Internet magazine of a summer resident. DIY garden and vegetable garden

Insulate a foam block house from the outside with your own hands. The better way to insulate a house from the outside using foam blocks. How to calculate materials for insulating your own home

Preface. In this article we will look at how to insulate a foam block from the outside with your own hands. For many home owners, insulating a foam block house with penoplex, mineral wool and polystyrene foam comes to the fore when cold weather sets in. At the end of the article, watch a video about insulating a foam block façade with mineral wool.

The common name “foam blocks” is popularly given to building blocks made of foam concrete and gas silicate. The material is used for the construction of private, low-rise buildings, or the blocks are used to make an insulating layer on the outside, 300 - 400 mm thick. We previously wrote about how to insulate a house made of gas silicate. In this article we will analyze the insulation of the façade of a foam block house from the outside with our own hands.

Due to their porous structure, foam blocks provide excellent adhesion to any decorating material. But many owners of foam block houses often resort to insulating it themselves. Is it necessary to insulate a house made of foam blocks and how to insulate a house made of foam blocks? Read further in this article what materials can be used.

Is it worth insulating a house made of foam block?

Scheme of a ventilated facade

How feasible is it, is it necessary to insulate a foam block house? Foam concrete was invented for the construction of buildings with single-layer walls without additional insulation. Since they have a low heat transfer coefficient. This eliminates the problem of condensation forming between the wall and the insulation. However, during the harsh Russian winters, a lot of money will be spent on heating the house.

For the heat-saving benefits of foam concrete, you have to pay for the strength of the walls of the house. Masonry made of foam blocks may not withstand the load of “wet” and “ventilated” facades. Foam block is a rather fragile material that is afraid of moisture and freezing. It is not recommended to finish the foam block façade with decorative and natural stone. To insulate a foam block house from the outside, polystyrene foam, penoplex or mineral wool are often used.

Experts do not recommend insulating a foam block house from the inside. However, if a lot of money is spent on heating or the thickness of the walls is not enough to maintain a warm and pleasant microclimate in the room, then the thermal insulation procedure is simply necessary. Moreover, thermal insulation measures should be carried out outside the building.

When insulating from the outside there are a number of advantages:

Dependence on the insulation of the foam block from the outside and inside

1. saving room space;

2. insulation on the side of the heated room, prevents the walls from heating up. During the cold season, the foam block is exposed to negative temperatures and can go through several cycles of freezing and thawing. As a result, the integrity of the blocks is violated;

3. insulation inside the building, shifts the dew point closer to the heated room. Condensation falls deep in the block, which leads to the appearance of mold and gradual destruction of the wall;

4. thermal insulation on the outside of the building will extend the life of the blocks, the insulation prevents freezing of the walls, the dew point is displayed at outer surface, from where condensate is removed by air flows.

How to insulate a foam block house from the outside

What material to choose for thermal insulation? Ideal option For self-insulation foam concrete is a slab material: polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool mats. When using vapor-permeable insulation (mineral wool), it should be protected with waterproofing. If the house is insulated with vapor-proof materials, then a ventilated gap must be installed, which will remove possible condensation from the wall surface.

Insulation of a foam block house with mineral wool

Mineral wool– vapor permeable, environmentally friendly, non-flammable, prevents the spread of fire, and may shrink if not installed correctly. You should work with the material wearing personal protective equipment.

Expanded polystyrene, foam plastic– vapor-tight, has a low heat transfer coefficient and water-repellent properties, does not shrink, does not freeze. When insulating a house with polystyrene foam from the outside, it should be protected from ultraviolet rays with a decorative layer.

Another new material, for insulation of facades country houses- These are thermal panels. The process of insulating a house with thermal panels is very simple and fast, the work is accessible to any non-professional builder.

How to insulate a foam block with polystyrene foam from the outside

Stages of insulating a house made of foam blocks with foam plastic with your own hands:

1. the surface of the wall is cleaned of dust and dirt; if there are unevenness on the wall, then it is leveled;
2. the foam block façade is primed; the primer layer will prevent the glue from being absorbed into the thickness of the wall;
3. a starting metal profile is fixed to the wall; the first row of material will be mounted on it;
4. preparing glue for polystyrene foam, following the instructions, carefully mix the solution with a drill and nozzle;
5. installation slab insulation, the blades are stacked in checkerboard pattern relative to each other;
6. We fix each polystyrene foam slab with a disc-shaped dowel in the corners and in the center of the slab;
7. gluing reinforcing mesh to give the insulation the necessary strength;
8. plastering the insulation and finishing with facade putty, you can also sheathe the house with forcing or siding.

How to insulate a foam block with penoplex from the outside

Stages of insulating a foam block house with penoplex with your own hands:

1. clean the surface of the wall of the house from dust, knock down the flow of mortar;
2. we treat the facade with a primer, which ensures adhesion of the glue to the wall surface;
3. fasten the basement starting profile to the bottom of the wall there is a support for materials that protects the insulation from rodents.
4. preparing glue for penoplex, following the instructions in the instructions, thoroughly mix the solution with a drill;
5. Using a spatula or grater, apply glue to the slabs and glue them to the facade from bottom to top and in a checkerboard pattern;
6. We fix each insulation board in the corners and in the center with an umbrella (disc-shaped) dowel;
7. onto the sheathed façade, glue the reinforcing mesh: first we glue all the corners, and then all the walls;
8. Apply along the grid plaster layer, after drying, apply plaster and paint the facade.

