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How to choose the best ventilation option for a cottage. How to make ventilation in a cottage? Ventilation project in a country house

The cottage ventilation system is designed before construction begins.. The project must be consistent with the electrical wiring, heating, air conditioning projects, and meet the requirements of SNiP ( building codes and rules), rules fire safety. The cottage must have a designated technical room to accommodate ventilation equipment; it is usually located in the basement or attic.

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Examples of projects in PDF format

Cottage with a total area of ​​191.76 m2
3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen-dining room, dressing room, bathroom, laundry room, garage, utility room, one-story.
Project options:

Ventilation equipment Breezart

For ventilation of cottages we recommend Breezart equipment. Breezart ventilation units are already in basic configuration They have everything that is necessary for full operation - an automation system with a control panel, temperature and filter contamination sensors, an electric air valve and a mixing unit. Can be equipped with additional sections.

Ventilation equipment Systemair

Supply and exhaust ventilation systems with heat recovery from a Swedish company. Energy efficient monoblocks, both vertical and horizontal open mount(in the bathroom or closet of an apartment or cottage), and hidden ceiling mounting. Air heating is carried out from electricity with a consumption of no more than 2 kW for every 350 cubic meters of air or from a water heater. Air supply units distinguishes highest quality, reliable operation and reduced noise.

Ventilation equipment Frivent

The company "FRIVENT GmbH" specializes in the production of ventilation equipment for industrial enterprises, office buildings, warehouses, sports facilities, residential buildings, cottages, swimming pools, water parks. The priority direction is the production of equipment for supply and exhaust ventilation with heat recovery. Availability wide range equipment allows for general ventilation and air conditioning of buildings, taking into account the most complex architectural solutions buildings. Economical, compact installations allow you to create a favorable indoor climate and save on energy costs, which is very important during an intensive rise in prices on the energy market.

Heat recovery

Energy recovery systems refer to the means of controlling supply air temperature. If you simply pump air from the street into the room in winter, then a very significant amount of energy will be spent on heating it to a comfortable temperature (which is 18-20 degrees Celsius). If you install a heater activated when necessary at the entrance to the system, then these costs will be winter time can be significantly reduced. The system can also be combined with an air conditioner, which will allow, on the contrary, to cool the air in the summer. This also becomes a saving factor: if the air is cooled already at the entrance to the circulation system, then there is no need to spend a lot of energy on implementing climate control in each specific room.

The costs of installing a recovery system will pay off due to energy savings over several years of operation.

Duct types

Which ducts should you use? To answer this question, you must first understand their classification. Air ducts can be classified according to two parameters:

  • Round or rectangular in cross-section.
  • Rigid or flexible.

The main parameter in this case is air resistance: how large it is depends on how effective it is. ventilation system, as well as the energy costs for its operation.

A round duct in cross-section, in this regard, has an advantage over a rectangular one. And hard, in turn, is superior to flexible. However, flexible ducts are sometimes structurally necessary.

Therefore, the optimal approach can be described as follows: Round rigid air ducts should be used for the main main routes, and system branches should be made using flexible ones.

However, various individual nuances are possible, depending on the characteristics of the house. All these issues need to be considered when designing the system.

About design

The design must be developed taking into account the laying of air ducts (for suspended ceiling, under the floor or in the walls), the location of air distributors (grills or shades) so that the incoming air does not create discomfort for people in the premises.

Exhaust ventilation ducts must be present in the kitchen and all bathrooms. Is it enough for this cottage? natural exhaust ventilation, or whether mechanical installation is necessary, only a specialist can calculate. It is advisable to install a grease filter on mechanical exhaust ventilation in the kitchen, otherwise the exhaust fan and inner surface the air ducts will quickly become covered with a layer of grease and soot.

The most simple system supply ventilation consists of small holes in walls or window frames; supply valves , through which air from the street will flow. Such a system is easy to use and inexpensive, but its operation is very dependent on random factors - the direction and strength of the wind, air temperature.

