Internet magazine of a summer resident. DIY garden and vegetable garden

Aktara insecticide: instructions for use and prices. Aktara for the Colorado potato beetle: reviews Aktara instructions for use for cucumbers

- a new generation insecticide, different high efficiency and speed of impact. The period of plant protection is from 25 days when spraying leaves, up to 50 - 60 days when applied by root. By international classification Aktar is classified as a low-toxic substance (LD 50 > 5 thousand mg/kg).

Description of the drug

This insecticide has a systemic and enteric contact effect on insects:

  1. The active ingredient is thiamethoxam at a concentration of 240 g/l and 250 g/kg.
  2. The drug enters the leaf and spreads throughout the shoots of the entire plant (translaminar effect).
  3. Half an hour after external contact and penetration into the intestines, the drug inhibits nervous system pest
  4. The insect stops feeding within two hours and dies. This double effect on insects is a great advantage of the drug.

There are analogues of Aktara with the same active ingredient in the composition.

Similar drugs:

  • Actor;
  • Voliam Flexi;
  • Angio;
  • Kaiser;
  • Tiara;
  • Denomination;
  • Fighter.




Voliam Flexi

Forms of release of the drug

Insecticide "Aktara 25wg" from the Swiss manufacturer Syngenta Crop Protection.

Several release forms:

  1. powder;
  2. suspension (liquid form);
  3. water-dispersible granules (WDG).

Any form of release of Aktar is diluted with water. It dissolves easily in water room temperature, does not precipitate. To treat plants, in each case the necessary packaging and weight of the drug are selected.

Description of the drug release forms:


Actara powder 1% cream color. The water-soluble form of the drug is available in a volume of 4 g, diluted in 5 liters of water. It is convenient to use when there are few of them and large volumes of water for processing are not required.
Suspension concentrate(Aktara liquid) is available in 1 ml ampoules, 9 ml bottles, 1 liter canister. It has an active substance concentration of 240 g/l. Suitable for soil watering and leaf processing. Dilute 1 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water
Water-dispersible(water soluble) granules with a concentration of the active substance – 250 g/l. Available in packages weighing 1.4 g, 4 g and bottles of 40 g and 250 g. Can be used to treat any crops against insects sucking and gnawing leaves. Dilute the drug - 1 g per 10 liters of water.
Pills In tablet form The drug Aktara is not produced by Syngenta in Switzerland. In this form, it can be produced by other countries' manufacturers.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest With large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

How to properly breed Aktara?

The insecticide can be used in several ways:

  1. pour under the roots of plants;
  2. spray on leaves;
  3. soak seedlings and tubers;
  4. moisten the planting holes.

For each type of crop, there are breeding standards for Aktara.

The product is effective against 100 types of pests.

Not addictive active substance. Therefore, it is successfully used in the fight against most leaf-sucking and leaf-gnawing insects.

How to breed Aktara for spraying:

  • , – 2 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • rose thrips
  • – 4 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • codling moth moth– 3 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • Scale insects and false scale insects— 4 grams per 10 liters;
  • mining moths– 4 grams per 10 liters;
  • cruciferous flea beetles– 3 grams per 10 liters;
  • cutworms and white owls– 2 grams per 10 liters of water.

How to dilute Aktara for application at the root:

  • Wetting potato planting holes– 4 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • watering strawberry bushes at the roots after harvesting- 4 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • treatment against soil bugs (podura, collembola, enchytraea)– 1 gram per 10 liters of water;
  • from cockchafer larvae– 4 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • from the wireworm– 4 grams per 10 liters of water.

How to process?

Instructions for use Aktar:

  1. the chemical is suitable for use for 4 years after the date of issue;
  2. store in a dry place, preventing the drug from freezing;
  3. the pesticide is prepared in two stages: dilute the entire dose in a small amount of water, stir, and then add water to the required volume;
  4. when applying a chemical at the root, you first need to water the plant a little, and only then pour out the diluted preparation;
  5. Treatment for the purpose of treating vegetables and trees should begin as soon as the pest is noticed on them.

Use in for preventive purposes once a month is acceptable.

  1. before flowering on a pink bud;
  2. after flowering with a massive emergence of codling moths, flower beetles, and moths;
  3. the third time - 21 days before harvest.

For vegetable seedlings:

  1. spray after transferring the bushes to the ground before flowering;
  2. the second time - three weeks before the start of harvest.