How to insulate a foam block with mineral wool from the outside

We have already written about insulating the facade with mineral wool under siding and plaster. And it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times, so we’ll show you a video of insulating a house made of foam block with mineral wool with your own hands.

Foam concrete today is considered one of the most common materials used in low-rise construction. Therefore, insulating walls made of foam blocks from the outside is important for owners of such houses.

The popularity of houses made of foam concrete is due to a combination of characteristics that make it convenient and profitable for housing construction:

  • low thermal conductivity coefficient, as a result of which less costs are required for thermal insulation;
  • small weight with impressive dimensions, which reduces the cost of transportation and installation of foam blocks;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety;
  • frost resistance;
  • affordable price.

Among experts you can hear debates about whether it is necessary to insulate walls for houses made of foam blocks. There is reason to be confident that it is still necessary - the cellular structure of the foam block helps it retain heat, however, in our climatic conditions, thermal insulation is still necessary. In addition, if the foam blocks are held together not with an adhesive solution, but with concrete, then their thermal insulation properties drop noticeably - concrete seams remain excellent conductors of cold.

Before you start a little review materials most suitable for external insulation, it is useful to recall some features of foam blocks

Insulation of foam blocks is possible both outside and inside the building. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Thermal insulation of the foam block from the outside does not “steal” the space inside the house and does not create problems with fogging of the walls.

Insulation of walls inside is convenient in terms of implementation, it gives more options depending on the choice of insulation, however, this reduces the space inside the house and raises problems with the “dew point”, which have to be solved with the help of a vapor barrier.

To thermally insulate a foam block from the outside, choose one of two insulation options - expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. The methods for using each of them are different - below we will look at the features of each of them. Based on this information, it will be easier for you to decide how to insulate walls made of foam blocks from the outside, and you will know how this can be done.

Expanded polystyrene and its characteristics

Expanded polystyrene is a white substance that consists of individual elastic granules firmly welded into one whole. It is produced by foaming polystyrene; the structure of the foam block consists of 90 percent air. In current construction, this heat insulator claims to be one of the leading places in popularity - it is used for insulating brick, wood and aerated concrete buildings.

Polystyrene foam is one of the best options

Expanded polystyrene has the following characteristics:

  • high degree of thermal insulation due to low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • small mass at large sizes– it allows you to transport it without problems and refuse to use special installation and loading equipment;
  • hydrophobicity – does not allow water to pass through or retain;
  • moisture resistance – the insulating properties do not disappear even after a long stay in a humid environment;
  • environmental friendliness - polystyrene foam is harmless to environment and human health. This property is taken into account when choosing it for the production of food packaging;
  • good workability – polystyrene foam can be cut sharp knife, it is easy to make holes in it and convenient to glue;
  • frost resistance – does not lose its properties at low temperatures;
  • durability;
  • non-flammability;
  • affordable price is a factor that significantly affects the cost of thermal insulation.

Expanded polystyrene is sold in the form of slabs of various thicknesses and sizes. The thickness of the insulating layer depends on the required degree of insulation, climatic conditions in the region and other similar factors. The number of slabs is calculated based on the total area of ​​the walls that need to be insulated.

It is quite easy to work with these plates, since they have strict geometry and, if necessary, are easy to cut

Thermal insulation using expanded polystyrene

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Insulating a foam block is not a difficult task; even a beginner can do it. The main thing is to understand the subtleties and correctly ensure that the insulation is attached to the walls. Before working on wall insulation, you should stock up the following tools and materials:

  • slabs in the required quantity;
  • glue;
  • plastic dowels with a wide head;
  • electric drill and set of drills;
  • dense polyethylene;
  • scotch;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • sharp paper knife;
  • fiberglass reinforcing mesh;
  • ingredients for finishing plaster.

You have collected what you need, now start working on insulation:

  • Before insulating the walls, you need to thoroughly clean them of dirt and construction debris - the surface should be smooth and clean.
  • Prepare the adhesive mass exactly following the instructions on the package - follow the proportions and when stirring, take care not to form lumps.

High moisture-repellent properties materials provide additional waterproofing of foam concrete blocks

  • Wait until the glue dries, then additionally secure each slab with mushroom-shaped plastic dowels. Place them at the corners and in the middle of each slab.
  • Blow out the joints between the slabs construction foam. Once hardened, cut off the excess with a paper cutter.
  • Waterproofing is sometimes placed on top of the slabs so that moisture does not seep through the joints in the insulation - when freezing, the water will expand and destroy the foam concrete. Dense polyethylene is usually used as waterproofing.
  • Place a fiberglass reinforcing mesh on top of the polyethylene and perform finishing using decorative plaster.

