Internet magazine of a summer resident. DIY garden and vegetable garden

Upstart flower. Growing an upstart. Caring for an upstart. Mealybug on indoor plants: how to fight. Traditional methods and chemicals Harmful people at work

More and more bright exotic plants are joining the collections of amateur gardeners. Not all of them are as capricious and whimsical to care for as it seems at first glance. For example, a flower with the perky name “upstart”. This is Zephyranthes - a guest from South America. How difficult is it to care for it at home? Let's figure it out.

Origin and description of the species

Zephyranthes is a genus of perennial bulbous plants, which belongs to the amaryllis family and has about 90 species, including hybrid varieties, suitable for indoor and outdoor use. This amazing flower grows in humid places, swamps and peat bogs of tropical regions of Central and South America, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and the West Indies. Locals They are happy to cultivate it in plots near their homes.

Zephyranthes has several “folk” names: upstart, west wind flower, rain lily. The thing is that as soon as the rainy season begins, the previously dormant zephyranthes suddenly suddenly releases arrows topped with flowers similar to lilies, which bloom literally before our eyes. Flowering of the upstart begins unexpectedly and lasts very briefly - on average, 2 days. The plant received its official name, which literally translates as Zephyr flower, due to the fact that its growing season and flowering period coincide with the appearance of the western winds (Zephyr is the god of the warm western breeze).

Zephyranthes flowers are crocus-shaped, wide open, with stamens of equal length. The color of the petals can be different - from white to purple. Zephyranthes look best in a group consisting of large number planted bulbs. During times of drought, plants are dormant, without leaves or shoots.

Zephyranthes has a “brother” - gabranthus, which is also called the Argentine rain lily. How not to get confused?

The zephyranthes peduncle is always crowned with only one erect flower

Table: differences between zephyranthes and gabranthus

The peduncle of gabranthus can be decorated with from one to four flowers inclined towards the stem

Gabranthus first belonged to the genus Zephyranthes, but since there are enough differences between these plants, it was separated into a separate genus. Zephyranthes and gabranthus belong to the amaryllis family.


Based on the color of the flowers, there are 4 types:

  1. White-flowered. The bulb is 2–3 cm in diameter, the leaves are narrow, the flowers are white, about 6 cm in diameter. Feels good in cool rooms. Blooms in May-September.
  2. Yellow-flowered. Bulb with a diameter of 3 cm, funnel-shaped flowers, yellow color. Grows well in open ground in the Central and Central Black Earth regions. It blooms in December-January on the windowsill, in May - in open ground.
  3. Red-flowered. The flower is 8 cm in diameter, the bulb is 3 cm in size. It blooms in April-July.
  4. Two-color. The bulb is elongated, 3 cm, with a dark outer film. Flowers usually white, outside they are reddish-green. Blooms in January. Suitable for moderately warm rooms.

Zephyranthes is successfully cultivated in our country both in room conditions, and in the garden. On outdoors grows in subtropical regions of Russia, namely in Krasnodar region. The plant is unpretentious, develops well, requires minimal care. Any novice gardener can cope with growing it.

At home, all types of marshmallows grow equally well, but on windowsills you can most often see the popular indoor varieties described below.

Zephyranthes candida. Belongs to the white-flowered group. The bulb reaches a size of 3 cm. The leaves of snow-white zephyranthes appear along with the peduncle. Its flowering period is from July to October. Great for cool to moderately warm temperatures (22-25°C).

Golden Zephyranthes (Zephyranthes aurea). This plant belongs to the yellow-flowered group. Its bulb is round, yellow flowers funnel-shaped at the base, then widen. Blooms from December to January. Golden Zephyranthes is very popular for planting in open ground in areas with warm climates. He is a welcome guest on our windowsills.

Zephyranthes pink, or pink (Zephyranthes rosea). One of the most popular varieties. It is a red-flowered species and has very bright purple-pink flowers.

Zephyranthes robusta. Its name speaks for itself. The bulb reaches 4 cm. The flowers are large, the length of their light pink petals can reach 7 cm. It blooms in April - July. The dormant period is pronounced and runs from September to November. Red-flowered group.

Zephyranthes versicolor. Zephyranthes versicolor belongs to the group of bicolors. The bulb is 3 cm in diameter and has a dark outer film. The flowers are reddish on the outside and creamy white on the inside. The length of the petals is 5–6 cm. It blooms in January.

Of course, there are many more varieties of marshmallows: of the 90 existing in nature, about 10 are grown at home.

Photo gallery: zephyranthes white, pink, powerful and other popular varieties

Zephyranthes golden belongs to the group of yellow-flowered plants. Zephyranthes pink belongs to the red-flowered group Zephyranthes versicolor belongs to the group of bicolor Zephyranthes snow-white belongs to the white-flowered group Zephyranthes atamascus begins to bloom in March-April Zephyranthes Anderson is popular among gardeners Zephyranthes keeled blooms in April Zephyranthes Fostera is native to Mexico. Zephyranthes Lindley has pink funnel-shaped flowers. Zephyranthes Traub's flowers look like a white pointed star Zephyranthes Drummond flowers have bicolor petals: pink with outside, white with inner Zephyranthes blooms with light pink flowers

Planting and transplanting

Planting and replanting zephyranthes is best done in the spring, after a dormant period. The bulbs must be pre-treated: freed from dead scales, removed rotten or dry roots, placed in a fungicide, for example Fitosporin, for half an hour.

  1. The container for this plant should be wide but shallow. As a rule, several bulbs are planted in one bowl.
  2. The soil should be loose and nutritious, and the pH should not exceed 6. When preparing the substrate, it is best to mix turf soil, sand and humus in equal parts.
  3. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot. The drainage layer should be at least two centimeters.