For decorative deciduous and flowering plants Aktar can be used in the garden more often than once every 1-1.5 months:

  • the pesticide can be used several times in a row without fear of weakening the effect of treatment;
  • After preparation, use the working composition within 24 hours. There is no need to dilute a large package of chemical at once;
  • the insecticide is toxic to bees, so it is not recommended to use it during mass flowering fruit crops;
  • to treat pests by applying poison to the root, the concentration of the substance per bucket of water is doubled. That is, if for spraying against scale insects you need to dilute 4 grams per bucket of water, then when watering use 8 grams.

How to process vegetables?

  1. , — soaking of exposed roots is carried out by immersing the seedlings before planting in the ground. Dilute 1.4 g per 1 liter of water and immerse the seedlings in the prepared solution for 2 hours.
  2. , And - soak tubers or heads for planting in beds. The dilution rate is 6 g per 300 ml of water. Planting material post thin layer onto the film and treat with a chemical from a spray bottle. Plant immediately after finishing work, without waiting for the tubers to dry.
  3. Treatment of all vegetables during the growing season by leaf. The last spraying is allowed 21 days before harvest. Over the entire season, you can treat vegetables with this preparation 2–3 times. 1-1.4 g of the chemical should be diluted in 10 liters of water. Moisten the entire surface of the bush generously, not missing the underside of the leaves.
  4. Watering the preparation on the site to destroy wireworms and soil flies. The dilution rate for Aktara for irrigation is 2 g per 5 liters of water.
  5. Spraying potatoes during the period of growth. A one-time treatment by spraying may be sufficient to prevent the Colorado potato beetle from appearing in the garden again this season. The dilution rate is 4 grams per bucket of water.

Aktara for fruit trees and shrubs

The advantage of Aktara over other insecticides in the treatment of fruit crops is that it penetrates into the leaves, but practically does not accumulate in the fruits. And also the poison quickly spreads throughout the adult tree within 15 - 20 hours. When watered at the root, after 1 - 2 days it already reaches the upper shoots.

How to dilute Aktara when spraying fruit trees? 1.4 g dissolves in 10 liters of water.

It works well against the following pests:

  • codling moth;
  • flower beetle;
  • slowpoke;

It can be successfully used on apple and pear trees, stone fruits, and shrubs (, yoshta, and so on).

At the same time, this chemical does not work against grape itch (mites) and mites on strawberries.

Processing other horticultural crops

Ornamental crops in the garden are also attacked by pests. Roses and other flowers are often affected by aphids. Aktaru insecticide can be used once every 3 weeks to spray flowers against aphids. In this case, you need to dilute 14 g per 10 liters of water.

A serious problem for conifers is the attack of scale insects and false scale insects:

  • These pests have a dense body shell and most poisons do not affect them.
  • To combat such insects, systemic contact insecticides are used, which penetrate the cells of the tree and poison it.
  • Scale insects feeding on sap coniferous plants, die within two days.
  • To achieve the maximum effect, combine wetting on the needles (dilute a package of Aktara 1.4 g per 8 l) and applying Aktara under the root (dilute a package of Aktara 4 g per 8 l).

Actara for indoor flowers

The insecticide is practically odorless and low-toxic. This allows you to use it at home. The dilution rate for Actara for processing per leaf is 1 g per 10 liters.

Processing Tips indoor plants:

  1. When watering at the root, the concentration of the chemical doubles.
  2. To treat flowers against mealybugs, scale insects and false scale insects, it is recommended to combine root watering and spraying.
  3. This pesticide is effective for all indoor flowers: Stories from our readers!
    “Ants appeared in the bathhouse. I was thinking about how to fight them, a friend advised me to use a modern ultrasonic repeller. I installed the device and began to wait for the result. I got rid of the insects.

    Now I have ordered for country house to prevent mice from running around. But my neighbor was unlucky; she bought a fake, but of course there was no result. Be careful, order on the official website!"

    Toxicity and precautions

    Aktara belongs to the third level of toxicity, that is, it is a moderately dangerous substance for humans and other mammals.

    How to protect your health when in contact with pesticides:


    Advantages of Aktara over other drugs:

    • completely decomposes in soil;
    • easily dissolves in water and is absorbed by the crop from the soil when watered at the root;
    • resistant to impact sun rays and high moisture;
    • compatible with most insecticides, fungicides and stimulants. It is not recommended to dilute in tank mixtures with Bordeaux mixture, as it has an alkaline environment.

