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How to deal with all sorts of difficulties when growing clerodendrum: causes and treatment. Luxurious clerodendrum in your home: growing, care and propagation

Small white lanterns, collected in large inflorescences, from which red butterfly flowers peep through - this is how Mrs. Thompson's clerodendrum blooms. The name of the flower translates as “tree of destiny,” and the strange name was chosen in honor of the wife of an English missionary, Mrs. Thompson, who idolized the plant.

The homeland of the plant is the tropics Latin America, Africa, East Asia. In nature, it is a climbing vine with large convex leaves, on which veins are visible, the edge of the leaves is zigzag, and flowers of various colors are amazing in beauty and shape.

Clerodendrum varieties

Based on the color and shape of the flower and leaves, several main types of plants can be distinguished.

  • - most popular look plants. It can be formed in the form of a bush or a small tree, it can be left unchanged and then you will be pleased with the beauty of the climbing vine;
  • Clerodendrum is the most beautiful– a shrub up to 3 meters high, with heart-shaped shiny leaves and red-purple inflorescences;
  • Clerodendrum fragrant- a plant up to 2 meters high, with a rosette of small double flowers of white or soft lilac color, the leaves are pubescent. The aroma of the plant is bright, with notes of citrus and violet;
  • Clerodendrum uganda refers to subshrubs, with smaller elongated leaves and small blue flowers.

IN wildlife There are also other representatives of the plant, but only Thompson clerodendrum is grown at home.

Planting clerodendrum

If you purchased young plant, it needs to be quickly transplanted into a nutrient substrate. The pot should not be large to avoid waterlogging and stagnation of water in the soil. At the bottom of the pot, pour a layer of expanded clay - drainage, 2-4 cm high, then soil, consisting of a mixture of soil for decorative foliage plants and sand. Monitor the acidity of the soil - it should be slightly acidic.

The replanting process is performed once a year in the spring, after flowering, and only if the pot becomes small and the flower has grown greatly. Small plants with an unformed crown do not need to be replanted.

Home care

Caring for clerodendrum is simple: you need to proper watering, timely feeding and regular pruning, i.e. form a plant.


Since clerodendrum belongs to tropical plants, it is difficult to tolerate the lack of moisture. Make sure that top part The soil was always slightly moist.

In summer, the plant needs to be watered frequently. Less often in winter, as the soil dries out.

At the end of flowering, the plant enters a dormant period during which watering is reduced to a minimum.

In all cases, use soft water room temperature, which has undergone settling. On a hot day summer period It is advisable to spray the leaves of the plant. It will answer you with generous foliage and magnificent flowering.

Top dressing

Like any other decorative foliage plant, the flower needs feeding in the spring and summer. Using mineral fertilizing According to the instructions, it is necessary to treat the plant in two ways: add fertilizer to the water for irrigation and spray the leaves.

Make sure that the fertilizer does not get on the flowers - this can cause them to fall off. Feeding is carried out in summer and spring - once every 10-13 days. In winter and during the dormant period, fertilizing is not required.


To form a beautiful spherical bush or tree with lush blooming crown, it is necessary to prune after flowering. It promotes better branching and plant growth. To obtain a neat bush, it is recommended to trim young shoots and vine-like vines that interfere with the formation of the bush by 1/3.

If you want to form a tree, leave a central powerful trunk and remove all basal shoots. At the top of the trunk, carefully trim only some of the vines. It will take more than one year to form a beautiful tree, but as a result you will get a beautifully blooming lush crown, and you can plant it near the trunk ground cover plants, which form a soft green carpet and create a cute composition in a pot.

Clerodendrum propagation

Different plant species reproduce in different ways. In this article we will consider propagation options for indoor clerodendrum Thompson. It is easy to propagate from stem cuttings, planting them in soil or waiting for the roots to grow in a container of water, and then planting them in the ground.

Important note: propagation is possible only after the plant has finished flowering. The cuttings quickly take root and grow. Next, the usual procedures are performed, as for caring for an adult plant.

Why does clerodendrum not bloom?

Abundant flowering can only be achieved with proper care– this is watering, fertilizing and pruning. Clerodendrum does not tolerate straight sun rays, but at the same time, the lack of light leads to slower plant growth and lack of flowering.

It is preferable to grow the flower on a western or eastern window, away from heating devices. If the air in the room is dry, it is necessary to constantly spray the crown.