    Suitable for this purpose are fine expanded clay, brick chips, polystyrene foam, and eggshell will be appropriate if the soil pH is below 5.

    Drainage is a mandatory content of a bowl for planting marshmallows

  4. Next, the bowl is half filled with the prepared substrate.
  5. The bulbs are placed at a distance of 3 cm from each other, the roots are carefully straightened.

    Marshmallow bulbs are usually planted in groups

  6. The bulbs need to be covered with substrate up to their necks.

    Zephyranthes bulbs go deep into the ground up to their necks

  7. The soil should be moistened, but so that water does not get on the neck of the bulb.
  8. Place the pot in the warmest (25–29 °C) and bright place without direct sun rays.
  9. There is no need to apply fertilizers within a month after planting.

There is no need to replant store-bought marshmallows if its bulbs have not yet occupied all the free space.


Watering and fertilizing

Watering zephyranthes must be done regularly as soon as it dries out. upper layer soil. You should not allow water to stagnate in the bowl, otherwise the root system may rot and the flower itself may become sick. After flowering, zephyranthes are watered only after the earthen clod has dried. When the leaves wilt, stop watering.

In very dry and hot weather, the plant can be sprayed with a spray bottle.

Zephyranthes are fed once every two weeks with liquid fertilizers for flowering bulbous plants or universal complexes in the dosage specified by the manufacturer. Feeding begins at the moment when the first leaves appear, and continues until they wither, so that the bulb can gain strength.

During the dormant period, the plant is not fertilized.

Flowering period

When exactly the zephyranthes blooms depends on many conditions:

  • varieties;
  • individual characteristics of the flower;
  • external conditions;
  • duration of the rest period.

Some species release arrows along with the appearance of leaves, others - after. But each peduncle is always crowned with only one flower. Zephyranthes blooms for no more than two days. Several arrows can be hidden in one bulb, so the impression of continuous flowering is created.

Marshmallow blooms look amazing, but only last two days

After the zephyranthes has faded, the peduncle needs to be trimmed, leaving only 5–7 cm. When it dries, carefully unscrew it.

Dead parts of the plant should be removed in a timely manner so as not to leave material for the development of infections.

Why zephyranthes does not bloom and how to make it bloom

It happens that the upstart is dormant and does not intend to release flower stalks. What could be the reasons for this?

  1. Spacious pot: when there is a lot of space, the bulb “fattens”, so it is necessary to transplant it into a tighter pot and not rush to free the plant from its daughter bulbs. Many gardeners do not replant zephyranthes for five years.
  2. Incorrect location of zephyranthes. If the flower is under the rays all day scorching sun or always immersed in the shade, it will not bloom.
  3. High humidity during the dormant period: the plant “in hibernation” does not need it at all.
  4. The flower is “fed” with fertilizers: the more, the better - this opinion is wrong, everything should be in moderation.
  5. The bulb is too deep: planting rules are written above.

Video: zephyranthes blooming

Rest period

The dormant period for zephyranthes usually falls on September-November or December-February. When the leaves begin to wither and fall off, watering should be stopped. Place the pot with the bulbs in a cool (12–14 °C), dark place with low humidity for 3 months. It is recommended to cut off dried leaves to avoid infection of the flower.

It is not necessary to remove dormant bulbs from the pot.

Table: optimal home conditions

Conditions Rest period Period of active growth Bloom
Temperature12–14 °C25–29 °C25–29 °C
Humidity40% 80% 80%
WateringNot neededWater regularly, after the top layer of soil dries.It will bloom faster if you skip a couple of waterings. During flowering, water abundantly, do not allow water to stagnate, and do not wait for the soil to dry out.
Lightingdark placeA bright place without direct sunlight. South, south-east or south-west window sill.
Top dressingNo feedingOnce every two weeks, fertilize with liquid fertilizer according to the instructions.Once every 10 days, fertilize with liquid fertilizer.

Solving growing problems

Table: common mistakes in care

Error Consequences Recommendations
Excessive wateringRotting of the bulb and rootsWater after the top layer of soil dries out
Insufficient wateringWilting or yellowing of leaves, no flower stalksDo not allow the earthen coma to dry out
Bowl too bigNo floweringIt is necessary to create moderate crowding for the plant
Peace is not guaranteedFor three months in autumn or winter, the flower definitely needs rest.
The neck of the bulb is covered with earthFollow landing rules

Table: diseases and pests of zephyranthes

Name Description Methods of control and prevention
Amaryllis mealybugA small insect that causes yellowing, falling, and wilting of leaves.
  • Insecticide Fitoverm at the rate of 2 ml per 1 liter of water. Water the plant with it.
  • If the bulb is severely affected by the bug, then it is better to destroy it.
Spider mite A small insect that entangles leaves and stems in a web, causing the leaves to dry out and the plant to die.
  • Spray with Anti-Mite insecticide according to the instructions.
  • Humidify dry air, spray with water from a spray bottle in hot weather.
Soft scale insectA convex insect 4 mm long, feeds on the juices of the plant, causing its death. It is difficult to fight it with insecticides, since the scale insect has protection - a shield on its back.
  • Using a cotton swab dipped in the insecticide Actellik, Karbofos or Aktara, remove all scale insects from the plant, treat the windowsill, window.
  • Carefully examine each part of the zephyranthes. If at least one scale insect remains on it, after a few days the plant will again be covered with insects.
WhiteflySmall white insect 3 mm in size, similar to a moth. The whitefly comes from tropical countries, so it loves places where it is warm and humid. They live mainly on the underside of leaves.
  • Actellik - 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water, spray when whiteflies appear.
  • Move the plant to a cooler and drier place - whiteflies do not like lower temperatures and humidity.
Fusarium (red rot)This dangerous disease caused by a fungus that penetrates through wounds and cracks in the bulb. It manifests itself as rotting of the roots of the bulb, yellowing and wilting of the leaves.
  • Destroy the diseased bulb along with the earthen lump.
  • Place healthy onions in the Maxim preparation for 30 minutes.
  • Prevent the appearance high humidity when storing bulbs.