    It is better to purchase chemicals for treating plants in specialized centers and online stores. This way there is a greater chance of not running into a fake. Pay attention to the presence of a hologram, production date and manufacturer information on the packaging. In this way, you will save your time and nerves, and also provide timely assistance to the plant.

    Video: Aktara - how to distinguish a fake from the original?

    "Aktara" is a new generation pesticide. This drug belongs to the group of neonicotinoids. A synthetic remedy for sucking insects affects nerve cells.

    The manufacturer's preparation "Fitoverm" can be used to treat soil against pests, and can also be applied to leaves. The procedure is performed with careful adherence to all safety precautions. Actara against ticks is used only in conjunction with other agents.

    Consumption of the drug and features of use

    Aktara insecticide is sold in glass packaging of 250 mg or in sachets of 4 grams. For disposable small area The contents of one sachet are sufficient. Actara for indoor plants is an indispensable assistant in pest control. The finished solution is enough for 250 pots.

    Treatment of plants is carried out in dry weather in the evening or early in the morning in the absence of wind.. It is not recommended to apply Aktara insecticide when scorching sun to avoid possible burns. The product can be used to treat affected plants during the period of vegetative growth, as well as in the off-season for preventive purposes.

    Before spraying plants, it is necessary to test the performance of the backpack sprayer to prevent incorrect spraying ready solution. The application of the liquid product is carried out carefully so that the solution does not get on other types of plants. If dosages and precautions are observed, the risk of phytotoxicity of crops is minimal. Aktara should only be bred outdoors.

    Preparation of mother liquor

    It is not recommended to dilute Aktara product indoors; the backpack sprayer should be taken outside. Initially, you should make a stock solution. The contents of a 4-gram sachet in a separate container are diluted with 1 liter of cold, unboiled water. This liquid is added to the sprayer in a certain proportion depending on the type of crops being treated. Effective from mealybug, against whiteflies and other insects.

    To disinfect potatoes, pour water into the sprayer tank, filling the fourth part, and add the resulting liquid in an amount of 200 ml. To process currants, take 250 ml of diluted liquid for the specified volume of water, for other types - 600 ml of Aktara liquid product. Instructions for use are written in detail on the bag. Next, the total volume of liquid in the tank is brought to 5 liters and mixed thoroughly, shaking the contents of the tank.

    Aktara can be used with most similar drugs, growth regulators, pesticides (Zircon, Epin, etc.). It is worth noting that the drug does not replace fertilizer. Before using other drugs, it is recommended to check compatibility and adhere to manufacturer's restrictions. It is not allowed to use Aktara with products that give an alkaline reaction.

    Security measures

    Aktara is a substance of moderate toxicity for humans. When working with the solution, you must use protective equipment: overalls and safety glasses, and wear a respirator. During the procedure, food and water are prohibited. After spraying, you need to change clothes and wash thoroughly. open areas soap and water, including the face and hands. Do not smoke near the diluted solution or during treatment.

    For aquatic organisms, fish, earthworms, birds and animals, the solution is low-toxic. Actara has a damaging effect only on insects, so bees must be covered before processing crops. They can be released only 5 days after processing the plants. The protection zone should be 4-5 km from the treatment site.

    It is prohibited to pour unused medication into open water or another source fresh water. It is necessary to ensure that the pesticide does not get into animal feed and drinking water for livestock. In areas treated with Aktara, livestock should not be grazed during the first 4 days. Care must be taken to ensure that the powder or diluted solution does not get into food or drinking water.

    Instructions for use for indoor plants

    Important! It should be borne in mind that the roots of indoor plants have a more delicate shell, so you should not exceed the recommended dosage when watering in a pot.

    Aktara liquid when added to a pot does not reduce its protective properties. During the processing of indoor flowers, it is recommended to maintain the room temperature within +25°C. Through root system the solution spreads over the leaves and shoots. Death of insects occurs after absorption of juice from treated specimens. The protective effect with this method lasts up to 45 days. This method for indoor flowers is used if spraying is ineffective, for example, if the lower part of the leaves and sepals is severely damaged.

    Aktara insecticide is not the main method of combating various types ticks. The drug does not have the desired toxic effect on them, but with a single treatment of Aktar against ticks it can be used, since its effect can be detrimental to the harmful insect.

