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The positive impact of positive thoughts on a person's life. How to learn to think positively to change your life for the better

The energy of a positive thought can attract happiness and good luck. Find out how to properly regulate your energy exchange and drive away negativity. Simple and effective ways auto-training to control emotions.

Think positively

Psychologists believe that most of us could do with learning how to attract positivity into our lives. This will help to avoid despair if a bad streak comes in life, and it will simply become a reliable barrier to a bad mood.

If you know how to properly manage your emotions, many problems will not seem so scary, unlike those who are used to looking for the negative in everything. The ability to not dwell on illnesses and failures will be an excellent incentive to leave troubles behind and strive for new heights. It is not without reason that it is said that our well-being directly depends on the quality of our worldview. So let’s think positively, and if we don’t know how, let’s learn right now.

Learning to think positively

In order to attract positive thoughts into life, you need to think about what reasons most often led you to failure in the past. Perhaps they had a lot to do with negative attitude to the world as a whole. If you have beliefs that you personally have no control over your destiny or that life is a series of cruel events, you will have to change your negative thoughts.

Start looking for the bright sides in the world around you, not the dark ones. Think about it, there are probably stories in your life with a good ending. Try to remember your achievements more often, they are a natural development of events for such a smart and successful person, how are you.

Positive thoughts lift your spirits

If you are thinking about how to attract positive attitudes into your life, there is for you useful exercise, which is recommended by some psychologists. They advise using the statement “my world always takes care of me” as a determining factor.

When you begin to repeat and comprehend this phrase more often, it is quite possible that changes for the better will occur in your life. After all, now you don’t have to fight with the surrounding reality and the people you encounter. They will turn from enemies into friends. And if trouble happens in your life, you will perceive it as a useful lesson, and not a global catastrophe.

Positive thoughts include various techniques self-hypnosis that helps improve self-esteem and keep your mind in a calm, contented state. In the morning, you can do a simple exercise: after you have washed your face, look in the mirror and say, “I am satisfied. I'm happy. I'm lucky. And it is true". Repeat this mantra every day and the result will not take long to arrive.

Positive, uplifting thoughts can look like praise to yourself and the world around you. You can enjoy beautiful clouds or good weather. At the same time, saying to yourself that you are satisfied and happy.

Remember that our thoughts represent a powerful energy flow that only we can fill with certain information. Depending on what it is, your life program will develop. Be happy, think positively and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.07.2015 10:00

To achieve happiness in life, it is not at all necessary to make Herculean efforts. The main thing is the attitude. ...

The words we speak have special power. Depending on the meaning and intonation of what is said, a person may...

Positive thinking is the ability to evaluate events and express one's opinion about them from the perspective of what a person has, and not what one does not have. A lot in our life depends on the way we think. If positive thoughts prevail, then a person’s life is filled with good positive events. Situation: “Congratulate me! I broke my heel,” accompanied by the correct emotional reaction and the thought: “That means I’ll buy new shoes soon,” will most likely lead to the joy of buying new shoes.

Some people, breaking their favorite cup, cry over it and try to glue it back together, others see this as an opportunity to purchase a new tea set.

The law of positive thinking affects not only small everyday situations and issues, it applies everywhere!

How to learn to think positively in any difficulty?

A person’s thoughts really have enormous power, as do words.

A person chooses how to react to a particular life event. There is a wonderful anecdote about this: “A wounded man is brought to the intensive care unit with a knife sticking out between his shoulder blades.
The doctor asks: “Does it hurt?”
Wounded: - “Only when I laugh!”
In any situation, a person can find something that inspires him or something that depresses him.

How to start thinking positively?

The need for positive thinking is explained by the law of attraction:
“A person always gets from life what he expects” or receives confirmation of his fears.

Therefore, it is very difficult to convince a pessimist to think about the good. And from the lips of an optimist you can often hear the words “Everything will be fine!” and it turns out like in that parable about the donkey. They buried him in a hole, and he trampled the earth under his hooves and thereby ended up at the top

Of course, people suffer defeats every day in the fight against life's difficulties. And you can’t close your eyes to all the difficulties and see everything rosy.