Mineral wool and its properties

Mineral wool is made from construction slag, glass or volcanic rocks. Based on this, varieties are distinguished - slag, glass and basalt wool. The material is available in the form of rolls, elastic mats or sheets. Mineral wool is quite often used as a building material for home insulation - the following characteristics contribute to this:

  • low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • high environmental friendliness;
  • ease of operation;
  • basalt wool has fireproof properties, due to which it can be chosen for insulating areas near chimneys and other places with high temperatures;
  • affordable price;
  • durability.

This type of insulation absorbs moisture, so you will have to deal with waterproofing as well.

The disadvantage of mineral wool is its rather impressive mass - therefore, when using it, you should make sure that the structure is able to withstand its weight. It should also be taken into account that mineral wool is capable of retaining moisture, and this negatively affects the thermal insulation qualities. Therefore, when working with this material, it is necessary to install waterproofing.

Insulation of foam blocks with mineral wool

Thermal insulation of walls outside mineral wool as follows:

  • We carefully clean the wall surface from dust and dirt.
  • We place dense polyethylene over the entire surface of the wall - it will act as a waterproofing material. Fastening is carried out with wooden blocks, the thickness of which is slightly greater than the thickness of the cotton wool layer. We place the bars vertically along the entire height of the wall - between them we maintain a distance of 2-3 cm less width roll of mineral wool.
  • The result should be something like wooden frame– place mineral wool tightly inside. To avoid the formation of cold bridges, we glue the joints using adhesive tape.
  • We again put thick polyethylene on top and nail it to the vertical bars using thin wooden planks– as a result, our mineral wool is protected on both sides by waterproofing, and we can not be afraid that it will retain moisture.
  • On vertical bars frame we install siding or any other type of external decorative covering.

Preface. Today we’ll tell you how to insulate a house made of foam blocks from the inside for the winter with your own hands, and what materials are best used for the job. Let's consider independent thermal insulation of foam block walls with polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam and mineral wool. Video instructions at the end of this article from professional builders will reveal this in more detail important topic, as internal insulation of foam concrete walls.

The foam block is a porous material, which makes this material warm enough to build walls. But, often when building walls, the blocks are laid with a small thickness, which is why heating costs country house in winter they increase significantly. Often this question is solved by insulating the foam block from the outside, after which additional cladding of the facade of the house is carried out with vinyl siding.

Is it necessary to insulate the foam block from the inside for the winter?

When erecting walls, you should adhere to the main rule - if the vapor barrier properties are reduced, the materials should be located from the inside out. If the insulation is inside warm room, then this rule will be grossly violated. Because of high humidity the walls in the house will become damp, and fungus and mold may appear in the space between the wall and the insulation.

It is possible to insulate a foam block from the inside, but it would be better to insulate a house from a foam block from the outside. The insulation of foam concrete from the inside consists of high-quality vapor barrier of the thermal insulation layer; it is worthwhile to provide a high-quality ventilation and air conditioning system in the house. But keep in mind that you may encounter the problem of reducing the service life of foam concrete due to freezing of the walls of a country house in winter.

How to insulate a foam block from the inside with your own hands

Internal thermal insulation of any premises must include good vapor barrier basalt wool on both sides. In addition, it will be necessary to protect the insulation from mechanical damage by making a false wall from plasterboard. For interior work Not only fibrous materials made from URSA PureOne glass wool or mineral wool are suitable, but also polystyrene foam boards (penoplex or polystyrene foam).

When using any thermal insulation material, you should avoid joints during installation (cold bridges in the wall), through which cold will penetrate into the room. Insulating the foam block from the inside with polyurethane foam will solve the problem of cold bridges. Spraying polyurethane foam creates a continuous coating on the surface of the wall, however, this is an expensive procedure that requires a lot of experience and special equipment.

How to insulate a foam block from the inside with your own hands

When carrying out work, it is not advisable to use metal carcass, it will provoke the appearance of cold bridges in the structure. When the wall surface is treated with waterproofing, guides made of wooden slats should be secured. After self-installation thermal insulation in the room, the structure is completely covered with a vapor barrier.

How to insulate a foam block with polystyrene foam from the inside

Expanded polystyrene boards are not very suitable for use in residential premises due to their high flammability and phenol release during operation. The joints between the foam boards will allow cold and moisture to penetrate. Despite the fact that the slabs are even, it will still not be possible to join them perfectly. Joints should be sealed polyurethane foam and lay the insulation in two overlapping layers.

Work should be carried out in the warm season in order to dry the room before work. It is better to insulate a house made of foam concrete with polystyrene foam not from the inside, but from the outside under plaster or siding. Whatever option you choose, availability is important smooth walls, you may need to additionally level them before thermal insulation, as in the case of self-insulation of the bathhouse ceiling with foam plastic.

How to insulate a foam block with penoplex from the inside

When insulating a house made of foam block with penoplex, no voids should form between the wall and the slabs of extruded polystyrene foam, otherwise condensation will begin to accumulate in them, which will eventually lead to the appearance of mold. Applying polystyrene foam adhesive evenly over the entire surface of the wall will allow you to avoid the appearance of voids and possible problems in future.

Extruded polystyrene foam sheets also have smooth edges, as well as edges for a tight fit. But you won’t be able to lay the foam boards perfectly without gaps. Therefore, you should stock up on a can of polyurethane foam to seal all the joints between the slabs. For more information about the technology of working with penoplex slabs, see the video at the end of the article.