Photo gallery: diseases and pests that can affect zephyranthes

Spider mites appear when the air in the room is too dry The amaryllis mealybug lives on bulb scales Whitefly appears in humid, warm climates The false shield is capable of very rapid reproduction Fusarium - dangerous fungal disease, causing rotting of the bulb and roots

Due to the fact that marshmallow bulbs are poisonous, the plant is quite resistant to disease and often dies due to improper care. In rare cases, zephyranthes can become ill with fusarium.


Planting seeds

Seeds can be purchased at the store or raised yourself.

It is better to sow marshmallow seeds immediately after collection.

  1. Removal of seeds. To do this, you need to pollinate the flower. At the time when the pestle blades open, use a disinfected brush from natural materials pollen from the stamens of the same or another zephyranthes should be transferred to the pistil, and then cover the flower with gauze.

    After ripening, it is advisable to sow the seeds immediately - their germination rate at this moment is almost 100%. The longer the seeds sit, the lower the germination rate.

  2. Substrate preparation. The soil mixture is the same as for bulbs, plus 1 more part of peat.
  3. Sowing seeds. Bury them into the soil 1 cm at a distance of 2–3 cm from each other, close plastic bag or glass, put in a warm place. Shoots will appear in about 20–25 days.
  4. After the emergence of seedlings, remove the shelter, move it to the brightest place with a temperature of 24–25 ° C, avoid direct sunlight.
  5. Zephyranthes bulbs reach sizes of 3 cm, rarely 4 cm

    This is the simplest and most common method among both beginners and experienced gardeners. When transplanting zephyranthes in the spring after a dormant period, you can see many daughter bulbs, which should be separated from the mother, provided that these children have their own formed root system. Try to separate carefully, without disturbing the integrity of the bulbs and roots. Care and soil are the same as for an adult plant.

    You can plant 10 bulbs in one bowl. Such seedlings bloom the next year.

Let's consider specific recommendations on how to behave with difficult people, according to the typology proposed earlier, as well as tips on what to do to ensure that such people do not harm you in your everyday personal and professional life.

Continued publication. See the beginning here.

Trampling in the mud

Since the Tramplers are less self-confident than others, it is best to communicate with them calmly and good-naturedly. By using calm questions, refrain from raising your voice or making arrogant remarks: this makes people defensive and more brash.

This method is like a small exam, the purpose of which is to find out what exactly irritates a person. Adhering to a thorough, non-aggressive tone, you will notice how surprisingly the toxic behavior of the Trample in the dirt changes, how he becomes calmer, softer, how he smiles when he manages to get to the bottom of the truth.

Most often, people put you down when you have something they don't have, or when your behavior offends them in some way. In most cases, they feel uncomfortable around you. Therefore, a compassionate approach that will make it easier for you to communicate with them is no less successful.


When communicating with a Chatterbox, a way to relieve tension is indispensable. It will help you keep your cool. Try the method of substituted fantasy. Chatterboxes should know that their endless chatter is usually inappropriate, so the method of open protest will also be effective. It is best to resort to it without outside witnesses, because the Chatterbox will have to save the situation in order to maintain his dignity.

You can start by kindly and gently assuring Chatterbox how much you love him (if that is the case), but that sometimes he talks too much about things that are not interesting to everyone. Teach Chatterbox to look closely at the facial expressions and postures of others to understand their level of interest. At first, Chatterbox may be shocked, and this will cause him to react defensively. If so, you'll have to be more forthcoming and give examples of his tiresome chatter. But do not forget to assure that you still understand and love him.

Invite him to remember that a certain gesture - raising his eyebrows, touching - can serve as a signal for him to turn the conversation around. Often defensive reactions and fear are caused by the inability to master basic communication skills and understand the facial and body language of others.

If the Chatterbox is impenetrable or continues to use your time and energy, you should be firm, using the method of open protest, and not allow him to cross the boundaries of what is permitted.


People who are filled with contempt and self-hatred most need to apply the method of love and kindness. You need to talk to them as gently as possible, otherwise they will never stop behaving in the way they are accustomed to. Self-destructors do not require food, alcohol, cigarettes or sex. They are hungry for love and attention.

There are times when you can't sit back and watch people torment themselves. In this case, only a retreat method can help. After you have tried everything and honestly admitted to your loved one that you know about his problem and are ready to help him - and all in vain! - There is nothing left to do but retreat and let him get out of trouble on his own. You can never help a Self-Destructor until he is willing to help himself.

Trouble Avoider

If you want to communicate with an Avoider, first try to catch him, preferably before he runs away. The first thing you need to use with him is a method of open protest. Don't think that this will hurt him, it's not your concern. On the contrary, tell him that you think about his habit of running away from difficulties, that you are tired of it and that he must solve this problem.

The Trouble Avoider is generally not one to argue, so when you complain, they tend to listen and act. Of course, he can escape, as usual, by fleeing if he cannot digest what he heard from you.