    If the liquid product gets into your eyes, you must rinse them thoroughly for 15 minutes with a large volume of water and try not to close them. Wash off Aktara from the skin with water, thoroughly treating the skin with soap. If the diluted solution gets into the stomach, induce vomiting and give it to the victim. Activated carbon, diluted in a glass of water in the amount of 3-5 tablespoons. You should not induce vomiting when you faint. Treatment is carried out symptomatically in a hospital setting. The drug has no antidote!

    Very often, the dream of a luxurious flower garden on the windowsill is shattered due to the fault of various pests that encroach on the beauty and health of indoor plants. To get rid of uninvited guests once and for all, we recommend using systemic insecticide called "Aktara".

    "Aktara" - description of the drug

    The insecticide "Aktara" is an enteric-contact drug, showing activity against most sucking (whitefly, bug, leafhopper), mining (mining moth) and gnawing (flea beetles, Colorado potato beetle, leopard, etc.) insect pests. Once exposed to Aktara, the pest stops drinking juices from the plant and dies within 24 hours.

    Aktara is produced in the form of granules, which can either be applied directly to the soil or used to prepare a solution for spraying plants. In any case, the first results from using Aktara will be visible within 15-60 minutes, and after 24 hours all pests will die.

    On sale you can find two types of packaging of the drug - 4 gram vacuum bags and 250 gram bags glass jars. For home floriculture, a smaller package is sufficient, since one gram of the drug is enough to treat 250 flower pots.

    The Aktara insecticide is convenient in that it can be used at any time of the year and in any weather, since its formula is resistant to sunlight and does not change activity depending on air humidity. In addition, the drug is compatible with other types of insecticides and various fertilizers.

    "Aktara" - use for indoor plants

    To treat indoor flowers, the Aktara insecticide is diluted in water at a temperature of at least 25°C. For 5 liters of water, take 4 grams of the drug. Plants affected by pests are sprayed with the prepared solution, and then the room is thoroughly ventilated. If for some reason spraying is impossible, then water the soil with Aktara solution. flower pots. In this case, the solution is prepared in the following proportion: 1 gram of the drug per 10 liters of water.

    Having been absorbed by the roots of the plant, Aktara enters its juice and thus also affects insects. This makes the use of Aktara for indoor plants very convenient, as it allows you to get rid of pests living on the underside of the leaf. After application to the soil, the period of protective action of the drug is 45 days, and after spraying - 20 days.

    Despite its excellent damaging and protective properties, Aktara can be addictive to pests, therefore, for the maximum level of protection, this drug must be alternated with other insecticides.

    "Aktara" for spider mites

    Quite often, indoor plants become victims of spider mites. Is it possible to use Aktara to fight it? The instructions for the drug indicate that it is ineffective against all types of ticks. But many gardeners note that after using Aktara, not only scale insects and aphids, but also spider mites left the plants. Most often this happened when plants are initially damaged by this pest.

    "Aktara" - precautions

    When using Aktara, you should not neglect precautions: protect the skin of your hands with gloves, and your respiratory organs with a respirator. If contact with the skin cannot be avoided, then the damaged area must be thoroughly washed with soap and the mucous membranes of the eyes should be rinsed with plenty of water. In addition, Aktara should not be stored in places where children or pets can find it. If the drug has been eaten, then the victim must be given plenty of fluids and induce vomiting, then give activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight and induce ambulance.

    Aktara– an intestinal and contact spectrum agent that can fight many pests:

    • Sucking (bug, whitefly, aphid, leafhopper);
    • Mining (moth);
    • Gnawing (scale insects, beetles, Colorado potato beetles, flea beetles).

    The active ingredient of the drug is thiamethoxam. The insects stop sucking the juice from the herbs and die within the first 24 hours.

    In case of primary damage spider mite Protection with this drug is possible, but the instructions describe that it is not effective against a variety of ticks.

    Composition and release form

    Actara preparation in jars of 250g

    The drug is sold in granules. From them you can prepare a solution for spraying, or apply directly to the soil.

    The insecticide begins to act in 15-45 minutes.

    You can purchase the insecticide in 2 types of containers:

    • Vacuum bags weighing 4 grams;
    • Glass jars weighing 250 grams.

    It has a high concentration, so 0.5 grams of the product is enough for 100 containers with plants. Aktar in large forms of release is usually introduced for agricultural needs with sufficient area.

    The product is used in any season and weather conditions.