How to insulate a foam block with mineral wool from the inside

When insulating a foam concrete house from the inside with mineral wool, it is laid on the treated surface roll vapor barrier. Next, a frame is constructed on the wall from wooden beam. The thickness of the bars should be equal to the thickness of the thermal insulation layer, and the distance between the guides should be equal to the width of the mineral wool slabs, minus 1-1.5 cm for more dense placement of basalt slabs in the structure.

The entire structure is covered on the wall vapor barrier film, and a frame of bars is mounted to create a ventilation gap. Next, the wall is sheathed with sheets of plasterboard or clapboard. Thus, the insulation will be protected from moisture and mechanical damage. All that remains is to think about a high-quality attic ventilation system in the house.

Video. How to insulate a foam block house from the inside

August 27, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobby: mobile connection, high tech, computer technology, programming.

My neighbor in the country recently completed the construction of a strong cottage made of foam concrete. And imagine how surprised I was when he recently approached me with a question about how to insulate a house made of foam blocks from the outside. Because as far as I know, this one is porous construction material has a low thermal conductivity coefficient and quite effectively protects rooms from the cold.

As it turned out, some mistakes were made when designing the walls and their thickness was not enough to maintain a comfortable microclimate inside in winter. As a result, a huge amount of gas was spent heating the cottage. Having made simple calculations, my neighbor decided that it was better to insulate the house from foam blocks - inside and out - than to continue to buy tens of cubic meters of gas.

Knowing about my considerable experience in this area, he engaged me to carry out this work, since with his own hands (according to him) he can only press buttons on the keyboard.

I'm always happy to help good people, especially if this service is well paid. Moreover, there was an opportunity to tell everyone how to properly insulate a house made of foam blocks from the outside and inside. And what kind of insulation should be used to do this.

But first things first.

Features of buildings made of foam blocks

I want to tell you right away that cellular blocks were originally invented for this purpose, to build from them buildings and structures with single-layer walls that do not require additional installation thermal insulation materials. Therefore, the question of whether it is necessary to insulate the house should not arise initially.

Personally, I highlight the following advantages residential buildings their foam blocks without wall insulation inside and outside:

  1. Moisture does not condense in the layer of insulating material (due to its complete absence). Consequently, mold, mildew and other harmful microorganisms do not form on the surface of the enclosing walls and inside.
  2. The walls have a uniform structure, which prevents them from freezing. As a result, the building envelope retains its integrity longer, which increases the service life of the building as a whole.
  3. The cost of laying walls from foam blocks (which includes the price of the material) is less than from brick.

I can’t help but mention the drawback. The main one is the insufficient strength of the resulting structure. To combat this phenomenon, I reinforce the walls when building a house. metal rods, as well as at the junction of the interfloor ceiling.

This allows you to distribute the loads more evenly and maintain the integrity of the building.

The feasibility of insulating a foam block house

And yet, I want to return to the question of whether it is necessary to insulate the house from the outside or from the inside, if foam blocks already have fairly high heat-retaining functions?

Personally, my opinion is this. If engineering calculations were carried out correctly and the thickness of the foam concrete used is sufficient for use in the area where the building is being erected, insulation for external walls is not needed.

Well, when during your stay you find out that to maintain a comfortable temperature in the premises you have to use too much energy, you will still have to insulate the facade of the house or install thermal insulation inside the premises.

I recommend combining home insulation from cellular blocks with decorative finishing. Moreover, in some cases the finishing material (for example, ceramic facing brick) has a low thermal conductivity coefficient. But still, the answer to the question of whether insulation is needed between a brick and a foam block largely depends on the operating conditions.

But I won’t theorize much, I’ll move on to the question of the characteristics of insulation: which is better for walls outside and inside the room? I tell you everything in detail and thoroughly.

Insulation materials

As you understand, the outer and inner surfaces of walls are used in different conditions. Therefore, for insulation they should not only be used different materials(here, of course, there are options), but the instructions for installing them themselves are different.

Regardless of your choice, I want to point out that foam concrete itself is not very durable material, therefore, in any case, I advise you to choose and buy heat insulators that, after installation, will not put a significant load on the walls and ceilings.

Well, I’ll move on to the description of contour thermal insulation materials. First, let's decide how to insulate the foam concrete cottage from the outside.

External thermal insulation

I won't list everything possible options because it will take too long. I will focus on the options that I had to use most often:

  1. Mineral wool - n Probably the most universal insulation that can be used to insulate anything. Besides his good technical characteristics, it is also not that expensive. Well, most importantly, in my opinion, the insulation fibers (like the foam concrete itself) do not prevent air infiltration through the enclosing structures, which allows you to create a microclimate that is comfortable for living in the room.

I can also note long term operation and fire safety, which is also very important.

However, all these advantages are negated when the insulation gets wet. As soon as moisture gets inside, the thermal conductivity coefficient of the wool increases and destructive processes begin inside, which ultimately lead to damage to the heat insulator.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take measures to protect the insulating layer from moisture. For this purpose steam and waterproofing films, which are widely represented in specialized construction stores.