Much more high level comfort in the cottage will be provided by the system mechanical ventilation, but it also costs much more. In addition, the supply mechanical ventilation consumes a lot of energy and requires very high power electrical networks, the available capacities may simply not be enough to connect the supply air handling unit. This problem can be solved by installing a supply and exhaust system with a recuperator. If the cottage has its own boiler room, you can install a system with a water heater instead of an electric one, which will also reduce energy consumption.

The performance of the supply and exhaust systems must be balanced, otherwise insufficient or overpressure, which will lead to the unpleasant effect of “slamming doors” and may have a bad effect on the well-being of the residents of the house. It is necessary to take into account all the subtleties, for example, if there is a fireplace in the room, a lot of oxygen is consumed for combustion, and therefore forced ventilation in this room should be more powerful. Separate calculations require a smoking room (smoke from cigarettes should not stagnate in the room), a gym (during physical activity a person consumes more oxygen). Only a competent specialist will be able, taking into account all the nuances, to design a ventilation system that provides the maximum level of comfort in your home.

Rooms in the house that need ventilation

A ventilation system is especially urgently needed in the rooms that are most problematic from this point of view: kitchens and bathrooms. In the kitchen, the amount of excess moisture per day can reach five liters - and it needs to be removed somehow. Condensation leads to the appearance of fungus, which is extremely harmful to the sanitary environment.

You spend an average of 8 hours a day in the bedroom. The danger here is represented by both condensation and excess carbon dioxide.

The same goes for the living room, or other public space in the house. If you do not change the air to fresh air within an hour, the situation will become harmful to health. Thus, the ventilation system must be thought out and professionally implemented for each room in the house. Alone kitchen hood and the exhaust fan in the bathroom is not enough.

Nuances depending on the house

There is no fundamental difference in organizing the ventilation of a house - regardless of whether it is built of wood, frame, brick, or any other.

A fair judgment that a tree “breathes” should be related to the condition of the tree itself, but not to the air inside the room. Installed air circulation requirements do not change significantly depending on the material and construction technology. Adjustments to the methods and requirements used relate only to details, which we will not dwell on in detail.

Advertising slogans that 30% of the air naturally changes in a wooden house per day should not be misleading. As noted above, complete replacement is necessary within an hour, or at least several hours.

It is preferable to design the ventilation system directly when designing the house itself. In this case, its work will be more efficient, and additional expenses will be avoided: both material and time.

Choosing between natural and forced ventilation

Natural ventilation has an obvious advantage: it is incomparably technically simpler to implement, and therefore cheaper. In addition, no electricity is consumed for its operation.

However, natural ventilation has whole line shortcomings in terms of its effectiveness.

According to air circulation standards, for natural ventilation the volume of air movement is approximately 1 cubic meter per hour. At the same time, forced mechanical ventilation, depending on the system parameters, ensures the replacement of 3-5 cubic meters air per hour. Thus, forced ventilation is 3-5 times more effective in practice!

If the outflow and inflow of air is ensured naturally, a significantly larger cross-section of the ventilation duct is required. As a result, it is not always possible to place a ventilation duct of the required size inside the walls. As a result, the only aesthetically acceptable option is another room under a suspended or suspended ceiling- and this reduces the height of the ceiling.

The problem is partly solved by installing fans in the natural ventilation duct, but the situation still does not change dramatically. Another significant drawback of natural ventilation, in comparison with forced ventilation, is the inability to control the intensity of air removal from the room and the supply of fresh air.

Forced ventilation-more effective method, which is clearly preferable. Natural ventilation is applicable only for small rooms in which people do not stay constantly (more than two hours continuously), and which do not have factors that require increased ventilation measures.

Ways to implement forced ventilation at home

The simplest option for forced ventilation is the installation of hoods and fans that stimulate active air movement. When installing, it is necessary to build a circulation system in which the most polluted room will be the last in the chain - otherwise the effect will be the opposite of what was expected.

Convenient to use fans hidden installation, which do not harm the interior design. Such fans are installed in the ceiling space: they, like those mounted directly on air duct grilles, supply air from the room to the general air exhaust system.

Organizing the flow of air into rooms can be reduced to creating a pressure difference inside and outside the house. Residents will not feel this difference, but it will ensure efficient circulation.