    Mechanism of action

    It also acts on pests living on inside leaves.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Aktar for indoor plants

    The advantages of the insecticide are:

    Instructions for use

    The insecticide can be used in 2 ways:

    • For irrigation, you need to add 1 gram of Aktara to 10 liters of warm (25 degrees) water. Dissolve thoroughly. Plant protection period is 45 days.
    • For spraying you need 5 liters warm water add 4 grams of insecticide. Spraying is done at a distance of 25-30 cm from the plant. The period of plant protection is 20 days.

    For the plant itself, Aktara is absolutely harmless.

    For better protection from pests, it is recommended to alternate this product with others, as addiction is possible.

    Safety precautions when working with the drug

    Aktara belongs to substances 3 hazard class, Therefore, the following rules must be adhered to:

    • Wear gloves, safety glasses and gauze bandages;
    • Upon contact with skin rinse with soap and the mucous membranes of the eye with water;
    • Do not dilute in containers intended for food;
    • Do not smoke or touch the gas;
    • Do not store the remaining solution;
    • After handling, wash your hands with soap and ventilate the room;
    • Change clothes;
    • Do not eat or drink indoors while treatment is being carried out;

    If swallowed, drink 1 liter of water, induce a gag reflex, take activated charcoal, 1 tablet per 10 kg of person’s weight. Call an ambulance for hospitalization. Symptoms of poisoning include sweating, fatigue, rapid breathing and convulsions. To prevent - open the window, rinse with water and soap areas of damaged skin (then apply cream), as well as eyes.

    Compatibility with other drugs

    It is compatible with many substances (insecticidal, fungicidal) and growth regulators, except those in constituent components which are soap, lime and Bordeaux mixture. But when preparing the mixture, it is necessary to check the resulting drug for compatibility.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    Aktara should be kept in a dark, dry place at temperature conditions from –10 to +35 degrees. Do not keep near food products and medicines. Keep out of reach of children and animals.

    Shelf life is 4 years from the date of issue if the packaging is intact.

    Empty insecticide containers are burned in designated areas, avoiding combustion products from entering the respiratory tract. Do not use in food or for purposes not specified in the instructions. Do not dispose of in sewers or natural water bodies.

    Every summer resident wants his garden to be completely protected from various diseases and pests. After all, this is often the reason for the reduction or complete loss of the harvest. Today we will talk about a product called “Aktara”. The instructions for use state that this is a systemic insecticide that perfectly fights against any pests, insects and their larvae throughout the season. You will not have to process the garden often; the processing occurs in the spring, and it lasts until the fall. This is the main advantage of this product.


    No matter how carefully we care for our plants, whether indoor flowers or beds with vegetables, but insects do not sleep or doze. As soon as you turn away, they are already mercilessly eating up the most beautiful branches, leaving you without hope for beautiful flowers and a rich harvest. It was to help the gardener that a product called “Aktara” was released. The instructions for use indicate that this is the most modern and effective drug for combating all known pests, regardless of when and in what quantity they appeared.

    This systemic drug, which combines systemic and contact action. This is what allows us to say that the most effective drug is Aktara. Instructions for use contain information about insects from which this remedy protects well. Below we will provide this data so that you can know in what cases the drug can be used.

    Properties of the insecticide

    Thanks to its systemic action, Aktara can be used with virtually no restrictions to control insects. The instructions for use explain this versatility by the fact that the product has an intestinal effect, that is, it kills insects that have managed to eat a piece of the green part. But in addition to this, the drug also has a contact effect, that is, it destroys insects that have settled on plants in order to feast on them.

    The drug "Aktara" instantly penetrates into the shoots, leaves and roots of plants. It dissolves instantly, leaving no trace or smell. The product is very effective both when sprayed and when applied to the soil. All this makes it extremely convenient and therefore popular among gardeners.

    The drug "Aktara" provides long-term protection against several pests at the same time. At the same time, the solution consumption rate is very small, which is very important if you have large crop areas that need to be treated. Frequent applications are not required as the residual action is very long. What else is good about the drug "Aktara"? Instructions for use for fruit trees reports its high activity in all weather conditions. That is, you do not have to worry that the drug will decompose from high temperature or sunlight. The rains won't wash it away high humidity will not reduce efficiency at all.

    Active substance

    However, before treating your garden, everyone probably wants to know what exactly gets on the plant, that the drug tends to penetrate the plant tissue and accumulate in them. On the one hand, this is good; throughout the season the plant will be toxic to pests; on the other hand, is it harmful to our health? Clinical studies confirm that the active substance called thiamethoxam is toxic to humans only in powder or solution form. The drug accumulates in plant tissues in such small doses that it does not pose any threat to humans. Therefore, the fruits can be eaten without fear, but nevertheless it is worth following the recommended processing regimen and dosage.

