attic, making it much more comfortable. Calculation hip roof on the online calculator has certain subtleties (the base can be square or rectangular) and includes the angle of inclination of the slopes.

    Multi-pincer. A complex structure consisting of several forceps ( gable elements). Calculating such a roof is a job for an experienced architect. There are online calculators that calculate the roof area of ​​a three-gable roof, but the calculation results they give are very approximate.

The complexity of the rafter system of a multi-gable roof excludes independent planning Source

    Attic. The slope consists of two elements: the lower, steeper one, and the upper, flatter one. This design allows you to increase usable area premises, but to calculate it using an online calculator, you will need at least a preliminary drawing and understanding of the structure of the rafter system.

Types of roofing materials

The issue of roofing material is also decided at the design stage. His choice is influenced not only by the designer’s preferences, but also by more real factors, including the amount of precipitation and wind strength in the region. The online calculator makes it possible to find out not only the quantity, but also the cost of the selected material. Typically a roof calculator is configured to calculate the following materials:

    Corrugated sheet.

    Metal tiles.

    Soft (roll) roofing.

    Seam covering(steel, aluminum or copper).

    Roof tiles. Ceramic (piece), flexible (soft), cement-sand, composite.

    Slate(mainly for outbuildings).

Calculator for calculating metal tiles (works with several types of roofs) Source

Basic elements of roofing structure

Roof country cottage- it's not only decorative detail And business card structure, but also complex engineering system. It consists of a variety of building parts, the main ones of which are the following:

    Mauerlat. The beam that is laid on top load-bearing walls. It supports the rafter system and transfers the load from the roof to the building.

    Rafters. Beams or boards located at an angle are the basis of the system. The online calculator allows you to calculate some parameters of the rafter system.

    Auxiliary elements. Racks, beams, purlins and tie-downs serve to secure the rafters and strengthen the structure.

    Horse. The top edge of the roof, the intersection of the slopes.

    Lathing. A lattice structure onto which the roofing material is attached. Some types of roofing require a continuous deck. The sheathing parameters on the online calculator are calculated quite well, especially for roofs of simple construction.

Basic structural elements rafter system Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer country house design services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

What is calculated on an online calculator: types and possibilities

Even with ready-made drawings in hand, the future owner will not always find time to carefully study them and painstaking calculations on paper. Among all the ways to solve the question of how to calculate the roof of a house, an online calculator will become the best option. There are two types of calculators that perform a certain type of calculation:

Standard roof calculator

The most common type, which allows you to obtain basic parameters, from the angle of inclination of the rafters to permissible load on the roof. When calculating roofing materials, as a rule, there are all popular options (all kinds of tiles, slate, ondulin and other materials). There are a wide range of calculators for calculating single-, gable- and hip roofs; there are settlement services hip roof or attics. The online gable or shed roof calculator is designed for simple tasks; more advanced calculation programs must be downloaded and installed on your computer.

Fragment of an online calculator for calculating a hip roof Source

Construction calculator

Complex calculation algorithms are used for calculations; as a result, you can get not only tables of numbers, but also a set of detailed drawings, as well as 3D visualization. IN construction calculator As a rule, any type of roof can be calculated. In addition to the basic parameters, you can find out how much lumber you will need, select optimal insulation and vapor barrier. The drawings will show the layout of the rafter system and sheathing and will allow you to check the correct angle of inclination and location of the rafters.

Online calculator device for calculating a gable roof

The gable roof rafter system calculator is an easy-to-use mechanism that allows you to perform basic structural calculations. The interface of any service has a convenient and intuitive appearance and looks like a set of empty fields with an explanation. For the convenience of visitors, schematic images are placed nearby on the page. various types roofs with parameters marked on them.

Before starting calculations, you should familiarize yourself with the designation of the fields Source

The user needs to enter in each field desired value(size) or select an option from the available ones. When filling out, you should pay attention to the dimensions - parameters can be entered in cm or mm. After filling in the fields, you press the calculation button and get the desired result in the form of the following data:

    Number of roofing materials. The calculator will allow you to calculate the amount of metal tiles (or other material) for a country house with a gable, hip or other roof.

    Calculation of the rafter system and roof gable. Based on the specified wall width and height to the ridge, the service will help determine the length of the rafters and the area of ​​the roof gable.

To calculate the material for the roof of a house, the “gable” program will require you to enter the following values:

    Roof dimensions. There are separate fields for entering height, width (on each side) and overhang.

    Rafter dimensions. The width and thickness are set, as well as the distance between the rafters and the distance to the edge of the roof.

Video description

About calculating the roof using a construction calculator in the following video:

    Lathing parameters. Enter the width and thickness of the boards, the distance between them.