If you sort things out with a Trouble Avoider and he still runs away, don't regret starting the fight, because now at least you know who is wrong. Just remember that if a person runs away, he doesn't care about you.

Dormant but deadly volcano


Gossips are extremely dangerous because they can turn your life into a nightmare. The only thing that can stop a gossip is that you know very well who he is and what he is trying to do. Use the method of open protest and explain that such behavior is inappropriate - especially if they are gossiping about you. If a gossiper is gossiping about someone you know or are friends with, calm him down by saying, “I’m not going to listen to this,” or “I don’t believe a word you say,” or “I’m not interested.”

Try to ensure that there is no place for Gossips in your professional life, because they can ruin your career.

Fatal fighter

All the Fatal Fighter needs is tenderness, love, care. It’s simply amazing how quickly the method of love and kindness can cool his ardor and even transform him. It won't necessarily happen instantly, but eventually you will see a kinder, more flexible person in front of you.

If the Doom Fighter becomes aggressive, unleashing his fury on you, the only way out is to use the retreat method, say: “goodbye”, “ciao”, “bye” - and never come back. The method of retreat is also indispensable when it becomes simply impossible to continue a relationship with such a person.

If no methods help in communicating with the “Fatal Fighter,” you have no choice but to bow out.

Sad and doomed victim

When near a sad and doomed victim, it is best to rely on a method of relieving stress. It is necessary to periodically “drain” the accumulated bad energy, otherwise you will simply weaken by spending too much time with the Victim. These people are just a walking bad mood that can be very contagious - you can easily catch it like a disease.

Smiling two-faced Janus

First of all, use the method of open protest, showing Janus that you are aware of his machinations. You should never let such people go. When faced with resistance, Janus, even if you caught him red-handed, can deny everything. In this case, grab the scandal method and give vent to your anger. But remember: never resort to physical violence, no matter how much you want to. Your sincere, confident reaction will remain in the memory of Two-Faced Janus for a long time and will torment him all his life.

Indecisive weakling

An indecisive weakling is so insecure and vulnerable that he must be handled with extreme caution. Therefore, the method of love and kindness is most preferable in that you let the Weak One feel your readiness to be there at a difficult moment.

You may also want to use a method of calm questioning to help him make a decision. Ask questions that will help clarify the situation and give the Weakling the opportunity to come to some logical conclusion. If the Indecisive weakling drives you to white heat, and the methods of love, kindness and calm questions do not work, all that remains is to lay down your arms and leave the poor fellow in splendid isolation.


When communicating with the Consumer, open protest is one of the ways out. This method allows you to make it clear that you feel used and offended. In some cases, resistance on your part causes the Consumer to experience remorse for his nasty behavior. If the Consumer cares about your friendship and respect, he may look at himself and your reactions differently. If you manage to remain calm, the method of open protest will allow you to start a dialogue that will help restore the damaged relationship. If you feel that they are trying to manipulate you, to use you in this situation, say directly and firmly: “No, it won’t do. I won’t allow anyone to treat me like that, I don’t like it.”

Another option is to walk away and no longer give the consumer the opportunity to take advantage of you.

Evil Upstart Tyrant

Very often these dictators, when fought with the same weapons, feel both amazement and disgust at their behavior. In essence, by rebuffing their anger, you can once and for all protect yourself from such attacks. By shouting louder than them, you will regain your courage.

In addition, in dealing with an Upstart Tyrant, the method of scandal is suitable. Don't let him torture you with his "quirks" and enjoy your humiliation. On the contrary, act boldly and calmly. If you put him in his place, the Upstart might even respect you. Don't give him the pleasure of seeing your fear.

Your tyrant boss will also feel respect for you, although he may explode even more. You will win either way: even if he unleashes his fury on you, at least you will maintain your dignity. Another option is to get away from the Upstart Tyrant and stay as far away from him as possible. A humorous way will also help. There are many known cases when good-natured humor saved the situation and the tyrant’s ardor faded away.


The method of open protest immediately makes it clear to the Joker that you do not consider him witty and do not intend to be the object of vile jokes and stories.

It is necessary to maintain a firm tone to silence him. Don’t be afraid to talk to the Joker in this way, because he doesn’t understand in a good way. When the Joker makes a poisonous joke at you and makes excuses by saying that he was “just fooling around,” or tries to provoke you with the remark: “Don’t you understand jokes?” - Put it in its place immediately. Tell him that you understand the jokes, but you don't find anything funny in what he said. Don't worry about offending him or hurting his feelings. In the end, this person doesn't really care about your feelings.

Because the Joker builds a wall of jokes in front of him to protect his frail self-esteem, you may not be able to break his abusive behavior. The joker may simply give up on you and continue in the same spirit. In this case, turn to the scandal method. Also remind the Joker, by way of open protest, that the current plight of the world will quickly put an end to his jokes, especially if they are dangerous in terms of norms of interracial or sexual behavior.


When communicating with the Ignorant, a variety of methods are at your disposal. What you choose depends on how stubborn or stupid the Ignorant is. Start with a way to relieve tension if your opponent seems so unbearable to you that you can only hold your anger by holding your breath.

It is usually not enough to take out your anger on the Ignorant. Therefore, you can influence him using the method of open protest, explaining how small child that his actions were completely inappropriate.


The best ways to deal with Mad Men are to relieve stress and ask calm questions. The calmer you are, the less you provoke the Madman and the easier it will be for you to communicate.

Ultimately, you can always move on from Crazy People and do more enjoyable things because without professional help, they will never be able to change their difficult behavior. Do everything in your power to send such a person to a doctor, and if that fails, save yourself. Even if you are beside yourself and ready to strangle someone who does nasty things to you, always suppress your aggressive impulses and do not do anything that can ruin your future and put your life in danger.