However, complaining about everyone and everything when you have bad luck and retreating without having any grounds for this is also unwise. The Law of Attraction will attract similar situations into your life. And you, as they say, will step on the same rake. This means something needs to change. And you need to start with your thoughts, forming positive thinking. Why do you need this?

Firstly, a person with positive thinking is not a blind optimist. But rather, he is a self-confident realist. Because expecting positive events in your life leads to their fulfillment.

Not only thanks to the strength of a person’s thoughts, but his actions, the strength of his spirit. Which certainly leads to the implementation of the plans, and the person feels successful and effective

It is very important here not to confuse positive thinking with thoughtless expectation of gifts of fate. A person who thinks positively believes in himself first, no matter what. Positive thinking helps a person overcome stressful situations easier than a pessimist manages. So, if you're tired of living at the zebra crossing, let's move to the rainbow.

How to think positively? First, we need to start cleaning

Try to get rid of all negative thoughts and images in your head. Throw away all trash. These are all kinds of fears, resentments, hatred, anger, etc. old “things” that cause you great harm and pain.

To start thinking positively, try to cleanse yourself of unnecessary grievances and learn to forgive

  • Next, train your mind to think positively in terms of “it is possible” and “it can be done.” After all, the basis of positive thinking is self-confidence, a sense of your capabilities.
  • A person who thinks positively has freed himself from negative thoughts about himself. Your conscious belief that you are not good enough constantly guides your actions, and therefore always manifests itself in life.
  • To learn to think positively, look within yourself good qualities and even this alone can turn your life around. Health will improve (because good health begins with self-love), relationships will improve, and the path will open for expansion. creative possibilities, success will appear - this is your result if you learn to think positively
  • Dream like children!

By creating harmony and balance in our minds, we begin to find the same in our lives. What we believe becomes real. We need to think about the good more often, wait for it, believe in it. Our thoughts, words, how we express ourselves create our future. Positive thinking is the best way conservation inner peace and balance

To learn to think positively, you need to at least tell yourself more often: “Everything will be fine!”

Greetings, dear readers! today again about how to think positively, because there is never too much positive thinking. I have a list for you that contains the best positive thoughts for every day.

How effective is positive thinking?

If we want to achieve serious changes for the better in our lives, of course, simply reading affirmations and thinking about our desires is not enough. Positive thinking can produce amazing results and bring the changes we need in life, but only under certain conditions.

If you read affirmations, and at the same time, without ceasing to complain about life and concentrate on problems, you will not see the desired results soon. It is not enough to read affirmations in the morning and forget about them, returning to your usual way of thinking. Affirmations are just the beginning of change. Affirmations are not just statements. Which you re-read regularly, but also what you think and mentally say to yourself. Your internal dialogue is a stream of statements, positive or not, but over time it forms strong beliefs, which materialize, creating your reality in which you live.

For positive thinking to lead to the desired changes in life, it is important not only to read affirmations, but also to think about good things throughout the day. This requires awareness to... Affirmations are seeds that you plant in your mind. But whether they sprout or grow depends on the soil in which they are planted. Therefore, the more time you concentrate on the positive aspects of life, the more often you experience joy and happiness, the faster you will see the desired changes for the better in your life.

Another important point in the practice of positive thinking - emotions. Arouse bright positive emotions in yourself - whether you read affirmations, visualize your desires, or simply tune in to a positive wave. The brighter and stronger your sensations, the faster your thoughts materialize and desires come true. Emotions and sensations are the key to creating the desired reality! This is the secret to fulfilling your desires and creating your new life - the life of your dreams.

For positive thinking to work and you get what you want, turn away from everything that does not suit you, upsets you, throw out of your life self-pity, complaints about injustice and blaming anyone for your current problems, as well as discussion negative news. Take responsibility for everything that happens in your life and start changing it. After all, it is within your power. Focus only on the good, and then there will be more and more of it in your life.