  1. Expanded polystyrene. This material is as popular as the previous one. It also makes it possible to insulate walls well and tolerates low temperature, and also has soundproofing properties.

Well, most importantly, it is not afraid of moisture. That is, when wet, its operational properties do not change in any way, which opens up great possibilities for use.

However, insulation of the outside of a house made of foam blocks with polystyrene foam requires additional decorative finishing, since the material itself does not tolerate external mechanical stress and is destroyed under the influence of direct influences. sun rays. The material is often used to insulate exterior walls under siding.

Internal thermal insulation

Now to the question of thermal insulation technology with insulation inside. I’ll say right away that I am not a supporter of this method, since the enclosing walls will freeze from the outside, which is not good from the point of view of their operation.

As for materials, here I can offer the following options to choose from:

  1. Cork. A material with excellent heat-retaining properties, which can play the role of an excellent and effective interior decorative finish. It is made from the bark of the cork tree, so it is completely natural and safe for humans.

But its use requires preliminary interior decoration walls They need to be plastered very evenly and puttied smoothly. If the surfaces have cracks or other defects, this may damage cork covering, the cost of which cannot be called low.

Let me briefly list additional advantages corks as internal insulation:

  • it is easily mounted on adhesive solution, practically without taking up useful space near the walls of the building;
  • in addition to the low thermal conductivity coefficient, the material acts as an excellent sound insulator, absorbing noise from the street;
  • The top of the cork does not need to be painted or varnished; it itself has a unique appearance.
  1. Penofol. This insulation is made of polyethylene foam protected by aluminum foil. It gives the material additional strength and acts as a heat reflector.

Installation of penofol on internal surfaces walls of a house made of foam blocks allows you to save up to 97% of the thermal energy generated by heating devices.

Penofol can simply be glued to the walls without additional waterproofing, since it is not susceptible to getting wet. Sometimes I used it as additional insulation paired with mineral wool or foam.

  1. Polyurethane foam. With its help, you can insulate walls made of cellular blocks inside residential and auxiliary premises. The material is a polymer foam, which in a liquid state is applied to surfaces using a sprayer, and after hardening it forms a seamless layer that protects rooms from heat loss.

The advantage of this heat insulator is that it is not afraid of moisture and, when applied, fills all cavities, cracks and unevenness of the surface being treated. Its service life is at least 50 years without the need for periodic maintenance and repair.

I can name two disadvantages:

  1. Difficult to use. Spraying polystyrene foam requires special equipment, which not every home craftsman has.
  2. Vapor tightness. After hardening, the insulating polymer becomes airtight, that is, it stops air infiltration through the enclosing walls. As a result, the room forms high humidity, that is, you will have to take care of high-quality ventilation.

To make it easier for you to choose the appropriate technology and material, below I will tell you about several ways to insulate homes made of cellular blocks.

External insulation technologies

I’ll start with it, because I think it’s more effective. I will justify my position with several points:

  1. Does not decrease with external insulation effective area interior spaces(which would otherwise have been reduced due to the installed insulation with hydro- and vapor barrier plus decorative finishing).
  2. Insulation material installed outside does not prevent the walls from heating up from the inside. If the heat insulator is installed only inside, foam concrete blocks will be subject to cyclical freezing and thawing, which will sooner or later lead to the destruction of their internal structure.
  3. When installing insulation inside residential premises, the dew point will mix closer to the rooms. Therefore, moisture condenses directly in the thickness of the wall. This causes the appearance, which destroys the material.

External insulation, on the contrary, shifts the dew point to the outer surface of the wall. In this case, condensed moisture does not accumulate in the blocks, but evaporates due to air circulation in the ventilation gaps.

Wet facade

This method of insulation is quite common and is used for thermal insulation of buildings made of various materials, including foam concrete. Its advantage is that it does not require the use of complex technological equipment, and after completing all stages it is easy to complete decorative finishing external surfaces of walls.

As a material, I suggest using polystyrene foam or its more durable analogue - extruded polystyrene foam.

The scheme of work itself is as follows:

  1. The surface of the facade is cleaned of dust, debris, and build-up mortar and so on. It is also important to ensure that there are no greasy marks from oil or other similar substances on the walls. If the enclosing structure has large irregularities, they should first be sealed with mortar.

  1. After preparation is completed, the surfaces should be primed with a composition with antiseptic properties. The primer increases the adhesive properties of foam blocks, reduces absorption and, as a result, reduces the consumption of the adhesive composition.

  1. A galvanized metal profile is fixed at the bottom of the wall, which will serve as a support for the lower (first) row of thermal insulation material. It can be secured with self-tapping screws or screws with dowels.

  1. Then the insulation boards are installed. Polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam is secured with glue, which is applied to the edges and in the middle of each plate.

After spreading the glue, the part needs to be leaned against the wall and pressed for about thirty seconds. To prevent falling off, I recommend using special plastic dowels with wide heads that will firmly hold the thermal insulation in place.

They are very easy to attach. You need to drill a hole in the wall directly through the insulation, then insert the dowel and tighten the screw. Due to the fact that it is in a plastic shell, the occurrence of cold bridges is completely eliminated.