The problem of noise is solved by various design techniques: for example, the use of rubber-metal bushings. Modern fans, of course, are not able to operate absolutely silently - however, they do not have a serious impact on the comfort of the residents of the house.

Fans and hoods are not the most advanced solutions available today. Installation of separately mounted supply system has a number of important advantages.

The main one is the issue of air temperature. Easy to use compulsory system, in the summer, the air in the room quickly heats up, and in the winter, on the contrary, it cools down just as quickly. Therefore, a system that brings the air supplied to the room to the required temperature provides greater comfort.

Such systems also have additional functions: air purification (which is especially important if the house is located within the city, or near a busy highway), humidity control, and ionization.

Such a system is usually installed in non-residential premises: on ground floor, or, conversely, in the attic. The noise from its operation will disturb residents much less. With the proper level of sound insulation in technical premises, it is possible to achieve a complete absence of noise emanating from the ventilation system in residential areas.

The ventilation system is traditionally controlled using conventional switches, combined with light switches. But that's not the only thing Possible Solution. Systems are becoming increasingly relevant " smart home", when used, ventilation control is provided from an electronic remote control. It can even be done, for example, from a smartphone.

Another important advantage modern systems forced ventilation is an opportunity to implement energy-saving technologies. This issue should be addressed separately.

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The organization of air exchange in residential premises is determined by the needs of people and animals, the need to remove exhaust air, remove bad odors and harmful gases formed during the functioning of living organisms, household or specialized equipment. differ in their parameters and composition, corresponding to the size and specifics of the premises served. Let's consider one of the important and common options - the cottage ventilation system.

Air exchange in the apartment usually done using general house ventilation system. In the kitchen, There are ventilation ducts in the toilet and bathroom, providing exhaust air exhaust in the calculated volumes. Other premises(rooms and corridors) are naturally ventilated, due to leaks in window and door openings. Nowadays, when they are widely used plastic windows And door leaves with a rubber seal around the entire perimeter, natural ventilation becomes insufficient and requires the installation of duct fans to increase the exhaust volumes.

A cottage is a separate building that has a complex configuration compared to an apartment, including an attic and basement.

Natural ventilation for cottages is becoming insufficient, and there is no common house system, as in apartment buildings. Therefore, it is necessary to organize and equip a full-fledged supply and exhaust system, sometimes combined with air conditioning and heating. In any case, it is impossible to neglect the organization of air exchange; this must be done at the stage of designing the house and create a system during construction.

Types of ventilation

When creating a ventilation system can be used different kinds air exchange. To achieve maximum effect, it is customary to use everything available methods and options, but the most effective and powerful system is always adopted as the main system. Let's look at the available types:

Natural ventilation in the cottage

Natural ventilation is a way of organizing air exchange by using leaks in openings, enclosing structures, and air in and out when opening doors or windows. The air pressure is different indoors and outdoors, which creates a draft that removes waste air or creates an influx of fresh air.

Natural ventilation - the simplest air exchange option, But at the same time, the most unstable and unreliable. The pressure difference can change in any direction. It depends on weather conditions, time of year or day, wind direction and other reasons. Besides, natural ventilation cannot be calculated in any way. Until recently, the supply of fresh air was ensured by the presence of gaps in wooden windows nyh and door blocks, but modern plastic windows do not allow fresh air to penetrate inside, which makes natural air exchange ineffective or completely impossible.

Forced ventilation

Forced ventilation is based on the use mechanical methods supply and output of air flows. They are used connected to a system evenly distributed throughout all rooms of the house. There are two types of forced ventilation:


Produced active supply of fresh air into the room, and the exhaust air is removed due to displacement through leaks and holes in the enclosing structures


Performed exhaust air pumping, and replenishment with a fresh flow occurs naturally, through openings, technological openings and vents

Both options extremely rarely used separately. This only happens in separate rooms that have the ability to remove or replenish the required volume of air from adjacent rooms or corridors.

Supply and exhaust

A full-fledged cottage ventilation system is always based on the use of two lines simultaneously, it is called - supply and exhaust. It is organized in such a way that the volumes of incoming and outgoing air correspond to each other. This allows you to avoid the effect of “slamming doors”, when excessive pressure is created in the house or, conversely, depression, causing difficulties with the door leaves.

