Internet magazine of a summer resident. DIY garden and vegetable garden

Aktara is an effective means of controlling garden and flower pests. Aktara against pests of indoor plants What color is Aktara diluted in water

Aktara is a highly effective insecticidal preparation aimed at protecting various kinds crops from harmful insects. The drug can be used both on large farmland and on small summer cottages.

Characteristics of the insecticide

For ease of use, Aktara is available in different forms: as an emulsion concentrate and water-soluble granules. Depending on the form of release, the type of packaging in which the insecticide is marketed depends. For example, the granules are packaged in bags weighing 4 g. One bag is often enough to process tomatoes growing on summer cottage in the greenhouse.

For large agricultural producers and farmers, larger packages weighing 250 g are offered. As for the liquid form, it is packaged in 1.2 ml ampoules or 9 ml bottles.

Mechanism of action

The active substance of Aktara is thiamethoxam, the content of which in the composition of the insecticide is 25%. When processing crops active substance quickly penetrates the plant through its sheet plates or during watering through the soil, after which it begins to move through the vessels of the culture.

The working substance is sprayed using a backpack sprayer. To prevent the solution from being sprayed onto neighboring crops, work must be carried out in calm, windless weather in the morning or evening hours. If, according to the weather report, rain is expected in the coming hours, then it is better to postpone the processing of crops to another day.

The amount of working solution depends on the culture. For example, to treat potatoes, 10 liters of water will require 1.2 g of insecticide, for fruit trees, berry bushes- 2 g, for ornamental plants- 8 g, for indoor plants- 1 g. The insecticide consumption rates can be found in the attached table.

Processed crop

Spraying method and time

Insecticide consumption rate (g/sq.m)

Consumption rate of working product (ml/sq.m)

Protection period


Bug bug, ground beetle, beetle

During early and middle growth phases

from 0.006 to 0.01 g

from 20 to 40 ml

Fruit trees, berry bushes

Aphids, flower beetles, honey beetles

Spraying is carried out before flowering on the leaf of the crop.

from 0.01 to 0.04 g

from 80 to 120 ml

Potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers,

Colorado potato beetle, aphid, wireworm, thrips, whitefly

When planting potatoes, Aktara is applied to the soil (to the bottom of the hole). Tomatoes and cucumbers are processed when they reach 1 meter in height, also at the root.

from 0.006 to 0.08 g

from 20 to 40 ml

Cabbage flea beetles and flies

Seedlings are watered with the solution 2-3 days before planting in the ground.

from 60 to 100 ml


Spraying is carried out in the middle growth phase on the crop leaf.

from 0.01 to 0.03 g

Decorative and floral crops

Aphids, soil flies, scale insects, whiteflies

The drug is applied during watering

from 0.01 to 0.04 g

from 10 to 20 ml


Aktara is a slightly toxic insecticide against earthworms, birds, fish and aquatic organisms.

Important! The insecticide is highly toxic to honey insects. Considering this fact, it is necessary not to release the bees for 4-5 days after treatment. Protection zone should not be less than 4-5 kilometers.

"Aktara" is an insecticide with enteric contact action. The active component of the drug is thiamethoxam, a substance from the class of neonicotinoids. This connection affects nervous system insects, causing paralysis and then death.

On potatoes, “Aktaru” is used primarily to destroy Colorado potato beetles and wireworms. But the drug is also effective against aphids, scale insects, leafhoppers, whiteflies, thrips and other pests.

The Swiss company Syngenta produces the insecticide in two forms:

  • "Aktara", KS - suspension concentrate, contains 240 g of thiamethoxam per liter;
  • "Aktara", VDG - water-dispersible granules, 250 g of thiamethoxam per kilogram. For the granules to dissolve, the water temperature must be no lower than +25 °C.

Advantages of the drug:

  • rapid destruction of pests;
  • low consumption rates;
  • long-term plant protection;
  • high efficiency even in hot weather, low humidity, rain resistance;
  • systemic action when applied to the soil, translaminar - when spraying tops;
  • the product is not phytotoxic.