Timely pruning also affects abundant flowering. If you leave clerodendrum shoots untouched, there will be no flowering. Flowers appear only on young shoots.

Why do clerodendrum leaves turn yellow?

Flower growers often encounter this problem when caring for flowers. This could be due to: natural causes natural cycle and improper care. At the end of flowering, a period of rest begins for the plant. Therefore, yellowing and falling of leaves is a natural process. Some of them remain and after some time the active growth and development of the flower begins, as well as the appearance of new leaves.

Healthy clerodendrum leaves turn yellow from lack of moisture. Initially they sag and wither, and then they turn yellow. It is necessary to increase watering, but at the same time make sure that the soil does not become waterlogged, otherwise the plant will die.

Diseases and pests of clerodendrum

The main diseases and pests for clerodendrum are spider mite, aphids and whiteflies. If signs of the disease are detected - the leaves wither and curl, the plant develops poorly, the shoots are bent, it is necessary to spray and treat the soil with fungicides. Depending on the degree of the disease, treatment is carried out from one to several times. After treatment, it is advisable to place the plant in a greenhouse for several days, covered with polyethylene, and keep it away from direct sunlight.

Signs of clerodendrum

It's no coincidence amazing plant among the inhabitants of the island of Java it was called the “tree of fate”. According to the sign, it brings happiness to the house.

If a flower blooms profusely and develops, it means everyone in the family is healthy and happy. As soon as the plant fades or blooms poorly, there is discord in the family.

The benefits and harms of clerodendrum

The plant does not belong to the medicinal group, but the benefits of contemplating it are palpable. Look at a luxuriously blooming clerodendrum tree or bush, and a wonderful mood and positive emotions secured. All parts of the plant are non-toxic and do not cause allergic reactions, therefore harmless to children and pets.

After reading the article, you are convinced of the need to have a plant at home. Every woman dreams of having a healthy, friendly family, and clerodendrum will contribute to this.

Clerodendrum is part of the Verbenovaceae family. Its homeland is the tropical forests of Africa, southern Asia, South America. It can be a shrub, woody vine or small tree. It’s hard to believe, looking at the photo of clerodendrum, that caring for it at home is not difficult, because the inhabitant of the windowsill looks very exotic. Its flowers have a complex and intricate shape, and - like the leaves - they exude a soft, pleasant aroma.

Species diversity

Used in decorative floriculture different types and varieties:

  • Clerodendrum philippines is a species with soft pink flowers, reminiscent of roses collected in a bouquet with a very pleasant smell. Their aroma is especially intense in the evening and at night.

  • Clerodendrum Mrs. Thompson (or simply "Thompson") is a bush or woody vine with elongated leaves. They are painted in rich dark shades of green, and lighter veins are clearly visible on the surface. The flowers are white, physalis-shaped, with scarlet corollas. Basic care for Thompson's clerodendrum at home is quite simple compared to other species, which is why the plant is very popular among lovers of “green exotics” at home.

  • Clerodendrum Prospero - compact bushes with lanceolate leaves with a wavy edge. White flowers with elongated stamens are collected in peculiar garlands. Among all indoor varieties, Prospero is the most capricious: for it to bloom, it requires a long duration of light and humidity in the room.

  • Ugandan clerodendrum is a species with long shoots (about 2 m). As they grow, they become stiff and cling to supports. It is distinguished by small flowers of a soft blue or purple hue, reminiscent of a flock of fluttering moths. Clerodendrum Ugandan blooms from April to September.

  • Clerodendrum brilliantis is an attractive shrub with elongated shoots and bright green and rounded leaves. Its crimson flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences that decorate the plant for almost all year round with the exception of the dormant period during the winter.

There are many types of clerodendrum that have an original appearance. Based on them, derived hybrid varieties. For example, "Mrs. Thompson" has a variety that features lime-colored foliage.

When kept at home, the clerodendrum flower lives for about 5 years. “Overgrown” ones lose their attractiveness: they need to be replaced with young specimens.

How to care after purchase

As everybody houseplants, after purchase, the bush should be quarantined: placed away from other house flowers. This will protect against the spread of pests or diseases that may appear on the “newbie”. Treatment is also recommended systemic insecticide(for example, “Aktaroy”).

After purchase, replanting is required, but you should wait until the end of flowering. If the appearance of a green pet begins to rapidly deteriorate, then the procedure must be carried out immediately. It is possible that the soil does not suit his preferences.