Ventilation of basements and ground floors

Basement or basement rooms provided with natural exhaust air channels, extending vertically upward through the roof. In addition, to enhance the effect and ensure a stable air exchange mode, it is used supply and exhaust system, ensuring the supply and output of the flow in a given mode.

My home is my castle. This expression is very accurate for modern houses, because construction technologies are at such a level that modern houses can easily boast of their strength and tightness. This is exactly what we achieve when building in our private house, and it is precisely because of this that problems related to ventilation in the house then begin. Situations often arise when, when building a cottage or purchasing finished house Subsequently, we discover that even basic natural exhaust air ducts from the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen are missing, but even if they are, the rooms still feel musty air that is not ventilated, foreign odors, and dampness.

There are cases when air enters the house through natural exhaust ventilation risers with corresponding odors. Why is this happening? Why Houses are we stuffy? Why is it that when there is natural exhaust ventilation at home, we can’t breathe, and why is there a strong smell of cooking in the kitchen when there is an exhaust hood over the stove?

Natural ventilation at home

First, let's start with the fact that when building a house or cottage, you need to take care of the natural exhaust ventilation.
Ventilation risers from the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen areas must extend beyond the roof, ensuring continuous natural outflow of air from these areas. Natural ventilation of the house, the simplest and inexpensive way ensure the necessary air exchange and even if supply and exhaust ventilation is then designed in the premises, natural ventilation must be present. With properly organized natural ventilation, air movement should begin from the living quarters and pump its way into the exhaust ducts of the kitchen, bathroom, and bathroom.

Country house ventilation functions

For the proper functioning of exhaust ventilation at home, you need to think not only about how air will get inside, which will then exit into the exhaust system through the kitchen, bathroom and bathroom, but also about how the air moves freely through all rooms. There are several ways to solve the problem. The simplest one is to simply keep windows or vents slightly open in living rooms, and in order for air to freely penetrate through all rooms, it is necessary to provide a gap of 5 mm under each interior door or equip the rooms with flow grilles. Then fresh air will move through the rooms to the kitchen and bathroom, ensuring normal air exchange in the house.

This method, as you understand, is far from the most ideal. Especially in winter period, when it’s -20 0 C outside, it’s very uncomfortable to keep the windows open, and such a system will only work in winter, spring and autumn, when natural air draft will be created due to the temperature difference inside the house and outside, but in the summer it won’t even help wide open windows. In summer, air will not flow indoors due to the fact that the temperature inside the room is compared with the temperature outside, the draft in the exhaust ducts disappears and ventilation stops completely, with all the ensuing consequences. The same thing will happen if you install passive valves like KIV or Aereko, there are air valves which can be installed in the windows themselves and in all these cases, you will no longer have to keep the windows open, air will pass through the valves, but ventilation will again not work in the summer.

Installation of ventilators to create systemic ventilation in the house

The next way to establish a natural ventilation system is to install type, etc. to living rooms. The ventilator forces air into the room continuously and around the clock, normalizing the natural outflow of air through exhaust ducts. Again, do not forget about the gaps under interior doors.
Installation of ventilators together with natural exhaust ventilation is one of the budget options organization of year-round air exchange in country house, but this method, compared to opening windows, entails constant operating costs. Ventilators come with heated air and without heating; naturally, the cost of their operation differs significantly. (). In order for ventilation country house or cottage was constant, there were no drafts in the rooms and at the same time the cost of its operation was minimal; there are supply and exhaust units with heat recovery.

You can ask a reasonable question that people used to live in country houses and didn’t know about any ventilators, while feeling great. All this is true, but before there were no such technologies in construction and there were no plastic windows either. The air penetrated perfectly through the leaks of the wooden windows, through ceilings going into the attic and then onto the street. In a modern country house, this phenomenon is completely excluded.

Owners should especially think about ventilation wooden houses. And it doesn't matter whether you live in the house all year round or you come and live in it periodically - ventilation in the house should be constant and year-round. To preserve the wood and prevent mold and mildew from forming in the house, constant air exchange in the rooms is necessary.