Want to more money- turn away from their lack, think about abundance, find prosperous people, communicate with them, observe them, become infected with their way of thinking and acting.

If you want more health, stop thinking about illnesses, pay attention to ways to improve your health and improve your health, do things that will benefit your body - healthy eating, moderate exercise stress, bright, good thoughts and a mood for recovery.

If you want a strong, loving family, stop thinking about problems in relationships, it’s better to look everywhere for examples of strong loving couples, they exist, you just need to switch your focus and you will notice them.

Negative thinking is just a habit and can be changed. You just have to want it and put in a little effort. By first consciously focusing on positive things, step by step you will train yourself to notice all the good things, letting the negative pass by.

Whatever you strive for, look everywhere for more and more confirmation of your positive thoughts, train your mind to concentrate on the good, and you will attract the best into your life. Positive thinking every day is the key to your happy and joyful future.

You can start with these positive statements.

Positive thinking every day - 30 sayings

  1. If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to get it.
  2. If you have a desire, then there are opportunities to make it come true
  3. In order to achieve great success, you need not only to act, but also to dream
  4. I will strive for the best and achieve everything I want!
  5. If you feel that this is exactly what your soul desires. Don't listen to anyone, go forward to your dream!
  6. Believe in yourself even when no one believes in you
  7. Miracles are where people believe in them. And the more they believe, the more often they happen
  8. Everything you broadcast to the world comes back to you multiplied.
  9. There are no problems. There are only possibilities
  10. Change yourself, and then the world around you will change
  11. Your every thought creates, every word creates. You are able to create your own world with your thoughts
  12. Your life is in your hands. You yourself are capable of creating your new reality, the reality of your dreams.
  13. You are worthy better life and all the blessings that exist in the Universe. Open up to this flow
  14. The universe is abundant, there is enough in the world for everyone.
  15. Put love in everything you do, in every action you take.
  16. All changes are for the better! Feel free to move towards something new
  17. Thank the Universe for everything that is already in your life
  18. Your thoughts are the key to making all your dreams come true!
  19. Change your thoughts - and then the world around you will change
  20. You can create the life of your dreams yourself. The power is within you.
  21. Want to change the world? Another man? Own life? Start changes with yourself
  22. If you can change something, change it; if you can’t, stop worrying.
  23. Happiness is in the present moment - feel happy now!
  24. When you really want something, the whole Universe helps to make your wish come true
  25. Think good, radiate happiness, and your wishes will come true
  26. You can create anything you want once you believe in it
  27. Believe in the best, expect the best - and you will receive only the best in life
  28. The greatest wealth you have is time. Appreciate it, invest wisely
  29. Love yourself and accept yourself for who you are. God created you this way, you are already perfect
  30. Create yourself, create your life! Immerse your thoughts in your dream, and soon it will become your reality

Positive thinking is a choice. You have the right to think about things that lift your spirits, give you a more constructive perspective on difficult situations, and brighten up your day with brighter, more optimistic approaches to what you do. By choosing a positive outlook, you will move out of the negative thinking frame that limits your life and see life as filled with opportunities and solutions rather than worries and obstacles. If you want to know how to become a positive thinker, follow these simple tips.


Part 1

Evaluating Your Thoughts

    Be responsible for your attitude towards life. You are fully responsible for your thoughts and your attitude towards life. If only negative comes into your head, you yourself lead everything to this. With the right approach, you can change your outlook to a more positive one.