Another danger lies in the fact that in stores “blooming goods” are often sprayed with all kinds of stimulants. Therefore, at home the specimen begins to gradually weaken. Over time, he will get used to the new environment, but for better adaptation, he is sprayed with Epin from a spray bottle.

Temperature, lighting

This is a heat-loving and light-loving indoor flower, because it is of tropical origin. Optimal temperature for cultivation in summer is 18–25 °C, and in winter period when it is time to rest, it is about 15 °C.

He also likes a lot of diffused light. Therefore, southwestern and western windows are excellent for growing. If it is exposed to direct sunlight, you will need to make artificial shading: for example, hang blinds on the frame. You can simply cover it with newspaper when necessary.


When growing clerodendrum at home, it needs to be watered regularly and abundantly. In its homeland - in tropical forests - the air and soil are constantly highly moist. At home, it is necessary to create an atmosphere as close as possible to natural: water the plant as soon as the top layer of soil dries out in the pot. In winter, when the dormant period has begun, watering is reduced: the lower the air temperature in the room, the less moisture is needed. But the earthen ball should never dry out completely.

You also need to maintain high air humidity. The bushes are regularly sprayed with a spray bottle. They will also like the shower: it is enough to “bathe” the flower once a month in the warm season.

With the onset of cold weather, the flowerpot is removed from the radiator and heating devices, because they dry out the air greatly.

Suitable soil composition and choice of pot

The flower feels good and actively develops in fertile and slightly acidic soil (with a pH value of 5–6). The easiest option is to buy a universal mixture at a hardware store and add a little sand to it. It’s easy to prepare the soil yourself by mixing in equal quantities:

  • peat;
  • leaf soil;
  • clay soil;
  • coarse sand.

To prevent diseases and pests, the soil must be disinfected. The easiest way is to heat it in the oven or microwave at high temperature.

It is advisable to take a ceramic flowerpot: unlike a plastic one, it allows air to pass through and helps maintain optimal quantity moisture. In addition, ceramics are heavier and more stable, which is good when growing massive bushes. The size of the dishes should be 2 cm larger in depth and width than the dimensions of the old pot or the volume of the root system.


Transplantation must be carried out very carefully, using the transshipment method. The earthen lump is taken out completely by knocking on the walls of the pot to make it easier to free it from it. It is forbidden to rinse the roots under running water.

Place 2–3 cm of drainage at the bottom of the new container: expanded clay, brick fragments and small pebbles are suitable. Sprinkle some soil on it and place it in a pot. root system, and then begin to carefully pour soil into the voids. When the dishes are filled to the top, the soil is watered and more soil is added when it settles. After transplantation it is recommended to use liquid fertilizers with phytohormones so that the plant recovers faster.

Pruning and crown formation

The rules for caring for clerodendrum imply annual pruning, which is carried out in the spring during the active growth phase. Dried and weak branches should be removed, and all shoots should be trimmed by 1/3 - this stimulates the growth of new ones and the formation of buds.

Photo: clerodendrum formed in the form of a bush

Trimming allows you to achieve the desired shape. For example, make it bush or grow in a trunk: a tree with a bare trunk and a spreading crown. To form a trunk, all shoots are removed except one - the strongest, which is fixed to a vertical support. When it reaches the required height - from 50 cm, the “trunk” of the future tree is pinched, and then, if necessary, the lateral shoots are trimmed.

Features of care after flowering

Flowering ends with the onset of autumn. It is necessary to stop any feeding of the plant so that it goes to rest and rests over the winter. It is recommended to remove dried inflorescences and place the pot in a cooler place.

Methods for propagating clerodendrum

The shrub reproduces in two ways - by seeds and cuttings. The methods have their own specifics:

  1. Seeds are planted in the last ten days of February or early March. You will need a mixture of sand, peat and fertile turf soil. After embedding in the soil, create a greenhouse by covering the container with film and periodically ventilating it. When the seedlings have 4 leaves, a dive is carried out. Seedlings grown in this way will bloom only after a few years, so it is not very popular.
  2. To propagate by cuttings, you will need to cut off parts of the young shoots from the old plant. Therefore, the procedure is usually carried out in conjunction with spring pruning. The cuttings take root well in water. After the roots appear, it is planted in a container with a diameter of 5 cm and covered glass jar. The soil must be constantly moist. When the seedling has developed, it is carefully transplanted into a pot with a diameter of about 8–9 cm, and after a year - into a container with a diameter of 11–12 cm, pinching the tops for branching.