Air handling units with heat recovery for a country house

First, let's try to figure it out. Knowing what it is and in what cases and premises one or another type of recuperator can be used, we can safely talk about how best to use it for ventilation of a cottage or country house. Let us immediately make a reservation that the use of supply and exhaust ventilation in a room does not exclude the presence of natural exhaust ventilation ducts, but their joint use will lead to a change in the functioning of natural ventilation.

In order to improve ventilation in living rooms and at the same time reduce operating costs, we install a heat recovery system that consumes a minimum of electricity and is capable of supplying warm air to the room even in winter. For residential premises, it is better to use a recuperator based on cellulose or simply made from paper. In addition to good efficiency (as strange as it may sound), such recuperators also allow you to maintain humidity in the room, which is sorely lacking in winter. As a result, after installing supply and exhaust ventilation, living rooms will be well ventilated, but such a ventilation system does not affect the kitchen, bathroom, or bathroom. From there, only extraction will continue to take place, but not in a natural way. The supply and exhaust ventilation system is balanced, that is, as much air enters the room as it is removed to the street. The problem with exhaust ventilation arises again. There may be several solutions to this problem.

First, to the supply exhaust system An additional device (ventilator) is installed in any of the rooms, for example in the living room, which pumps in excess air for a natural ventilation system. Thus, excess air appears in the house, which will go outside through the natural ventilation system, removing unpleasant odors from the kitchen, bathroom and removing excess humidity In bathroom.

Second, exhaust fans with check valves are installed in the exhaust air ducts in the kitchen, bathroom, and bathroom, which are turned on as needed. Exhaust fans will create a short-term slight distortion in the supply and exhaust ventilation system, which is, in principle, allowed when operating supply and exhaust units.

Ventilation system for a cottage

Typically, cottages have not only bedrooms and living rooms, but also a sauna, a car garage and other utility and technical rooms that require a special approach when installing a cottage ventilation system. Used, foul-smelling air must be removed from the garage, kitchen and restrooms, combustion must be maintained in the boiler room and fireplace room by supplying oxygen, and the humidity level must be regulated in the sauna and swimming pool, preventing the appearance of excessive dampness. Our experienced engineers will help you organize the ventilation process in your country house in the best possible way. The rooms where the fireplace is installed also deserve a separate discussion.

1. Roof fans for general ventilation of premises.
2. Roof valve for ventilation of under-roof and attic spaces.
3. Ventilation outlet of sewer risers.
4. Ventilation outlet for kitchen hood.
5. Ventilation outlet of the central vacuum cleaner and other ventilation systems.
6. Antenna output.

Elements of exhaust ventilation for a country house

The answer to this question is quite simple, because there is not enough air to support the combustion process. Medieval fireplaces, just like modern ones, need an influx of fresh air, and the amount of it, of course, depends on the size of the fireplace, but is approximately 200-300 m 3 /h. This amount of air must come from somewhere inside the room before it flies out into the chimney along with the smoke. In order to sit by the fireplace in winter, you need to supply the required amount of air into the room, and even heat it up. For example, to heat 300 m 3 / h of air from -20 0 C to +20 0 C, 4 kW / h of electricity will be required. Of course, we don’t warm ourselves by the fireplace for days, but nevertheless, if you have a fireplace or are just starting to build a house, you need to think about how to provide the fireplace with air.
One of the interesting and economical solutions to this issue, in our opinion, is to supply the air duct directly to the combustion zone from the street. As soon as you light the fireplace, a natural draft is created in the pipe and air begins to be sucked through the air duct from the street, which ensures excellent combustion of wood. The air duct can be equipped with a plug in order to prevent the penetration of cold air when the fireplace is not burning.

Ventilation in the boiler room

If you have a gas boiler installed in your house, then the following must be organized in the boiler room:
1. Natural exhaust to the roof.
2. Exhaust warm air from the boiler itself onto the roof.
3. Natural air flow from the street (without any fans or electrical devices.)