When faced with Mad Men, never try to take matters into your own hands, but try to find legal avenues. Then, no matter how painful it may be, tell yourself, “I won’t think about it,” to deal with the bitterness in your heart caused by the Madman.

Shameless liar

The best way to deal with a Shameless Liar is to ask calm questions. If, suspecting him of lying, you begin to pour out questions, the Liar will eventually be driven into a corner and appear in an open form.

Then comes the turn of a method of open protest, which makes the Liar understand that you have seen through him, just as some Liars hide the truth only in order to amaze you. You might want to help them save their face, even though you know they're lying. Adopt a method of relieving tension, and let the Liar weave whatever he wants. And if he wants to impress you with harmless inventions, use a humorous method. A slight grin on your face often shows the Liar that you are aware of the true state of affairs, but are not inclined to humiliate him.

Dirty dog

The nasty person should make it clear clearly that his nasty behavior is not at all welcome and looks disgusting. The method of scandal, and then the method of retreat, will best explain to this type of mischief your attitude towards him.

You should not be polite and friendly with Dirty People, as this, as a rule, does not impress them. These manipulators are too dangerous, so after giving them a hard time, leave immediately! Don't let Dirty People into your life.


Hoarders are a classic type of harmful creatures, because they have unusually low self-esteem. The method of calm questions can help you in communicating with a Curmudgeon. By asking certain questions, you will let him know how unpleasant stinginess is. The Cheapskate will likely be embarrassed to hear your point of view. And the answers will shed light on his hidden fears, which will make you more understanding and patient towards your opponent, even if he behaves unworthily.

Another way is the method of open protest. The necessary conditions- compassion and understanding, therefore, when communicating with Hoarders, maintain a friendly tone. The way of love and kindness will best demonstrate your empathy.


The narcissist is unable to talk about anything unless it has something to do with himself. The best way to communicate with him is through the method of love and kindness, since Narcissus is selfish and self-absorbed solely because of deep fears, insecurities and complexes. Understanding this will help you better understand the Narcissist's problems and interact more successfully with him. The narcissist does not strive to be selfish at all costs; he is this way due to low self-esteem. The narcissist does not know how to give something to others because he is too exhausted, worthless and busy with his own problems.

If his self-absorption is wearing on your patience, a stress reliever will calm you down and help you continue communicating. If the Narcissist's selfishness and insecurities affect you, you must speak up about it using open protest. However, maintain a calm, reserved tone, otherwise they will not listen to you. If you begin to blame him and say barbs, the Narcissist will become defensive, scolding you and denying that he is self-centered. His “I” is usually fragile, like an eggshell.

If you notice that the Narcissist communicates with you only when it is convenient for him, does not pay attention to your words, and turns all conversations on himself, you may ask why he chose you. You can take your leave and leave Narcissus. Most people who encounter a Narcissist end up choosing to retreat as there comes a point where their patience wears thin. Once you stop communicating with the Narcissist, it will help to think: “I won't think about it” when you suddenly think about him, and a humorous way that will show the absurdity of his behavior.

Suck up

Even though the Slickers are unscrupulous manipulators, you don’t have the courage to blame them for everything, because deep down you still believe that at least a little of what they say is true. When the sugary flattery starts to overflow, a stress reliever can help you cope with unpleasant emotions. If this is not enough to overcome hostility, use a humorous method to stop the Slicker's efforts to please you.

You can smile and good-naturedly say: “Come on, continue, am I really what you say? You probably need something from me.” This combination of humor and open protest can cause an outburst of denial, followed by other hilarious remarks like “if you don’t stop talking in that honeyed voice, I’m going to get diabetes,” or “are you pouring that sweet syrup on me to look at me?” , how will the ants swarm me?”, or “Aren’t you tired of it yet?” Show them that you see right through their sycophantic “things.” If you can't stand the Sneaking and their flattery anymore, try the mirror method. Speak to them the same way they do, imitating their sweet voice. Usually they guess what's going on.

Self-righteous despot

When faced with a Smug Despot, immediately show him using calm questions how unpleasant and boring he is to you.

If, on the other hand, the Self-righteous Despot takes an unapproachable position and you find it dangerous to use the mirror method, choose the substitute fantasy method so that you can safely spend time with the Despot.

Arrogant snob

When Arrogant Snobs start singing their favorite song, “I'm better than you,” the method of calm questioning works best. Ask Snobs more questions so that they understand the absurdity of their claims to others. Questions like “who told you that you are better than others?” or “why wouldn’t you talk to such a person?” usually they are knocked off their arrogance, since they do not know how to respond to this.

It is very pleasant to tell the Arrogant Snobs everything that you think, because they do not expect such a turn of events and are shocked by your Attacks. If you find that you have suffered enough meanness from the Arrogant Snob and his friends, leave them and leave, saving your nerves. People who think they are better than you don't deserve attention.


Nowadays, women often succeed more than their male friends, and some insecure representatives of the stronger sex cannot accept this. Although many of these men consider themselves highly evolved and progressive people, they, like fossils, are unable to shake off the youthful belief that boys should be bigger, better, stronger and smarter than girls.


The mentor - a little despot - simply cannot live without playing the role of first violin. But while children can still be raised, adults with their established beliefs and values ​​only experience irritation and humiliation when someone tries to control them.