  1. A fiberglass reinforcing mesh is attached. It is simply glued to the insulation layer and strengthens plaster mortar, which will be applied on top of the polystyrene foam.

  1. The insulation is plastered over the reinforcing mesh, after which you can begin finishing facade.

However, I like another finishing method - under siding. In this case, you can install a ventilated facade. How to do this will be discussed further.

Under siding

In this case, I will tell you how to insulate a house using mineral mats. The specificity here is to protect the heat insulator from moisture.

The work occurs in the following sequence:

  1. First, the surface of the walls is cleared of debris, the detected defects are repaired and the most crooked areas are leveled (there should not be any, since the foam block is usually distinguished by the accuracy of its geometric parameters).
  2. After this, a vapor barrier membrane is installed on the walls. This is a special film that does not allow moisture to pass through, but does not retain air, which, circulating freely through the walls, prevents the accumulation of large amounts of dissolved water vapor inside the room.

  1. Then the vertical sheathing is installed. Galvanized steel can be used for this purpose. metal profiles or wooden blocks. In the latter case, I recommend treating the parts with antiseptics and hydrophobic substances, which will extend the life of the wood.
    The height of the sheathing should be equal to the thickness of the material used (mineral mats), and the distance between adjacent guides should be equal to the width of the insulation minus 2-3 cm.
  2. Then mineral mats are inserted. If you have maintained the distance correctly, they will fit between the sheathing at random, without requiring additional holding during the installation process. But to prevent them from falling out in the future, I recommend attaching them to the wall made of foam blocks with plastic dowels with wide caps.

  1. Having finished installing the insulation, it is necessary to protect it with a water barrier. This film will prevent mineral mats from getting wet from atmospheric moisture and will protect the material from other destructive external influences.
  2. Then the battens are nailed or screwed onto the guide rails additional elements, the height of which is 3-5 cm. This is necessary so that after covering decorative material formed inside ventilation gap, removing excess moisture from under the facade.

  1. The last stage of work is covering the walls with siding. Since the sheathing is already installed vertically, all that remains is to fasten the necessary parts with self-tapping screws.

The two insulation methods I described are quite simple to implement, which is why I recommend them to you. Well, now let's move on to internal insulation. This is for those who are very afraid of the cold or for some reason cannot resort to external insulation.

Internal insulation technologies

In fact, any builder knows that the layers of multi-layer enclosing walls should be positioned so that their vapor barrier properties decrease in the direction from the living room to the street. That is, if you place insulating material inside the room, this rule will be violated.

As a result, the house will accumulate a large number of water vapor generated as a result of human activity, which negatively affects the microclimate of the home.

Therefore, if you have to resort to technology internal insulation houses made of foam concrete, which I will discuss below, you should definitely take care of reliable and effective system ventilation.

Otherwise, insulation may negatively affect the operation of the building. For example, I encountered situations where, due to strong temperature changes, foam concrete quickly deteriorated, and the corners inside the rooms froze.

But I won’t go into theoretical details, I’ll move on to the description practical ways internal insulation foam concrete house.

Polyurethane foam

The most effective and in a convenient way internal thermal insulation will use polyurethane foam. It will act as a waterproofing agent and will insulate the walls well. Sprayed polyurethane foam will not let air inside the walls, so moisture does not form there, destroying cellular concrete.

On the other hand, all water vapor will accumulate inside the room, so they will have to be removed using ventilation. It is better if it is forced and triggered by a humidity sensor.

Before spraying polyurethane foam, I recommend making a sheathing in advance, onto which you can then attach the finishing material. For example, drywall. Just do not use a galvanized profile for this purpose, which will become a cold bridge, worsening the effectiveness of thermal insulation.

If you do everything as I described, the dew point, that is, moisture condensation, will be at the point of contact between the polyurethane foam and the wall or inside the insulating layer. That is, it will not affect the integrity of the enclosing structures in any way.

In general, the material described in this section is perfect solution for insulating a house made of foam blocks. But to apply it you need special equipment. Therefore, I propose a cheaper and easier to implement method, described below.

Foam plastic or penoplex

These two materials are excellent not only for external insulation (I talked about it), but also for internal insulation. The latter differs from the first in the best performance characteristics, but also at a higher price.

The insulation technology is not much different from the process that I described above (when I talked about external insulation). There are just a few features that I want to draw your closest attention to:

  1. If you apply glue only to the edges and middle of the foam sheet, voids may form inside where moisture will condense. Therefore, I recommend distributing adhesive composition over the entire surface of the insulation, using a notched spatula for this (naturally, you need to make sure that the walls are even).
  2. The gaps between the foam sheets have a very negative impact on the effectiveness of thermal insulation. Therefore, they need to be sealed with construction foam.
  3. If possible, I generally recommend installing two layers of foam, staggering the seams of the material so that they overlap each other.


Now you know how to insulate a house made of foam blocks, but I advise you to immediately build a home from this material so that it does not require insulation. As, for example, described in the video in this article. Or do you have your own opinion on this issue? If so, I'd love to hear your perspective in the comments below.

Foam block walls, due to their ability to absorb and accumulate moisture, require insulation. But how to perform thermal insulation as efficiently as possible and without harm to the structure? I suggest you familiarize yourself with thermal insulation materials and the technology of their installation, which will allow you to independently make a house from foam blocks warm and durable.