    When treating plants, after 20 hours the effect of the drug “Aktara” fully manifests itself. Instructions for use for fruit trees emphasize that the drug reaches the top of an adult plant 3 days after treatment. The effect of the drug begins to be noticeable approximately 30 minutes after treatment. The insect pests are still alive, but they have already stopped feeding because their digestive system is paralyzed.

    Duration of exposure

    We have already said that the drug remains effective for a long time. This is true. That is why the plant protection product “Aktara” is becoming more and more popular. Reviews say that so far there has not been such available funds, which would allow maintaining protection for half the season. It should be noted that there are several ways to use the drug. We will talk about this a little later, but for now we note that when sprayed, the residual effect lasts 15-28 days. When applied to the soil, this time increases significantly; protection extends to 60 days. Thus, it is enough to carry out only two treatments per day to end up with a clean, pest-free garden.

    We must stop at very important point, too frequent repeated treatments can cause insects to become accustomed to the active ingredient of the drug. Until now, such moments have not been noted in practice, perhaps because the drug “Aktara” is not very widespread yet. Reviews from gardeners note that spring application of the drug to the soil and repeated spraying allows you to completely forget about pests. However, it is recommended to alternate the drug with other chemicals. The drug is very compatible with all fungicides and other insecticides. The only exceptions are solutions that contain soap, lime and Bordeaux mixture.

    Instructions for use for home use

    It should be noted that the drug “Aktara” is successfully used for indoor plants. It is effective against aphids and scale insects, false scale insects, thrips and whiteflies, mealybugs, Colorado potato beetles and wireworms. The only thing you need to remember is that the drug is completely useless in the fight against ticks. For spraying, you need to prepare a solution; for this, 4 g of the drug must be dissolved in 5 liters of water. To spill pots, you need to prepare a more gentle solution; to do this, take 1 g of the drug and dissolve it in 10 liters of water. If you have few indoor plants, you can make less solution; 10 liters is the dosage for 250 pots. In case of very severe damage, you need to combine spraying with watering. This is how Aktara is used for indoor plants.

    Application in the garden

    The dosages for gardening are slightly different. You will need to dissolve 2 g of the drug in 10 liters of water. You can water the soil with this solution. If you want to spray, you need to make a more saturated solution, about 4 g per 10 liters of water. "Aktara" for trees is a real find. So quickly and easily you can save the harvest fruit trees from various pests.

    Consumption rate

    It depends on what plants you will be processing. For potato fields, it is enough to dilute 1.2 g in 10 liters of water and spray during the growing season. To process currants, you need to dilute 2 g per 10 liters of water. In this case, you need to repeat the treatment, the first before flowering, and the second after harvesting. For processing decorative, flower crops A solution of 8 g per 10 liters of water is made. Why else do gardeners decide to use the drug "Aktara"? The price of this product is quite affordable, only 80 rubles for a package weighing 4 g.

    Precautionary measures

    This is a moderately dangerous drug and you should take some precautions when handling it. Be sure to use a respirator, safety glasses and rubber gloves. While processing plants, do not drink, smoke or eat. After all work is completed, you must immediately change clothes and rinse your mouth, wash your hands and face. If the treatment was carried out indoors, you need to immediately open all windows and ventilate. The remaining solution is disposed of by burning along with the container. Do not throw the remaining solution into water bodies. The drug and its solution should be stored in a place inaccessible to children and animals.

    What to do in case of drug poisoning

    For changing folk remedies today the reliable ones come, effective drugs, such as "Aktara". Their price is very low, which is why they are purchased so willingly. However, if safety precautions are violated, you may experience symptoms of poisoning. This may include weakness and sweating, rapid breathing, decreased motor activity, and convulsions.

    In this case, it is necessary to ensure an influx fresh air, drink at least a liter of water and induce vomiting. Take activated charcoal and consult a doctor immediately.


    We introduced you to a modern drug called “Aktara”. You already know how to breed and use it, all that remains is to say a few words about storage. Its shelf life is quite long, 4 years, so you can purchase a large package at once and then use it little by little. In this case, it is recommended to either immediately divide the packaging into separate bags and write how many grams are in each, or use a pharmacy scale. The product should be stored tightly packed in paper in a dry and cool place.

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