Don't let the Mentor down. Explain that you are not concerned with his desire to manage everything, but attempts to manage you are annoying. At the first suspicion of such behavior, you need to use the method of open protest. The mirror method also works wonders, making the Mentor wary, for he instantly boils over at the slightest attempt to control him. The mentor clearly cannot stand being treated the way he treats others. Remember that if you persistently imitate him, he may not remain in debt and fly into a frenzy. However, having experienced first-hand what it is like to be taught what, how and when to do, he will stop trying to tell you.

Ruthless Mentors also deserve a way to scandal. Turn on your heels, tighten your stomach and loudly declare that you will no longer tolerate being controlled and told what to do, because you are a reasonable adult who is fully capable of making your own decisions. A little rudeness will show this person how angry you are capable of. If nothing helps and the Mentor continues to control you, causing anxiety and grief, you will have to retreat. Otherwise, rest assured: you will stop being yourself and forget how to think for yourself.

Suspicious skeptic

Be as patient as possible. The stress relief method will help you get rid of negative emotions. If you decide to support the naysayers using the method of love and kindness, you may make good friends and allies.

If these people get on your nerves too much, you will have to retreat just as in the case of other Harmful Creatures who take a lot of your energy. Leave them in the care of psychologists!

Harmful people At work

Like neighbors, employees are not chosen - unless you are the head of a company. But the current situation in the financial world sometimes does not allow even bosses to choose their employees and clients at will.

In our turbulent times, an employee must have the skills to communicate with all types of harmful people in order not to lose his job. In the workplace, learning to deal with difficult people is truly a matter of survival. Stress Relief: “I won’t think about it” and vicarious fantasy can be your closest allies at work.

Harmful bosses. Bosses are bosses, they are the first fiddle, so whether you respect them or not is a secondary issue if you want to keep your job and make a living. The main thing for you is to learn to deal adequately with them and deal with your own anger. Harmful people in positions of power tend to be Angry Upstart Tyrants, Blaming Critics, Mentors, Consumers, Competitors, Smiling Two-Faced Januses and Curmudgeons, or variations thereof.

If you value your job, other methods may be risky. You can't put your bosses on the defensive and make them look bad, because it's always up to them and there's nothing you can do about it, so express your anger in a more acceptable way.

If your work is not of great value to you, take a risk and use the methods of open protest, calm questions, mirrors or scandal. After all, is it worth holding on to your job if anxiety and stress are threatening your health? Leave if you can. We don't need to be victims anymore. Now there is an opportunity to raise our voice, leave or go to the appropriate authorities that will help us sort things out.

Harmful employees. A harmful employee may appear in the guise of a Competitor, a Trample in the Mud, a Smiling Two-Faced Janus, a Gossip, a Dirty Man, or an Instigator. Although the work environment is very different from home, many people tend to look at the boss as a parent and see employees as brothers and sisters. As a result, family relationships often spill over into the work environment.

The most effective methods for dealing with harmful employees are methods of relieving tension and calm questions. Never lose your composure and don’t break into a scandal. Verbal violence at work is unacceptable under any form! Whatever the situation, you must behave as a professional and cultured person. If you are too provoked into a quarrel, use the method of open protest with both the harmful employee and the boss, directly telling the latter what happened. Let the difficult colleague know that you understand what’s what and are not going to follow his lead, but will go to the top management - to the boss - for fairness and justice.

Harmful subordinates. Some subordinates are so jealous of their superiors that they take on the role of the Gossip, the Dormant But Deadly Volcano, the Instigator, the Suck-Up, the Smug Despot, or the Suspicious Skeptic. Subordinates should behave correctly with their boss, at least because of their position, while the boss should respect his subordinates, while occupying a position of authority. A boss who is dissatisfied with a subordinate must always remain calm, never give in to anger and not use the method of scandal. When dealing with harmful subordinates, it is necessary to master the methods of open protest and calm questions.

Harmful professionals. There are harmful government officials and harmful professionals: doctors, lawyers, businessmen, politicians and even psychologists. No matter how educated these people are, no matter how successful they are at school, subsequently at medical school, the bar, and successful completion all exams, this does not give them the right to consider themselves superior to others and insult them.

Too often, professionals hide behind their titles and degrees to make them feel bigger and more powerful. Too often they manifest their toxic behavior as Evil Upstart Tyrants, Fatal Fighters, Competitors, Smiling Two-Faced Januses, Trampling in the Mud, Narcissists, Arrogant Snobs, Mentors or Suspicious Skeptics.

Such harmful professionals need to be put in their place. Their task is to help and support. And it doesn’t matter how famous these doctors and lawyers are or how many articles have been written about them, first of all they are obliged to help you. You pay them money, you need their services, so don't be afraid of them. You have every right to ask them questions and expect to be treated politely. It is best to use the method of calm questions when communicating with harmful professionals. The key word is calm. After all, they are also sensitive creatures and are often offended if your voice sounds like a pretension. They will become defensive, talking down to you or being rude. Therefore, when communicating with them, it is extremely necessary to monitor your intonations.

Maintain a calm and polite tone, loud enough but not harsh or shouty. If, despite your polite manners, their tone leaves much to be desired, use the method of open protest and say calmly but firmly that you prefer to be treated more politely and will not tolerate humiliation.

Harmful staff. Harmful people from the service staff can manifest themselves as Arrogant Snobs, Smug Despots, Consumers, Evil Upstart Tyrants, Chatterboxes, Competitors, Smiling Two-Faced Januses or Slickers. Perhaps many salespeople today are rude and unkind because they are jealous of your ability to buy something they cannot afford themselves. They would gladly be in your place - the place of the buyer, not the seller.