    Roofing material parameters. If a roofing sheet is selected, specify the height, width and overlap of the sheet.

The result of the calculation will be the following parameters:

    Roof size. Height and width of the canvas, total area.

    Rafters. Number and length of rafters. The volume is also calculated required material(in cubic meters).

    Lathing. The calculation shows the number of rows of boards, the length of each part and the volume of the sheathing boards.

    Roofing material. The area of ​​hydro- and vapor barrier is calculated. So, if roofing felt or glassine is chosen as the roofing material, the calculator shows required amount rolls (based on the roll size), taking into account overlap.

    Roofing material. The calculator determines not only the coverage area, but also the weight and required amount of the selected material.

Calculator for calculating the main elements of a gable roof Source

Calculation of additional parameters

Many online services calculate additional, no less useful quantities:

    Roof angle. The calculator will determine not only the optimal angle, but also tell you whether it is suitable for the selected roofing material. By changing the height of the rise or the width of the base, you can achieve full compliance of the angle with the material.

    Calculation of wind and snow load . For some areas, this load may be a determining factor in choosing a roof type. You will need to enter into the calculator Additional information: region of construction, type of terrain, height to the ridge of the building, type of wood for the rafters.

    Chimney calculation. For safe operation it is necessary to determine the height of the chimney relative to the roof ridge. Incorrect design can affect the stable operation of heating devices and lead to unplanned financial expenses (if rework is required).

When calculating the chimney, the presence of obstacles near the home is taken into account Source

Limitations in using the online calculator

Roofing calculators offered by online resources are an affordable and very fast way to get necessary information. But like any mechanisms designed for the mass user, such calculators tend to use generalized calculation techniques. The worst thing is that the calculation process is hidden from the person using the calculator; It is very difficult to double-check the output information.

The calculator for calculating the roof of a house may contain certain (acceptable) variations in parameters, which, nevertheless, will affect the final result. Possible results that may contain inaccurate (approximate) values ​​include:

Determining the total amount of roofing material

Building materials are never laid joint-to-joint, so the roof surface area and roofing area will always be different. When calculating, the roof area is usually increased by 15% - this provides a margin when forming an overlap.

Video description

How to calculate a gable roof using a free calculator in the following video:

If the roof has complex design, the calculation also becomes more complicated, since an experienced designer simultaneously solves the additional problem of waste minimization. For such purposes, different algorithms are used (with different accumulating errors and with different results), which of them is included in the calculator is known only to its developers.

It is believed that the calculator helps you save on the purchase of building materials. But when installing a complex-shaped roof, it often turns out that unnecessary (often expensive) materials were purchased. The opposite situation, when there is not enough material and you have to pay for an unplanned purchase and delivery, is no less annoying.

Determining the slope for a roof

Building codes require minimum slopes for each roofing material. They are calculated taking into account the slope of the roof and additional indicators (wind and snow load). Specialists perform calculations according to SNiP “Loads and Impacts” standards and additional design standards. It is not possible to check what indicators the roofing calculator uses in its work.

Some calculators take into account additional parameters (availability skylights And drainage systems) Source

Roof calculation: how to avoid mistakes

In calculations you can go one of the following ways:

    Calculate the roof manually. If you have basic knowledge of geometry, do preliminary calculations You can also do it manually. To do this, just stock up on paper, a pencil, a regular calculator, and remember that any roof is a set of simple shapes (rectangles and triangles), the calculation of the area of ​​which is described by the simplest formulas from school course. The method does not work well if the calculations become more complicated. They take a lot of time and increase the risk of error.

    Roof calculations should be carried out in online service . It should be taken into account that the values ​​are always averaged; Your planned home may require a custom solution.

    Check the roof calculation manually using a calculator. Roofing online calculators are in a convenient way simulate the roof structure and find out the required amount of building materials. Calculation simple designs It’s quite easy to check, but if you don’t have a specialized education, confusion with coefficients and percentages is inevitable. Differing results will cause lengthy double-checks and searches for errors, as well as mistrust in the abilities of the calculator (or your own).

Checking the calculation results will require time and care Source

    Professional roof calculation. For preliminary calculations in order to determine the materials and design of the roof, this method is clearly not suitable. But when ordering a turnkey house, construction company will prepare a full-fledged project, which will indicate all calculations and estimates. In addition, specialists can make preliminary calculations for you even at the stage of discussing the project.


Roofing online calculator is considered to be good tool to determine the main parameters future roof. But professional builders recommend using it only for a rough estimate of the quantity and cost of building materials. The calculator can also become an indispensable tool for comparing the costs of different technologies.

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