Features of use and dosage of the drug

The insecticide is applied in one of two ways:

  • Before planting potatoes, the furrows are evenly shed with a concentrated solution: 4 g of granules or 4 ml of suspension per 10 liters of water. The dose is calculated for 100 linear meters. The preparation applied to the soil protects potatoes from pests for 40–60 days. Spray the tops from Colorado potato beetle no longer needed;
  • spray the tops: to treat two acres, 1.2 g of granules or 1.2 ml of suspension are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Treatment is carried out at least 2 hours before rain. The drug is effective for 21–28 days. With this method of use, almost all of the thiamethoxam is distributed in the tissues of the leaves, and negligible amounts of toxins enter the tubers.

30 minutes after contact with the insecticide, insects stop feeding, and a day later they die. The effectiveness of the product is 99–100%.

The drug is combined with growth stimulants Epin and Zircon. The tank mixtures, together with Aktara, include the fungicides Thanos or Ridomil Gold.

Restrictions on the use of the drug:

  • After adding Aktara to the soil, potatoes should not be eaten for 3 months. Therefore, very early varieties are only sprayed; other means are used to combat wireworms;
  • after spraying, potatoes can be dug up no earlier than the drug decomposes, that is, after a month;
  • The hazard class of the insecticide for humans, depending on the concentration, is II or III, for bees - I. The product is slightly toxic to earthworms, fish and birds. Aktara should not be sprayed near bodies of water.

Possible harm from Aktara

When working with Aktara, it is necessary to protect the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Drops of solution that get on the mucous membrane should be immediately washed off with plenty of water. In case of acute poisoning accompanied by convulsions or ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelids, you should consult a doctor.

A universal drug for combating most sucking, mining and other types of insect pests "Aktara" - effective remedy for caring for indoor plants. The use of Aktara for indoor plants does not require special preparations. This enteric-contact agent quickly acts on insects, which, under the influence of active substances, stop sucking juices from the roots and die.

"Aktara" for indoor plants kills pests such as:

  • leafhopper;
  • bug;
  • whitefly;
  • drinker;
  • flea;
  • scale insect

Based on the insecticide, you can prepare a solution that is used to water the plant, or you can simply add granules to the soil. Regardless of the method of application, “Aktara” for indoor plants acts very quickly on pests and completely destroys them within 24 hours.

The drug can be purchased at flower shops. There are 2 types of packaging:

  • 4 g - vacuum bags;
  • 250 g - glass jars.

To care for indoor plants, it is not at all necessary to buy a large package. The insecticide has a strong concentration and 1 g of the substance is enough to treat more than 200 pots of indoor flowers.

"Aktara" - instructions for use for indoor plants

Dissolving in water, the insecticide penetrates the roots and leaves of the plant. Pests, eating greens, are poisoned and die. The effectiveness of using "Aktara" for indoor plants is also manifested in the fact that even those insects that live on inside leaves.

To use the insecticide correctly, read the Aktara instructions for indoor plants. When spraying the plant, wear gloves and avoid getting the product in your eyes.

For external use, 4 g of the substance is diluted in 5 liters of water. After treating the plant, the room is ventilated, and the surface next to the pot (window sill, shelf) is wiped with a clean cloth.

If you use Aktara to water the soil for indoor plants, prepare a less saturated solution. In a bucket with a capacity of about 10 liters, it will be enough to dissolve 1 g of insecticide.

The product protects the plant for 1.5 months, but if you use it frequently, the pests may become addicted. Therefore, it is better to alternate this insecticide with others. In addition, you must follow the dosage, and if you do not know how to dilute Aktara for watering indoor plants, carefully study the instructions.

"Aktara" for spider mites

Spider mites very often infect indoor plants; it is very difficult to fight them, and not all remedies are effective. As for "Aktara", the instructions for use for indoor plants indicate that this product is not suitable for combating mites, it can be used. Some gardeners claim that the product helps and the mite dies. But positive reviews information about the effect of the drug most often concerns the initial use. In subsequent sprayings, Aktara may not be as effective.

Safety measures when working with Aktara

To dilute Aktara for indoor plants and use it in pest control, you need to remember the measures that will help you avoid unpleasant consequences:

  • use gloves;
  • don't smoke, turn off the gas;
  • Make sure that no one eats or drinks water in the room where you are processing.