Is it necessary to insulate a house made of foam blocks?

The foam block itself has low thermal conductivity - 0.2 - 0.4 W/m*ºK. This characteristic is several times lower than thermal conductivity sand-lime brick. Therefore, many beginners doubt the feasibility of insulating a foam block house.

In fact, it is necessary to insulate foam concrete buildings for the following reasons:

  • Foam concrete has high vapor permeability. If you do not insulate the walls from the outside, the dew point will be located inside them, which will affect the durability of the entire house;

  • Insulation increases the energy efficiency of housing. Despite the low thermal conductivity of foam concrete, the energy efficiency of an uninsulated house cannot be compared with this indicator of insulated housing.

Therefore, the thermal insulation of a foam concrete house is not something worth saving on. The only thing is that you can do without insulation if the house is not planned to be used as a winter house. True, even country house, intended for temporary residence, the outside will still have to be finished, since exposure to moisture over several seasons will ruin the walls.

Insulation materials

The choice of insulation depends on the area of ​​its application. As you know, you can insulate your home in two ways:

  • Outside;
  • From the inside.

Below we consider insulation materials that are suitable for both cases.

Materials for external thermal insulation

The main requirement for thermal insulation materials for external use is vapor permeability. If the moisture accumulated inside the walls cannot escape, the walls will become damp.

Therefore, the following materials are usually used for aerated concrete walls:

  • Minvatu. It is a fibrous insulation in the form of plates (mats), made of melt rocks. The most commonly used is basalt mineral insulation, since it has the highest technical characteristics.

The thermal conductivity of basalt mineral wool is 0.055 to 0.11 W/m*K;

  • Ecowool (cellulose wool). It is cellulose wool with various chemical additives that increase the fire resistance and biostability of the insulation. Ecowool is applied to the surface wet using special equipment. Therefore, you won’t be able to insulate the walls yourself using it.

The thermal conductivity of this material is 0.032-0.041 W/m*K.

It must be said that, in principle, it is possible to use vapor-proof thermal insulation materials, such as polystyrene foam or penoplex. However, in this case it is necessary to carefully vapor-proof the walls from the inside.

Materials for internal thermal insulation

Internal thermal insulation can only be used as a supplement to external insulation or if it is not possible to insulate the house from the outside. For example, you can insulate a balcony or loggia in a similar way. The fact is that after insulating the home from the inside, the walls will stop heating, which will lead to a number of negative consequences.

As for the choice of thermal insulation materials, both vapor-permeable and non-vapor-permeable insulation can be used. The only thing is that if vapor-tight insulation is used, the house will lose the ability to “breathe” and turn into a kind of thermos. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure high-quality ventilation.

As for vapor-permeable insulation, you can use all of the materials described above, i.e. mineral wool and ecowool.

The following insulation materials are considered vapor-tight:

  • Expanded polystyrene, or polystyrene foam. Is cheap and efficient material, having thermal conductivity from 0.032 to 0.04 W/m*K. Like all polymer materials polystyrene foam can burn even despite the presence of fire retardants. During combustion, it releases toxic substances;

  • Extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex). Essentially the same foam, but made using a special technology. If you compare ordinary polystyrene foam and penoplex, you can come to the conclusion that the latter is superior to polystyrene foam in all respects. important parameters such as strength, durability and thermal conductivity.

Its only drawback is its high price. Therefore, it is not always advisable to use extruded polystyrene foam for interior work. But if you need to insulate, for example, a foundation, the choice is obvious.

The thermal conductivity of the material ranges from 0.028 to 0.034 W/(m K);

  • Polyurethane foam. It is applied in the form of liquid foam using special equipment. It has the lowest thermal conductivity - from 0.019 to 0.058, and is also applied in a continuous layer, which eliminates the possibility of cold bridges. The disadvantages include fragility, high cost and the inability to carry out insulation yourself.

External insulation technologies

You can insulate the facade in two ways:

  • By technology wet facade;
  • Ventilated facade technology.

Wet facade

If you want to insulate and decorate a block house as economically as possible, do it using wet facade technology. Its principle is to paste the walls with insulation and then plaster.

For this we need:

  • Mineral wool façade;
  • Adhesive for mineral wool;
  • Plaster mesh (fiberglass);
  • Disc dowels;
  • Perforated corners
  • Facade soil;
  • Decorative plaster;
  • Facade paint.

Related articles:

The work includes several stages:

The work is carried out as follows:

Illustrations Illustrations

Insulation gluing:
  • Prime the surface. Apply primer liquid with a roller or brush;
  • Prepare the glue - stir in water until you obtain a homogeneous dough-like consistency;
  • Apply glue to the back of the slab;
  • Glue the first slab to the wall and level it in all planes. Start working from the bottom at the corner and glue the slabs in rows;
  • Shift the slabs of the second row slightly relative to the first so that they are arranged in a checkerboard pattern on the wall. Using this principle, cover all the walls. Be sure to keep an eye on the level to ensure the surface is level.