    Realize the benefits of positive thinking. Choosing to think more positively will not only help you take control of your life and make everyday experiences more enjoyable, but it will also impact your mental and physical health and your ability to adapt to change. If you are aware of all these benefits, you will be motivated to think positively on an ongoing basis. Here are the main benefits of positive thinking:

    • You extend your life
    • You experience less depression and stress
    • You become more resistant to cold
    • Your mental and physical state improves
    • You cope better with stress
    • You become more prone to serious relationship and creating strong connections
  1. Keep a journal to record your thoughts. By writing down your daily thoughts, you can see how your positive and negative thinking tends to develop. Write down your thoughts and feelings and try to identify which moments trigger positive and negative thoughts in you. Spending just 20 minutes a day to monitor your thoughts will help you figure out what causes negative associations in you and how to turn them into positive ones.

    • You can keep a diary in any form. Instead of filling up the pages of your diary, you can simply write down 5 predominant negative and positive thoughts for the day.
    • Be sure to take time to evaluate and analyze the information in your diary. If you write every day, schedule a review for the end of each week.
  2. Take care of your physical health. If you change your physical habits, your mind will follow suit. To feel happier, approach your physical condition in a positive way. Maintain good posture by standing straight and keeping your shoulders down and back. Slouching leads to negative emotions. Smile more often. People around you will smile back at you, and the smile itself will help convince your body that you are happy.

    Develop mindfulness. Being aware of your actions and life will make you feel happier. If you live your life on autopilot, you will soon forget how to find joy in everyday things. By paying attention to your surroundings, your choices, and your daily activities, you will gain greater control over your life and sense of joy.

    Explore your creative self. If you haven't thought about being creative before, now is the time to change your mind. Spend some time making art, making something with your hands, or exploring your most original ideas- all this can awaken in you the power to think outside the box and, therefore, think positively. Even if you doubt whether you have any creativity, there are tons of ways to express yourself to become more positive.

  3. You can't always control the events in your life, but you can choose what you think and how you feel. You can look at the world positively or negatively. You decide.
  4. Keep fit and eat healthy. These are important components of a positive outlook on the world - because it is very difficult to be positive when you feel bad or out of shape.
  5. Laugh more often. Laughter and good emotions, entertainment, joy and fun - all this plays important role in maintaining Have a good mood. And it's okay to laugh at a critical moment, because sometimes humor is what we need to begin to solve a problem.
  6. If you feel like you've had a bad day, think about those good things what happened on this day. Also think about how many bad things could happen that day. You'll be surprised how good your day turns out to be if you look at it this way.
  7. Having control over your life is an important part of positive thinking.
  8. Warnings

  • Sometimes worrying about the past or future gets in the way of positive thinking. If you are stuck in the past, allowing sad and bad experiences to guide you in life, try to learn to accept what happened so that you do not allow it to influence your thinking and outlook. If you're focusing on the future at the expense of the present, try to worry less about the day ahead and start living in the present.
  • If you are having suicidal thoughts, seek help immediately. Because you not only deserve to live life, but to live it to the fullest. Many people are ready to help you in moments of despair and difficulty.
  • If you are experiencing anxiety and depression, you need to seek help. They are not equated with general negative thinking, although such thinking can precipitate/prolong anxiety and depression. In this case, you need to immediately consult a doctor, and the sooner you do this, the faster you will return to a normal and fulfilling life.

Many people ask how to learn to think positively?

Today I will tell you the whole truth about positive thinking. But most importantly, you will understand how to actually think positively in order to change your life in better side and that for this you need to first achieve peace of mind.

Now it has become fashionable to talk about positive thinking; everyone has probably heard about Louise Hay and her methods. And indeed, such the right approach improves our mood, makes us happy and healthy. And a bad mood, constant stress, and lack of positivity lead to illness and worsen the quality of life. And here positive advice from Louise Hay or other promoters of a positive attitude towards the world comes to the rescue.

People read them, try to apply their advice, try to smile through their strength, but for some reason the positive never comes. Or it comes, but not for everyone and not for long. Regular stress and troubles in life unsettle us, and in difficult situations we don’t even remember about positive thinking. What is the matter, why do people know that they need to smile often, be cheerful, but nothing happens. It turns out that life is not so simple. If it were so easy, then everyone would be happy after reading Louise Hay's books. But this doesn't happen. Today you will understand why this happens.