Cuttings do not require special skills and abilities, so growing young specimens will not be difficult.

Fertilizer application

Feeding begins in the spring, when awakening occurs after hibernation, and ends in September. Alternate organic fertilizers and complex preparations with minerals, produced for flowering plants. It is enough to do one fertilizing every 14 days in spring and summer. During the autumn and winter months, fertilizing the plant is not necessary and may even be harmful.

Growing problems

The most common problem is that clerodendrum does not want to bloom. Beginners who like indoor floriculture especially often encounter this problem. It would seem that all the rules have been followed, but the buds are not formed.

The main reason why clerodendrum does not bloom for a long time is a violation of growing recommendations. It is necessary to analyze the care and the created conditions in detail in order to find the error. Very often it lies in improper wintering. In the cold season, it is important to move the plant to a cool room or loggia with a temperature of 12–15 °C, reduce watering and refuse fertilizers. This is the main secret of all varieties, how to make them bloom. And in the spring you should do pruning, provide enough light until autumn and follow the correct regime of fertilizing with which nutrients are supplied.

Other possible problem- yellowing of foliage. This usually occurs when there is a lack of water. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is always moist. Chlorosis can also cause leaves to turn yellow. Iron supplements help fight this disease. If the leaves of clerodendrum turn yellow in the fall, then this is a natural and natural change: the plant is deciduous and thus goes into rest.

Diseases and pests

The plant is attacked by spider mites and whiteflies. It is necessary to inspect the specimens every week so as not to miss the moment of infection. The smaller the pest population, the easier it will be to destroy them by treating the plant and soil in the pot. insecticides.

The presence of a spider mite can be suspected by the white dots that appear on the underside of the leaves and the barely noticeable cobwebs that wrap the branches. Whiteflies are characterized by a glossy coating on the surface of the leaf, called honeydew or honeydew.

Associated with the indoor “guest from the tropics” Interesting Facts and beliefs:

  1. The name of the plant translated from ancient Greek means “tree of fate.”
  2. On the island of Java they believe that the flower brings good luck to the house. It is especially useful for young girls and women.
  3. In Africa it is called “Volkameria” (translated as “innocent love”). On the continent it is traditionally used in wedding ceremonies.
  4. It's hard to believe, but, according to the botanical classification, the plant's closest relatives are basil, mint, rosemary and other herbs.
  5. The ancient Greeks presented the flower at the altar of Aphrodite.

This beautiful flower, which can be grown on a windowsill. It is important to provide it with a suitable microclimate, close to natural, and allow it to go into winter rest. Then taking care of clerodendrum in an apartment will not cause any trouble, and the plant will definitely please you unusual flowers emitting a sweet aroma.

Plants influence our lives, bringing a wide variety of energy. A home is the center of peace and well-being, and therefore species that have a beneficial effect on our well-being and well-being should grow in it. One of these flower plants is clerodendrum, home care for which has its own subtleties and secrets.

They can be used for landscaping large premises And winter gardens, loggias and insulated verandas. It can become a living screen if it is passed along a decorative lattice. It is not for nothing that people call it the fateful tree and innocent love. Clerodendrum gives love and has a positive effect on the fate of the inhabitants of the house in which it grows.

Where does clerodendrum come from?

This amazing plant that decorates the window sills of our houses comes from distant subtropical and tropical forests located in Africa and Asia. In their natural conditions This plant is found in the form of shrubs and trees, grass and vines. More than 400 species of clerodendrum are known: both evergreen and deciduous.

The interesting shape and color attracted the first owners of the plant. Thanks to the unusual appearance of the inflorescences, reminiscent of a moth and a bell, clerodendrum continues to delight flower growers to this day.

No special care is required at home. It is grown separately potted plant, and is also effectively used to form a vibrant green background.


On the windowsills of our houses you can find the varieties that have gained the greatest popularity, including:

Mrs. Thompson (Clerodendrum thomsonae) is a vine with a climbing stem bearing large oval leaves with a pointed shape. The stems can reach a length of 3 m. It blooms twice - in spring and autumn. The flowers reach sizes up to 25 cm, have a bell-shaped greenish-cream color, in the bowl of which bright scarlet stars glow. Even after flowering, when the bell has fallen off, the calyxes are colored pink color and continue to delight the eye until the month of November. The plant partially sheds its leaves in winter.