Whatever makes such people toxic, you should not suffer from it. Now you have the opportunity to get out of unpleasant situations with dignity. Open protest must be applied to harmful members of the service staff. If it doesn’t help, try the mirror method, and if that doesn’t work, don’t accept their help at all. It is better to use the method of scandal and retreat - leave and do not pay for services not provided.

You have a choice

From all sides our lives are poisoned by harmful people. They seep into our daily affairs from everywhere. But stop running and hiding. If the image of a harmful person applies to someone you know and you understand what it is about him that repels you, perhaps this understanding alone will be enough. In fact, to understand everything means to forgive, and you will no longer have to accumulate unpleasant feelings within yourself.

Have you ever found yourself in a team where there was an upstart who haunted the entire team? Collaboration with such people affects the productivity, general atmosphere and self-esteem of each team member. After all, the effect of the behavior of scoundrels is cumulative because negative interactions affect our mood more than positive ones.

The book by Stanford University professor Robert Sutton, “Don't Work with Assholes,” talks about how scoundrels interfere with a team's work and what to do about them.

Harm from tyrants

Distinctive feature teams and organizations that are run by scoundrels or in which swarms of scoundrels rampage, is that the atmosphere in them is permeated with fear, hatred and the desire for revenge.

Scoundrels bring irreparable harm to any team.

In organizations built on fear, employees are constantly looking over their shoulders, trying to avoid blame and humiliation. Even knowing how to help the company, they are often simply afraid to do so.

Scoundrels suffer too

Scoundrels who insult people often become victims of their own actions. Employees who constantly drain others mentally and physically undermine their own effectiveness by alienating colleagues and management, and weaken their social networks.

People who amuse themselves by taking away the strength of others are sucking all the juice out of their careers.

Warning: don't be so quick to judge people

Before blaming a person and labeling him an incorrigible tyrant, try to understand the situation and look at it from all sides. It sometimes happens that some withdrawn or unfriendly, but decent employees can easily be mistaken for certified scoundrels.

"Working with a person whŏ on the first̆ the look seemed like an asshole, I every̆ Once I was convinced that the superficial impression was wrong: they all turned out to be absolutely normal as soon as we got closer.”

Peter McDonald, IDEO

Of course, there are people with whom the method does not work: the more you get to know them, the more evidence you get that they are typical scoundrels. But it is better to draw conclusions based on accurate facts, rather than on far-fetched ideas.

Avoid the influence of scoundrels

Limit your interactions with scoundrels to reduce the chance of contracting scoundrel fever yourself. In addition, the tactic of avoiding communication with such people reduces the damage they cause.

The longer we remain surrounded by scoundrels, the more prone we become to becoming just like them.

Reduce communication with scoundrels to a minimum.

If you feel that the atmosphere around you is permeated with the actions of scoundrels, pack your things and leave the room immediately. Walk away or stay as far away from the villains as possible.

The difference between how a person treats powerful people and those without real power is the best measure of human character. Do you want to surround yourself with worthy people?

The appearance of this pest cannot be confused with anything. This is a fairly large relative of the scale insect. The mealybug reaches up to 8 mm in length.

Female hair lice have undeveloped bodies oval shape, more characteristic of insect larvae. They lay numerous eggs in special sacs in the axils of the leaves. The shoots on which the pest lives are covered with a white, sticky waxy coating.

Males are not at all similar to females - they have wings and normally developed limbs, the body is divided into sections and ends in a bunch of tail filaments

Using their mouthparts, females and larvae easily pierce the surface of a leaf, bud or shoot and suck out the juices from it. Young scale insects are extremely mobile and easily move between plants. Sexually mature males do not feed because as they grow older their mouthparts atrophy.

Signs of Mealybug Infestation

To detect pests, it is enough to carefully examine the indoor plant.

Main features:

  • drooping appearance, lethargy of leaves and shoots;
  • underdeveloped buds, deformed leaves;
  • white powdery coating with lumps;
  • small “mosquitoes” (male scale insects) on the windows near the pots;
  • the presence of sticky mucus (honey dew) on all parts of the plant;
  • the presence of white inclusions in the earthen coma during transplantation;
  • presence of white oval insects.

Any of these symptoms may indicate the appearance of a scale insect. Not a single flower is immune from infection. Special control should be given to citrus, amaryllis, cycad and palm plants, as well as cacti, violets and orchids.

The azalea often suffers from a pest, a photo of which is given in the article. The pest attacks young shoots. The leaves stop growing and begin to turn yellow. Azalea, a photo of which demonstrates its beauty, when struck by insects, loses its former appearance.

Harm to the plant

Mealybugs literally suck everything out of flowers nutrients, disrupting their growth and normal development. Sweet honeydew secreted by females provokes the development of associated fungal infections. Due to the sticky, impenetrable coating, the green pet's breathing becomes worse. This can cause the leaves to wilt and even fall off.

Mealy aphids (another name for mealybugs) do not prefer a specific part of the plant, attacking everything that comes in its way. Not only shoots, buds and leaves are under attack, but also roots. If treatment is not started as soon as possible, the bug will spread to surrounding indoor plants. In time he will destroy them all. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately declare war if you notice a mealybug on indoor plants. How to deal with the pest will be discussed below.

Causes of mealybugs

Why do these harmful insects appear?

There are several main reasons:

  1. Presence of eggs and larvae in the soil. You may even be infected purchased soil, so it is very important to treat it with hot steam before use.
  2. Transfer of larvae with newly acquired plants. New pets should be kept separately and carefully examined periodically. You can place them next to other flowers only after finally making sure that there are no pests.
  3. Errors in care - low temperature indoor air, stagnation of moisture in the soil, insufficient lighting, excessive application of fertilizer. Improper care significantly reduces the plant’s immunity, causing various diseases.
  4. The presence of dust on the leaves, irregular removal of dry parts.
  5. Untimely replacement of soil in pots. Harmful insects can start inside a compacted earthen coma.
  6. Poor quality water for irrigation.