Ventilation installation

The overwhelming number of homeowners choose it because it successfully simultaneously removes used air and replenishes fresh air, which means it provides comfort, health, good performance and vigor to the people living in the house. Among the undoubted advantages of choosing a supply and exhaust ventilation system at home are the following:

Full control over air exchange.
- High economic and operational parameters.
- Automatic system maintaining the ventilation system to parameters preset by the homeowner.

The supply and exhaust ventilation system of a country house passes incoming air through filters, cleaning it, warming it using electric or water heating element, recuperator or cools, while simultaneously removing used air, unpleasant odors and excess moisture from the premises.

When is it best to install a ventilation system?

From the standpoint of economy and efficiency, it is better to install and design ventilation in a private house during the construction stage. Until completion construction work You can allocate a special room for a ventilation chamber, which will significantly simplify equipment maintenance. But even in a fully built house, where people have been living for many years, our experienced craftsmen can integrate ventilation equipment into engineering systems cottage. This step will significantly improve living conditions in the house.

Why design and installation should be entrusted to us

The Climate Control group of companies has Huge experience in the design of ventilation systems and carrying out installation work in cottages, frame and wooden houses with a total area of ​​two square kilometers. Our engineers and installers are well aware of the features of air exchange and distribution for a private home, take into account all the subtleties, and are able to quickly resolve all emerging issues.

Our company’s specialists are engaged in the installation of turnkey ventilation systems, that is:

They will accurately calculate the system power required for your home.

We will select the best equipment that suits your requirements.

We will prepare a detailed project that meets all your requirements.

They will quickly install and adjust the ventilation system.

Provide warranty and post-warranty maintenance of ventilation equipment.

The ecology outside dusty, polluted megacities is incomparably better: there are more green spaces, fewer cars and industries, which means the air is much cleaner. Despite these positive factors, when building a cottage, there is still a need to design and install a ventilation system. If there is no constant air exchange in the house, then the air quality in the cottage premises may be significantly worse than outside: dust, humidity, fumes from finishing materials, furniture, and carbon dioxide - all this must be removed somehow. Ventilation must perform this function.

The choice of ventilation for a cottage depends on many parameters: the area and number of floors of the house, its geographical location, availability of a basement, swimming pool, financial capabilities. It is necessary to consider how the repair and maintenance of ventilation systems will be carried out, because without regular cleaning it will lose its functionality.

Types of ventilation for a cottage: pros and cons

The air in the cottage must be replaced by a supply and exhaust ventilation system. The hood removes all spent vapors and replaces them with fresh atmospheric air. The functionality of such a system is carried out in three ways.

Natural ventilation

This is the most affordable in financially, the oldest and easiest to install type of ventilation. Its effectiveness depends on the difference between external and internal air temperatures, parameters atmospheric pressure, wind direction and stable flow into the room supply air. To comply with the last condition, you will have to make an effort: keep open window- Not the best option. For this purpose, now consider using window or wall supply valves. Repair and maintenance of ventilation systems natural type does not present any great difficulties and comes down to timely cleaning ventilation ducts and supply valves.

Combined ventilation

Supply valves are installed to supply fresh air. Air is removed forcibly through ventilation equipment. If the cottage has a small area, then you can limit yourself to installing exhaust fans in the bathroom and kitchen. In this case, the hood works when the fan is on. More effective option– lead the air ducts into a common channel in which special equipment is installed. Calculation, installation, repair and maintenance of ventilation systems of this type must be performed by specialists.

Forced ventilation

Advantages Flaws
Based on the interaction of supply and exhaust ventilation. But in this case, both inflow and exhaust are carried out forcibly through the operation of technical equipment. The calculation of the ventilation system and the power of the equipment must be carried out by specialists.
Since in the process of work they are involved technical devices, timely repair and maintenance of ventilation systems is necessary.
High efficiency in large houses Calculation, installation and commissioning work must be carried out by specialists
Automatic operation Equipment costs
Maintaining specified air humidity parameters Operating costs required
Possibility to install a recuperator and ensure energy-efficient operation of the system Needs professional service

A ventilation system for a cottage is necessary regardless of what material it is made of. Even breathable properties natural wood unable to provide indoors comfortable microclimate. Calculation and installation of ventilation should be carried out by specialists who will take into account all factors for the most efficient work systems.

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