Philippine (Clerodendrum philippinum), the fragrant clerodendrum, whose homeland is the island of Java and China, grows as a small shrub and delights owners with the intoxicating sweet aroma that the terry clusters emit continuously flowering plant. The leaves are large and soft, bright green in color, resembling a heart with jagged edges. When grown, it does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Clerodendrum Prospero - “bridal veil”, “Cleopatra’s tears”. A gracefully shaped bush, dotted with snow-white inflorescences, the flowers of which are of amazing shape. This clerodendrum looks gorgeous in any apartment. However, special care is required for it at home: it is necessary high humidity, and a certain light regime must be maintained.

Ugandan clerodendrum - “blue butterfly” - is distinguished by exotic flowers of a soft lilac or violet hue, clearly reminiscent of a moth with spread wings, and dark green leaves. The vine reaches 2 m in length. The plant can be shaped like a tree or bush.

Brilliant is the most common species, blooming from January to early June. This evergreen shrub, having climbing shoots with large, almost round leaves up to 8 cm. Brushes with velvet-red flowers delight owners with beauty all year round.

Clerodendrum: care at home. Nuances

The hot countries from which clerodendrum comes are characterized by bright sunshine and a humid climate. Lighting is one of the fundamental factors affecting growth and flowering. But here, the main thing is not to overdo it and avoid direct sunlight, which can have a detrimental effect on the plant, causing yellowing and falling leaves. It is best to place the pot in the east or west direction, making sure there is sufficient lighting for your pet. If you intend to place a flower on windowsills facing south and north, then you should protect the plant from direct rays, providing diffused light.


Which temperature regime requires clerodendrum? Large temperature fluctuations are undesirable for the plant. This should be taken into account when growing clerodendrum. Care at home (the photo above is proof of this) proves that maintaining a temperature of +18-25 degrees is the optimal regime, quite sufficient for successful growth and flowering. In winter, clerodendrum Mrs. Thompson requires special cool conditions, up to +12 degrees, shedding some of the foliage and remaining in a state of rest, which is necessary for laying buds.

Features of reproduction

Have you decided to get a clerodendrum? Home care and propagation are of interest to all plant owners. This can be done through cuttings or seeds. There is no need to plant seeds if the plant is healthy. In this case, you can do just fine with cuttings.

After spring pruning The cuttings are placed in water, and after they sprout roots, they can be planted in a pot. Or the cut cuttings are placed in a pot with a peat-sand mixture, which should be covered with a transparent cap. Remove the watering cap every day until the first leaves appear. The plant should be replanted after a year.

If there is a desire to acquire a new species, then sow the seeds at the end of winter or beginning of spring in a mixture of leaf soil, peat and sand.

Features of watering and fertilizing

How to feed and water clerodendrum correctly? Care at home (the photo below clearly demonstrates a plant that is not given due attention) has certain features. The lack of minerals and vitamins in a flowering plant is reflected in the drying tips of the leaves. Therefore, careful attention to the plant is required so that the clerodendrum pleases the owner with its flowering and juicy greens. The humidity level must be maintained, because the flower tolerates dry air extremely poorly.

It is worth spraying regularly, and it is better to place the flowerpot in a tray filled with moss or expanded clay. A tropical, moisture-loving plant requires regular and abundant watering. But you shouldn’t constantly fill it, just as you shouldn’t let the earthen clod dry out. It is necessary to water when the top layer of soil has dried out. The water should be soft and settled. During the cold season, watering is reduced; it is enough to water the plant a couple of times a month and keep it away from radiators.

You need to fertilize twice a month; it is best to use a complex composition.

Clerodendrum: care at home. Trimming

For correct formation The crowns of the plant resort to pruning. Considering that plants can reach heights of up to 3-4 m, pruning is used to limit size.

The required shape and required size are determined by the owner himself, taking into account the features of the interior and the proximity to other plants. They also prune clerodendrum, care at home (sometimes it does not bloom even with excellent care) behind which we describe, in the absence of flowering. This applies to Ms. Thompson. Pruning is done to improve branching and ensure abundant flowering. Dry, weakened shoots are removed during the period after flowering and after winter dormancy. A feature of some plant species is the ability to independently regulate growth and flowering capabilities, relying on the available vitality. The flower itself dries some shoots during the dormant period without pests. That is why the most suitable time for pruning is spring.