The Harm of Positive Thinking

In fact, if you follow the advice of Louise Hay, Pravdina and other popularizers of this approach, without understanding the essence of the matter, you will only do yourself harm. Yes, indeed, the result of such advice can have positive influence on your life, but then you will create problems for yourself. Why is that? I'll explain now.

By specifically cultivating positive thoughts in yourself, trying to develop positive thinking, you simultaneously get rid of negative thoughts. Thus, you suppress them in yourself, try not to notice them, hide from them.

It would seem that there is something wrong with this.

Let's say a person has problems. The psyche reacted with fear, worry or another bad feeling. This makes a person feel uncomfortable and unpleasant. Then he remembers, because of some book, that you need to think about good things and good things will happen. He remembers how to quickly tune in to positive thoughts, begins to forcefully evoke joy or another good emotion in himself, and tries to smile. And out of fear he turns away and tries not to notice him.

By doing this he is making a big mistake.

It turns out that bad emotions have not gone away, they have only been forced out of the surface consciousness and pushed deeper into the subconscious. A person thinks that he has gotten rid of fear, but in fact he has simply turned away from it, pretending that it does not exist. You can also draw an analogy with a mask. A person puts on a mask of joy, happiness, but inside this mask there is the same fear.

What happens next?

A positive thinker thinks that everything will be fine now.

Although if he listens to himself and is honest with himself, he will still feel inside himself, in the depths of his soul, some kind of anxiety, discomfort. Fear, sitting inside, does its destructive work, but unnoticed by the owner himself. This is where illnesses or mental problems come from. And almost everyone lives like this.

Most people suppress bad feelings, trying to tune themselves into positive thoughts as much as possible.

At work, our bosses pester us and we, gritting our teeth, endure it. We don’t talk about our problems at home, for fear of seeming like a whiner or weak. We tolerate our lack of money, trying to imagine that we will someday be rich and soon live well.

But trying in this way to develop positive thinking in ourselves, to look at the world positively, deep down in our souls we are all unhappy and dissatisfied with life. By doing this, we are telling ourselves, on the contrary, that we are...

And then a breakdown occurs. A bad feeling, driven inside, shoots out in the form of neurosis, hysteria, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, panic attacks or in the form of another problem, both physically and mentally.

Imagine a boiling pan that has been closed with a lid. It seems that nothing is happening, but with a certain level of increasing internal tension, a natural explosion occurs. And the whole philosophy of positive thinking fails in this case.

And everyone knows the laws "like attracts like" , "Think about the good and good will happen" It seems they are starting to work the other way around. You've probably heard how the law of attraction is associated with positive thinking. It seems that what a person wanted, forcing himself to cultivate positivity, happens in the beginning. But then for some reason even bigger problems come. But there is no contradiction here.

First, the law worked correctly. Indeed, as soon as we learn to think positively, only good things are attracted.

It’s just that our subconscious talks to the Universe, to the world. And what will happen to you is what the subconscious is talking about, what impulses it sends. But we don’t always realize this, we don’t always hear ourselves.

Even if it seems to us that everything is fine, putting a mask of well-being on our face, inside we are still unhappy. Inside, we were not satisfied with the true state of affairs, trying to think about the good.

This means that the subconscious tells the world that in fact everything is bad and this bad thing happens.

This is very well felt by other people. When communicating with those who try to look cheerful, although there is hidden depression inside, one involuntarily feels this inner sadness.

Or a fanatic of some religion talks to everyone about Love, although there is no real Love inside. This can be found, for example, among Orthodox ministers or Muslims. They encourage everyone to love, and being close to them, you feel the presence, on the contrary, of black power. All religious wars arise due to the discrepancy between what is in the head, that is, in thoughts, and what is actually in the soul.

Or remember the so-called “American smile”, which often leads to mental distortions and inappropriate behavior

(I do not want to offend anyone with these examples, because this does not apply to everyone).