Installation of dowels:
  • Drill a hole through the insulation that is 5-7 mm longer than the length of the fastener;
  • Insert the fastener;
  • Hammer the nail included in the kit into the dowel. At the same time, slightly recess the dowel head into the insulation. Thus, secure all the plates as shown in the diagram.

Preparation for reinforcement:
  • Prepare slab adhesive;
  • Cover the dowel caps with glue;
  • Place plaster corners on the outer corners.

  • Cut the mesh into strips of the required length (according to the height of the walls);
  • Apply glue to the area where you will glue the strip. The layer thickness should be 3-4 mm;
  • Apply the mesh and iron it with a spatula so that it is immersed in the glue;
  • Glue the second mesh in the same way, but overlap the first by 10 cm. In this way, reinforce the entire surface of the walls.

Decorative finishing:
  • Prime the walls;
  • Mix decorative plaster with water;
  • Cover as much as possible thin layer, and, as it sets, rub it in with a plaster float;
  • If the plaster is not tinted, it must be painted. Take advantage facade paint. Apply it in two layers with a roller, drying in between.

This completes the finishing. The result is an attractive facade that reliably protects the walls from environmental influences.

Insulation under siding (ventilated facade)

The technology of insulation under siding does not require wet work, which makes it possible to carry out thermal insulation at almost any time of the year. In addition, such a finish is more durable and durable. True, costs, compared to a wet facade, will increase by 20-30 percent, or even more.

To insulate a house under siding you will need the following materials:

  • Siding or other types of wall panels;
  • Additional elements for siding (corners, starting strip);
  • Wooden blocks 50x50 mm;
  • Wind and moisture protection;
  • Mineral slabs.

The order of work is as follows:

The work is carried out as follows:

Illustrations Actions

Frame installation:
  • Cut the timber to the height of the walls;
  • Fasten the beam to the wall in one vertical plane in increments of 60 cm. Since the foam block has low strength, the racks must be secured with special dowels.

    Before installation, be sure to treat the wood with fire protection.

Insulation and vapor barrier:
  • Fill the frame space with insulation;
  • Secure each slab with one or two dowels;
  • Secure the moisture-proofing diffuse membrane over the frame with a stapler. Be sure to make joints with a slight overlap;
  • Nail on top of the film wooden slats which will provide a ventilation gap.

Siding installation:
  • Secure the starting strip along the bottom line of the future cladding with self-tapping screws;
  • Secure in the corners decorative corners, which perform the function of vertical guides;
  • Tuck the first panel into the corner and connect it to starting bar. As a rule, the panel needs to be hooked like a hook or pressed until it clicks. Upper part fix the panels with screws;
  • Join the panels of the second row with the panels of the first row as with a starting strip;
  • The top row of panels, after joining with the penultimate row, tuck into finishing bar, which must first be secured with screws. You can learn more about the process of installing panels from the instructions that the manufacturer usually provides.

The house can be finished not only with siding, but also covered with brick. In this case, the insulation is located between the load-bearing and brick walls. This technology is the most expensive and complex, since for brick wall a foundation is required, and the brick itself is not cheap.

That's all the main nuances of external insulation under siding.

Internal insulation technologies

You can insulate walls from the inside, as well as from the outside, in two ways:

  • Wet method;
  • Under dry plaster;

Wet insulation

The principle of insulation wet method practically no different from external insulation using wet facade technology. The only thing is that after reinforcing the insulation with glue, the surface is not covered. decorative plaster, and putty. Putty walls can be covered with any finishing material, be it wallpaper, paint, tiles or even decorative stone.

For finishing using the wet method, you can use any slab thermal insulation materials, such as mineral wool, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam.

Insulation under dry plaster

Dry plaster is plasterboard that is mounted on a frame. Insulation frame method also resembles the thermal insulation of a facade - a frame is mounted on the walls, the space of which is filled with insulation.

The only thing is that on the outside, between the drywall and the insulation, it is necessary to place a vapor barrier membrane or penofol so that the insulation does not get wet, especially for mineral wool. The fact is that its vapor permeability is much higher than that of foam concrete.

Of course, if you are going to insulate the walls with polyurethane foam, then it will not need any vapor barrier. This material is not at all afraid of moisture and itself protects the walls from steam.

As I already said, insulation with polyurethane foam involves applying foam to the walls. The latter has excellent adhesion, as a result of which it sticks well to foam concrete and then instantly hardens.

Since PP cannot be plastered, this insulation is used only for finishing using the frame method - first the frame is installed, and then foam is sprayed. After this, gypsum board or any other sheet material is attached to the frame.

It must be said that the process of applying foam is very complex. You will not be able to properly insulate PP walls, even if you take necessary equipment for rent. Therefore, it is better to entrust the work to specialists.

That's all the nuances of insulation aerated concrete house. Finally, I note that to achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to insulate not only the walls, but also the floor, as well as the attic.

This procedure is performed in the same way as when insulating any other house - the space between the rafters or floor beams is filled thermal insulation material, and is protected from the side of the house by a vapor barrier. After all these manipulations, your home will be warm even during the most severe frosts.


Now you know how to properly insulate a house made of aerated concrete and you can cope with the task yourself. If you encounter any difficulties, contact me in the comments, and I will be happy to help with advice.

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