At the end of work, you must wash your hands with soap. If the product gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them with water. If you suspect that the insecticide has entered the digestive tract, drink as much liquid as possible and try to induce vomiting.

The product should be stored out of the reach of children. Do not leave the working solution for storage under any circumstances. If any product remains, it must be poured out and the jar rinsed with cleaning agent or thrown away.

For many summer residents summer season is considered the most difficult and troublesome due to the fact that their plantings, which they so carefully care for, are damaged by all kinds of insect pests.

We planted potatoes - suddenly the Colorado potato beetle appears, cucumbers or tomatoes are damaged by aphids, and flower crops Thrips and scale insects cause enormous harm.

You can endlessly list the pests in your summer cottage, or you can say goodbye to all these troubles forever. This will help Aktara liquid drug. This product is also used in the treatment of indoor plants.

What kind of insecticide is Aktara?

Aktara insecticide is a new generation drug that can be characterized by fast action and very high efficiency. This product is reliable protection plants for a long time, usually 25-55 days.

It all depends on the method and standards of application. Experts confirmed that this drug belongs to the class of low-toxic pesticides.

Most often it is used when spraying vegetable and grain crops, berry bushes. Aktara insecticide is classified as a neonicotinoid with enteric contact action.

The insecticide drug Aktara is a new generation drug created on the basis of thiamethoxam. This is the main active ingredient with a wide spectrum of action. The above-mentioned product works both when applied to the soil and when treating plant leaves on the surface.

This drug is produced in several forms:

  • in the form of a liquid concentrate in containers with a capacity of 9 ml, 250 ml, 1 l.;
  • in the form of water-dispersible granules, which are packaged in polymer bags of 1, 2 and 4 grams;
  • in the form of a soluble powder, which is packaged in foil bags of 4 grams;
  • in the form of tablets in special blisters.

The highest percentage of thiamethoxam (the main active ingredient) is contained in liquid form, and the smallest in tablet form (only 1%).

Tired of fighting pests?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Powered by mains, no recharging required
  • There is no addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​operation of the device

What pests is it effective against?

The spectrum of action of this drug is very wide and it is not always possible to list more than 100 types of pests against which Aktara is used.

Aktara insecticide - universal remedy, which very effectively helps fight a huge number of pests:

  • weevil. Read more in another article.
  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • aphids;
  • thrips;
  • false scale insects;
  • scale insects;
  • whiteflies;
  • fungus gnats;
  • soil flies.

It is worth noting that, due to its toxicity, this drug may have a weak effect on earthworms, birds and some aquatic organisms. It is also very dangerous for bees.

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Instructions for use

Before you start using Aktara insecticide, you need to carefully read the instructions for use and strictly follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations. The effect will depend on the processing method used.

This product can be used to spray leaves, treat seeds before planting, and also be used when watering plants. It can also be used when soaking seedlings.

The manufacturers of this drug have developed consumption standards that should be followed:

  • To treat indoor plants against insect pests, you need to dilute 8 grams. poison per 10 liters of water. The resulting solution should be sprayed on the foliage for 250 pots.
  • If Aktaru Insecticide is going to be used for soil irrigation against fungus gnats or soil flies, then the amount of the drug should be reduced to 1 gram.
  • For spraying potatoes, the consumption rate will be about 170 ml of the mother solution; after two weeks there will be no trace of Colorado potato beetles left.

Efficiency of Aktar liquid

Currently, many gardeners have begun to use the drug "Aktara". They gave their preference this tool for its wide spectrum of action. When sprayed, the drug exhibits a translaminar effect and hydrolytic stability.

Using the Aktary insecticide will help solve all emerging pest problems at the same time. This pesticide is compatible with many other insecticides and pesticides. But in each individual case it is necessary to conduct a drug compatibility test.

This popular remedy allows you to preserve the leaf apparatus and significantly improve the quality of the crop. It is quite economical and the consumption of substance is minimal. On average, it is necessary to carry out two spraying procedures per month to obtain maximum effect.

It should be noted that climatic conditions have virtually no effect on the use of this drug.

Stories from our readers!
"We have always used fertilizers and fertilizers in our garden. The neighbor said that he soaks the seeds using new fertilizer. The seedlings grow strong and strong.