And secondly, other laws come into play: law of equilibrium , “what we are afraid of happens” .

By highlighting only the positive and not noticing the negative, we are at one point in the dual world. Tension is created, and that part of the world that we do not notice will certainly appear according to the law of balance. And the more we run away from negativity, the more it will manifest itself in our lives.

If we prefer only one thing, the opposite is sure to haunt us. This is the law.

You need to understand that the world consists of two pairs of opposites; there is both good and bad in the world. “Yang turns into yin,” said Eastern philosophers. And a wise attitude towards life implies acceptance of all its sides.

Rethinking Positive Thinking

I want you to understand me correctly.

I am not against positive thinking, I am against the simplistic approach and misinterpretation of positive thinking. I am against not looking at the world wisely.

It's time for us to grow up and get smarter.

How to truly and correctly begin to think positively and enjoy life.

Now you will find out everything.

But first you must understand a very important thing.

By indulging your selfish motives, that is, by submitting to your ego, being at the mercy of lower feelings and emotions, you will never be able to truly begin to think positively.

After all, if you look at it, our ego makes us look at the world positively. It is simply afraid to look at the true reality.

Let me remind you that this is the lowest part of human consciousness, consisting of all kinds of mental programs, emotions, habits, that is, our entire psyche. But we, as an entity, are above it.

The ego is designed in such a way that it is constantly afraid, wants to feel good and comfortable. As soon as trouble hits us, the ego hides from reality and we force ourselves to think positively. As a result, we do not accept the bad side of our lives, as well as our negative emotions. We replace fear with positive thinking and ignore negative events.

This leads, firstly, to illness, and secondly, to troubles, which sooner or later will come with even greater force.

And it’s all because of our base, selfish motives.

Remember, somewhere deep down within us, real positive feelings and a correct view of the surrounding reality are hidden. We all subconsciously know how to change our thinking to a positive one. Just as a result increased work ego, we have forgotten how to experience good, non-selfish feelings.

Remember yourself as a child, in your youth. After all, you experienced more positive feelings then, positive thoughts about life visited you more often.

And what happened then? It’s just that the bustle of life has swallowed you up; you have acquired egoistic programs in your head that consume the lion’s share of vital energy and do not allow you to look positively at reality. You have simply lost touch with your inner essence, which was established in childhood. How to set yourself up for positive thinking? This is easy to do, but it requires a completely different strategy.

You need to go beyond your selfish motives, not follow the lead of lower animal feelings, but establish a connection with your inner essence. That's where they live positive emotions, there you will find them.

So, problems are falling on you, you are in a difficult life situation. Following your fears, whims, that is, lower selfish motives, you want everything to be only good for you. To correct the situation, you begin to try to think positively, and you try not to notice the fears that arise in a difficult situation. You also try not to notice the problem that has befallen you.

But we need to act differently.

First you need to accept the difficult life situation and calmly come to terms with what happened.

This requires the skill of acceptance, as well as the ability to be mentally in difficult situations life.

And forget about positive thinking at first.

Better learn to accept the world as it is, and also calmly accept your fate, your current situation.

Remember the words of Confucius about that happy is not the one who has the best, but the one who gets the best out of what he has.

If you are now poor and you constantly lack money, you do not need to be upset about this and tell yourself every day: “I will become rich, I have a lot of money.” This will never make you rich. You do not accept your current situation. And because of this, it will haunt you for a long time.

If you are now in a difficult situation in life, then this is your fate at this stage. Life in this way wants to show you something, teach you something. I'm not saying you shouldn't strive for better. I'm talking about the fact that you need, first of all, to always be happy. If you are not happy best moments life, it means you will be happy even when life gets better. And if you cry and do not accept the difficult times of your fate, then better times may not come at all.

You also need to accept any emotions and feelings within yourself.

By trying to think positively, you establish a ban on negative thoughts, thereby suppressing them. This is a direct road to body diseases and mental problems.