Traditional methods of combating mealybugs

Now you know how dangerous the pest is for plants. You can easily determine that a mealybug has settled on indoor plants.

How to deal with such an insect? If the infection is small, you can try to get rid of it without special means.

Popular home control methods:

  1. Infusion from medicinal herbs. To treat the plant, you can use horsetail and calendula. The powder purchased at the pharmacy should be brewed with boiling water. After the product has cooled, the plant is treated with it. To prepare the infusion, use the following ratios: 100 g of horsetail (calendula) per 1 liter of liquid.
  2. Garlic tincture. This is enough effective method combating mealybugs. Peel and chop a medium-sized whole garlic head. Pour in a liter hot water and let it brew for 4 hours. Garlic tincture is applied to the leaves and trunk using cotton wool or a sponge.
  3. Oil emulsion. Per liter warm water stir 2 tablespoons olive oil. Spray the affected leaves with a spray bottle.
  4. Soap-alcohol solution. To prepare it, it is better to take natural soap, without perfume additives. For 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon of grated soap and 1 tablespoon of ethyl alcohol is enough. Spray the affected parts of the plant, avoiding getting the solution on the earthen ball. The procedure can be carried out once every 3 days. It is necessary to wash off the applied product one day after spraying.
  5. Tincture of lemon and orange zest. A surprisingly simple recipe that allows you to effectively rid your plant of pests. Take lemon and orange peels and pour boiling water over them. The ratio is as follows: 30-50 g of zest per 1 liter of liquid. The product should be infused throughout the day. Then treat your green pets with this infusion using a spray bottle.

Chemicals for mealybugs

If traditional methods are ineffective or there are large foci of infection, you have to turn to chemical insecticides.

Widely available effective drugs against mealybug:

  • "Decis".
  • "Vertimek".
  • "Tsvetofos".
  • "Nurell D."
  • "Phosfamide."
  • "Bi-58".
  • "Aktellik".
  • "Fitoverm".
  • "Aplaud."

There should not be any particular difficulties with such substances. The main thing is to read the instructions carefully and follow all safety precautions.

Affected plants must be quarantined. Usually 3-4 insecticide treatments are sufficient. If pests still remain, you need to change the drug.

Precautionary measures

Make sure that the drugs you use do not cause harm:

  1. Chemicals should only be used in a well-ventilated area.
  2. Keep children and pets away from the area.
  3. To avoid poisoning, use personal protective equipment.

Preventive measures

  1. Periodically carefully inspect green spaces.
  2. Regularly replant grown flowers.
  3. Inspect the earthen ball during transplantation. Rinse the soil hot water(about 55°C).
  4. Properly care for flowers according to their preferences.
  5. Promptly remove dying parts of the plant. Dried leaves can serve as a convenient hiding place for various pests.
  6. Before planting, scald the pots with boiling water and steam the soil.
  7. Observe quarantine measures for new plants.

Insects are an integral part of any ecosystem, but they have no place on the landscaped windowsills of apartments. Especially if mealybugs appear on indoor plants. You know how to deal with the pest. Therefore, use any available methods. After all, healthy house plants without pests actively develop and delight the eye with bright greenery and abundant flowering.

Have you ever found yourself in a team where there was an upstart who haunted the entire team? Collaboration with such people affects the productivity, general atmosphere and self-esteem of each team member. After all, the effect of the behavior of scoundrels is cumulative because negative interactions affect our mood more than positive ones.

The book by Stanford University professor Robert Sutton talks about how scoundrels interfere with the team's work and what to do with them.

Harm from tyrants

The hallmark of teams and organizations that are run by scoundrels or in which swarms of scoundrels run amok is that the atmosphere in them is permeated with fear, hatred and the desire for revenge.

In organizations built on fear, employees are constantly looking over their shoulders, trying to avoid blame and humiliation. Even knowing how to help the company, they are often simply afraid to do so.

Scoundrels suffer too

Scoundrels who insult people often become victims of their own actions. Employees who constantly drain others mentally and physically undermine their own effectiveness by alienating colleagues and management, and weaken their social networks.

People who amuse themselves by taking away the strength of others are sucking all the juice out of their careers.

Warning: don't be so quick to judge people

Before blaming a person and labeling him an incorrigible tyrant, try to understand the situation and look at it from all sides. It sometimes happens that some withdrawn or unfriendly, but decent employees can easily be mistaken for certified scoundrels.

"Working with a person whŏ on the first̆ the look seemed like an asshole, I every̆ Once I was convinced that the superficial impression was wrong: they all turned out to be absolutely normal as soon as we got closer.”

Peter McDonald, IDEO

Of course, there are people with whom the method does not work: the more you get to know them, the more evidence you get that they are typical scoundrels. But it is better to draw conclusions based on accurate facts, rather than on far-fetched ideas.

Avoid the influence of scoundrels

Limit your interactions with scoundrels to reduce the chance of contracting scoundrel fever yourself. In addition, the tactic of avoiding communication with such people reduces the damage they cause.

The longer we remain surrounded by scoundrels, the more prone we become to becoming just like them.

If you feel that the atmosphere around you is permeated with the actions of scoundrels, pack your things and leave the room immediately. Walk away or stay as far away from the villains as possible.

The difference between how a person treats powerful people and those without real power is the best measure of human character. Do you want to surround yourself with worthy people?

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