We ordered and followed the instructions. Wonderful results! We didn't expect this! We harvested a wonderful harvest this year, and now we will always use only this product. I recommend trying it."

Safety regulations

"Aktara" has a toxicity level of 3. Therefore, it is very important to follow safety rules when working with this product. These rules are described in detail by the manufacturer on the packaging.

So, safety rules:

  • Preparatory work should only be carried out outdoors.
  • The person must be dressed in overalls, his hands must be protected with special gloves.
  • A prerequisite is the use of a respirator and goggles.
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat or smoke when working with Aktara.
  • After working with the solution is completed, the respirator and gloves should be thrown away, change clothes, wash your hands with soap and rinse your mouth well.
  • Contamination of water bodies and wells with insecticide is unacceptable.

Analogues of "Aktara" liquid

If a client wants to replace Aktar with another drug for one reason or another, he should turn his attention to products with the main active ingredient thiamethoxam.

Analogues are produced under the following names:

  • Doctor, TB;
  • Adamant, gel;
  • Cruiser, KS;
  • Alatar. You can read it on the website.
  • Tiara, KS;
  • Ephoria, KS.

Those who like to grow in the country different flowers and other plants are always looking for special preparations that could not only kill pests, but at the same time be useful for plants. “Aktara” for indoor and country plants is just such an option. Below you will find out how this insecticide works and what its instructions for use say.

Scope of application and release form of "Aktary"

The drug "Aktara" is produced in Switzerland. This insecticide began to be produced taking into account the wishes of customers. It can be used for the following purposes: to protect vegetables; orchids, violets and roses in the garden; indoor plants.

Application possible for getting rid of a number of insects, which are all not listed in the instructions. Thus, the instructions for Aktara (insecticide) do not mention that it copes with spider mites. But this does not mean that the drug is not able to get rid of it.

For ease of use, the drug "Aktara" has different shapes release:

  • liquid in the form of a suspension concentrate;
  • granules soluble in water.

A drug in solid form Packaged in 4 gram sachets. According to the norm, this will be quite enough for spraying tomatoes in a greenhouse and other plants. But for use in large farms and agricultural enterprises, Aktara is used in large bags of 250 grams.

The suspension is in ampoules and vials. Small packaging helps to process the following types of plants:

  1. Small strawberry beds.
  2. Violet flower beds.
  3. Indoor flowers.
  4. Rose bushes.
  5. Orchids.

These and other Aktara plants help protect from scale insects And spider mite.

Active ingredient and analogues

Insecticide contains thiamethoxam– this is its active ingredient, which makes up a quarter of the weight of the drug. “Aktara” is absorbed into the leaves of the plant through the skin or soil when watering. Then it spreads through the vessels.

When the drug permeates plant tissue, it is no longer afraid of rain or heat, because the insecticide works regardless of weather conditions.

Analogs of "Aktara" are:

  • "Tiara".
  • "Adamant".
  • "Cruiser".
  • "Doctor".

What pests does the drug protect against?

Insecticide "Aktara" helps save garden and vegetable plants from the following pests:

The drug "Aktara" costs 75–100 rubles for a package of 4 grams, and 3500–5 thousand rubles for 250 g, respectively. The product should be stored in utility rooms, on high shelves or closed cabinets. Children and animals should not get there.

It is not recommended to store food, medicine or feed near the drug. The room temperature should be between 10 degrees below zero and 35 degrees above zero. Do not store Aktara in places of high humidity.

"Aktara": instructions for use

You need to start working only when you first see ticks, beetles or caterpillars. Treatment should be carried out in calm, clear weather in the morning or evening, and only when you are sure that there will be no rain. An hour must pass after application for the insecticide to fix on the leaves.

Ready the solution cannot be stored, so the composition needs to be prepared only in the quantity that you will need immediately. It is best to use a backpack sprayer, which is prepared directly in the can.

Preparation of Aktara looks like this:

  1. Dissolve four grams in a liter of water at a temperature of 25 degrees in the open air.
  2. Fill the sprayer tank a quarter full.
  3. Pour in the concentrate in the required volume for a particular plant.
  4. Fill the container with up to 5 liters of water.
  5. Close it tightly.
  6. Shake the sprayer.