That is, if you begin to experience bad emotions, let’s say fear or worries, you don’t need to run away from them, pretend that there is no fear, forcefully try to smile or repeat affirmations to yourself like “Everything is fine, I’m not afraid.” Calmly come to terms with fear, accept it within yourself, do not create unnecessary tension with your unnecessary efforts to supposedly think positively. Better have the courage and admit that you are afraid. Humility, courage, looking at the world around us and at what is happening within us will create distance between you and your fear. As a result, it will either decrease or disappear completely.

Do you get the point?

The paradox is that if you run away from bad thoughts by trying to think positively, you will not get rid of them, but will only pretend that they are not there. And if you accept them and can face them with courage, they will diminish.

But in reality there is no paradox, there is simply no true understanding of how our consciousness works.

If you calmly accept the difficult times of life and all the feelings within you, even the negative ones, then a miracle will happen. You will begin, unbeknownst to yourself, to think positively. Now you will not be afraid of either your fears or life’s problems, you will boldly look at present events, as well as into the future. Now you not only want life to get better, you are firmly convinced of this by some kind of inner instinct. And now, if you want not to be poor, you will start doing something. But now your actions will be clear and balanced due to the fact that negative thoughts do not cloud your head. After all, you accepted them, and did not drive them inside.

All this will be real positive thinking. But no matter how we strived for it, it happened on its own. We simply came to terms with the difficult times of life, with the bad feelings inside ourselves, calmed down and looked at the situation soberly. I repeat, this seems like a paradox, but this is the true, wise law of our consciousness.

We can say differently that when we begin to accept, and therefore love life in any of its manifestations, the need for positive thinking simply disappears. Because it is already inside initially and when the ego subsides, it comes out.

And people who have this simply never look for answers to questions about how to think positively, they don’t read books about it.

What I want to convey to you is difficult to explain in words. To understand, you have to experience it yourself.

Why is this happening?

You simply, with your humility and correct, wise attitude towards life, calmed the egoistic motives of the lower consciousness of the ego. You have gone beyond it. And since it subsided, it stopped giving you its negative, selfish feelings and emotions: its fears, whims, desires, desires for everything to be only good and everything just for her.

You looked at the world from your true essence, one might say, you opened the doors for your soul.

But she can actually look at the world in a truly positive way.

That is, in order to discover positive thinking in yourself, you need to do a paradoxical thing: stop striving for it altogether. In a difficult situation, you just need to calm down, accept the situation, accept your fears, reconcile yourself, react wisely, without being led by your selfish feelings. And then you will feel that it has become easier for you, you are no longer so afraid of problems. And life's troubles will quickly be resolved. Often the understanding comes that the problem has actually been exaggerated, and it can be easily solved.

All because you looked at the situation soberly and calmly. Your brain was not clouded by internal fears.

By accepting a difficult situation, you also do not create tension, which means that it will soon be resolved and a bright streak will begin in your destiny.

It is also important to understand. If you try to think positively without accepting the negative side of life, then you do not love life in any of its manifestations. You are within the egoistic motives of the lower psyche. And if you don’t love, it means you won’t be able to truly be positive.

And if you accept life in any of its manifestations, it means there is Love inside you, which means you can look at things positively. Do you understand the deep wisdom?

Now you know how to truly learn to think positively, which means attracting only the positive, and living better.

All that remains is to learn to be calm in difficult moments of life, to accept any life circumstances, and not to hide from them. Accept and not suppress your fears, but also not submit to them, be able to look at them boldly. Do not be led by your selfish feelings and emotions.

You can find how to do this in other articles on my blog, I will not repeat here.

In conclusion, I will just give you the words

Sri Bhagavan:

Positive thinking is not about expecting something better to happen all the time. And in accepting everything that happens as the best for this moment.

Now, I think, after reading the article, you understand these words.

Good luck with your ability to think correctly and positively.

And for positive thoughts to come to you, you can also listen to wonderful music, which is what I now suggest you do.

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