Features of transplantation

The best time to replant the plant is after pruning.

Clerodendrum does not tolerate this procedure well. Care at home will ensure flowering if done correctly. It will improve after correct transplantation, which can be done annually, but better after two years. To do this, it is preferable to take a vessel 2 cm higher and larger in diameter than the previous one. The drainage layer is poured at least 3 cm, and the support for the plant is placed directly in the flowerpot. A method that is less traumatic for the root system is to transfer the plant root ball into a new pot, after which fresh soil is added on top. Soil will do universal, slightly acidic. And when self-cooking the mixture must be maintained in proportions, taking in equal parts peat, coarse sand, clay and leaf soil.

Caution: Pests

The presence of a spider mite is indicated by the cobwebs that cover the leaves of the plant. Signs of the disease include curled yellowed leaves, blackened buds, sticky honeydew and slow shoot growth. It is necessary to pick off the affected leaves, destroying them. Treat with Actellik or a solution of insecticidal soap.

Clerodendrum will not cause any particular trouble to the owner. Care at home (pruning, propagation, pests - we told you about all this) can be easily provided only if you have certain knowledge that will help you grow a beautiful and healthy plant that can delight your household for many years.

Every home has indoor plants that carry with them a variety of energy. Most types of flowers have a positive effect on our mood and health, so we try to surround ourselves with beautiful plants. The decorative vine clerodendrum is considered a valuable plant for any gardener. In the photo you can see that it fits perfectly into any interior, causing admiration for its appearance.

It must be said that the flower is not simple and caring for it is difficult. How to properly care for clerodendrum at home? What needs to be done to make it bloom and bring notes of freshness and aroma to the house?

Clerodendrum and its types

For many flower lovers, clerodendrum is unique plant . Its vine structure with long branches allows you to form various options bushes according to your taste and desire. The plant blooms for a long period of time if it is cared for competently. Despite the difficulties in caring for the flower, it is very popular and many people seek to purchase it for their home.

The birthplace of the flower is South Africa and the tropics of Asia. In nature, the plant is found in several forms:

  • liana;
  • bush;
  • tree.

There are only a few types of flowers for growing at home; their photos and descriptions can be found in our article.

Representatives of this genus of flowers are mainly evergreen or deciduous vines, as well as small trees and shrubs. The plant has a lush color and at home can reach a maximum height of 4 meters. Among indoor crops The most popular types are:

  • Ugandan clerodendrum;
  • Thompson's clerodendrum;
  • Clerodendrum Wallich;
  • clerodendrum philippines.

All these species grow well at home, so it’s worth taking a closer look at them to know the intricacies of growing and care.

Clerodendrum uganda

This type of flower also called "blue butterfly", because of its soft blue flowers with a purple tint and curving stamens. In their shape, they resemble the wings of a moth, which is in flight with its wings spread. The leaves of the vine are dark green and it grows up to 2-3 meters in length. Another good thing about the liana is that it can be given the shape of a bush or tree if desired.

The liana-like shrub loves bright light, so it is better to keep it on a windowsill with access to the South. It will develop well in the sunny side if it is watered regularly. This species reproduces well by cuttings, almost always take root without problems. The liana blooms almost all year round with short breaks. She needs them to form new buds.

The plant can also be grown in open ground, there it will reach its maximum size. If you grow it in a container, the flower will be more compact. The species is considered drought-resistant and very easy to care for.

Mrs Thompson

This tropical liana creates exoticism at home. In nature, its trunk is woody, but if it grows in a house, then it branches are smooth and elastic. The plant must have support, since long branches need support. They will wrap around a support with a variety of flowers if properly cared for.

This species has dense green leaves with slightly grooved edges. The flowers are large, bell-shaped, with a white calyx and a bright red corolla with a tubular structure. As the calyx withers, it does not fall off the stem. She acquires purple tint. When pruned correctly, the plant forms beautiful bush. The flowering period begins in March and blooms until July. Then a short rest and the flowers can be seen again in the fall.

Liana Thompson prefers diffused light. In winter, it sheds its leaves. In spring and summer it needs abundant watering, and in the cold season watering is reduced, excess moisture may harm the plant.

Clerodendrum Wallich

This species has many names - “bridal veil”, “Cleopatra’s tears”, “Prospero”. India is considered to be the birthplace of the species. Grows like a bush Not large sizes and takes root normally in our apartments and houses. The plant does not produce large shoots, so it always has enough space on the windowsill.