Application for flowers and other plants

To protect your violets, cyclamen and other indoor plants from insects, you need to dilute 4 grams of the drug in 5 liters of liquid. This will be enough for a large greenhouse. For treating vegetable gardens, the consumption of the drug per 10 liters of liquid may vary slightly depending on the type of plant:

Shrubs and fruit trees need to be treated for the first time before flowering and beetle flight, for the second time after harvesting the fruits. Instructions for use contain information about the use of the drug depending on the pest and plant type.

If you are using this medicine as a liquid for different plants, need to dilute one ampoule in this amount of liquid:

  • strawberries or currants – 6 liters
  • orchids, roses and violets - 0.75 liters;
  • onion - 3 liters.

To prevent Aktara resistance from appearing in the cockchafer, whitefly or spider mite, its use must be alternate with other insecticides.

Planting processing

A drug such as Aktara can also be used for processing planting material . A highly concentrated solution is required, the consumption is 4 grams per liter of water. To process potato tubers, 6 g of powder is dissolved in 0.3 liters of water.

And seeds, potato tubers, onion heads and garlic cloves are needed before planting soak in the composition. Do not be afraid of high concentrations of the product; it completely decomposes in 60 days.

After processing edible plants of any type they are safe for humans after a couple of months. Soaking in the composition helps you settle in better and plants develop. If they get stronger, I will be less susceptible to harmful insects.

Safety rules for use

"Aktara" is a moderately dangerous drug for humans with toxicity class 3. It's being used wearing gloves, respirator and goggles. And also when working with chemicals need to be put on special form and wash it after each use.

Upon completion of work, protective equipment and tools should be washed and wash your face, hands, swim, change clothes, rinse your mouth. Only after all this should you eat or drink. Houseplants are treated with fresh air or a well-ventilated room. Upon departure the symptoms are:

  1. Vomit.
  2. Nausea.
  3. General deterioration in health.

If you notice something like this in yourself, stop processing and go outside. If the insecticide gets on your skin, blot the drops with a cloth and wash it off with soapy water. If it gets into your eyes, wash them for 15 minutes under running water. And if swallowed, the stomach is washed and several tablets of activated carbon are taken.

After a person has been given first aid need to call a doctor. To prevent anyone from swallowing the product, you should not store it in containers from food products, and the dishes should be signed.

Do not pour the remaining solution near water bodies. And also do not process honey plants earlier than a week before flowering, so as not to kill the bees. Before grazing pastures cannot be watered. After use, the tapa is burned in a place where no edible plants are planted.

"Aktara": reviews

Now let’s find out what those who have tried this product to protect their plants write in their reviews.

“Aktar” was recommended to me by experienced flower owners who have used it for their plants more than once. You need to spray them from all sides, and even the tray where the flowers stand. Remember that the drug is toxic, but the smell is not very strong. This makes it possible to use even at home.

It should be used once every six months. And if there is mealybug, then the plant needs to be treated 4 times within 4 days. Particular care must be taken to treat the center of the flower, where most of the larvae are concentrated.

Pauline. Chita

I used “Commander” and “Lightning” without success against Colorado beetles, after which I decided to try “Aktara” in granular form. Used to protect potatoes, flowers, and currants. The granules are highly soluble in water and should be used in the amount required depending on the type of plant.

I liked the drug, but main drawback- this is that for one garden you need many ampoules. I had previously used a lot of things for the Colorado potato beetle, but nothing helped. But I liked Aktara in liquid form. I poisoned the beetles in the morning, and in the evening they all died and did not appear for a month. Another big plus is the absence allergic reaction for sensitive skin.

Maria. Syzran

As you can see, the drug "Aktara" helps protect indoor plants, as well as garden crops from a number of pests. This even applies to spider mites, which are traditionally considered a fierce enemy of violets, orchids and roses and are not listed in the instructions for the product.

With this drug you can water the plants at the roots or spray them. Applying it at the root helps strengthen the planting and develop root system strawberries and vegetables. And this is not the only advantage of Aktara, which has a huge number of advantages compared to other drugs.

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