The flower does not tolerate direct sunlight, for this reason burns may form on the plant. Loves regular and moderate watering. It reacts sharply to hypothermia, its leaves immediately curl and then fall off.

Philippine clerodendrum: photo

Its homeland is China and Japan and is extremely rare at home in our countries. The flower is very beautiful, resembling fragrant roses in its appearance. Its flowers in the evening and at night radiate a wonderful scent reminiscent of jasmine. The flowers are small, no more than 2-3 cm, but they grow close and form large inflorescences measuring 20 cm. Its shedding can also reach sizes of up to 25 cm if the bush is fed and cared for.

It prefers diffused light and if there is a lot of direct sunlight, the plant quickly dies. It propagates well by cuttings; they can be broken off on the main stem, because up to 30 of them appear there. The plant responds well to the removal of new shoots. IN special attention the flower needs from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. If you follow all the rules of care, then clerodendrum will delight you with abundant flowers all year round.

Why doesn't clerodendrum bloom?

The countries that are considered the birthplace of clerodendrum differ humid climate and bright sun. This feature is one of the main conditions for the normal development of the flower. The plant should also be protected from direct sunlight, as it will affect the growth and flowering of the vine. It is best to place the plant in an area with diffused light.

The flower does not like sharp temperature fluctuations, so it is important to ensure an optimal temperature regime of +16 o +25 o C. In winter, the temperature should be even lower, for example, for Thompson clerodendrum, home care in winter is most favorable at +12 o. During this period of time, buds are laid.

Clerodendrum propagated seeds or cuttings. When cut, they are placed in a container with water or directly in a peat-sand mixture, covering the top with a cap. Cuttings take root in water, after which they can be transplanted into a flowerpot.

Caring for exotic vines

The plant needs regular feeding. It is especially important to do this during the flowering period. Shortage mineral fertilizers can be identified by the drying tips of the leaves. Timely feeding provides long-lasting flowering.

The flower is adversely affected by low humidity levels. Dry air has a detrimental effect on its development. Required level Humidity can be ensured by regular spraying. You can also place expanded clay or moss in the tray. Watering should be done regularly, but there should not be stagnation of moisture. It is necessary to water when the top layer of soil in the pot has dried out a little. Only settled water should be used for irrigation. In the cold season, watering should be reduced to 2 times a month.

Do not place the flower near heating appliances. It is advisable to feed the plant with complex products 2 times a month.

The vine grows large, so it needs pruning to limit its growth. If there are fading or dried branches, they should be removed during flowering or in winter, when the flower is resting. It is believed that the most favorable time for pruning - spring. It is best to replant the flower immediately after pruning. Flowering will largely depend on correct pruning. Experts recommend pruning twice a year.

The flower is afraid of pests such as scale insect and red spider mite. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to treat the flower with special means.

Certain knowledge in caring for clerodendrum will help the flower develop well. He will delight all family members abundant flowering, give the aroma of beautiful and delicate flowers long years.

Clerodendrum and its types

In indoor floriculture, the tree of fate can look like a bush, vine or small tree, as in the photo. Clerodendrum requires complex care at home, but will reward your care with beauty and aroma. Any deviation from the tropical climate in the apartment creates problems in growing flowers. In home breeding, the most common varieties are brilliant and

How to care for clerodendrum at home

There are no trifles in flower agricultural technology. Compliance with containment conditions for beautiful flowering Necessarily. But they are all doable and caring owner Clerodendrum is waiting for gratitude for its care, admire the photo!

To grow such beauty, you will need to create the following conditions:

  1. Place the plant on an east or west window so that there is enough light, but direct rays do not burn the tree of fate.
  2. Water frequently, but so that the soil above is damp and there is no stagnation of water. In winter, watering is reduced.
  3. The temperature in summer should be 18-25 degrees, and in winter 13-15, and this is very important for abundant flowering.
  4. Create a wet area in the flower area using a tray with drainage material in water poured below the level of the flowerpot. Frequently spraying the plant over the leaves helps to saturate it with moisture.
  5. Feed once a week in summer and once a month in winter with special liquid composition for flowering indoor plants.
  6. Pruning is one of the techniques for caring for clerodendrum, preserving the shape of the bush and its decorative effect; twigs are propagation material.
  7. Regularly replant the flower, better way transshipment.

At each stage, flower growers noticed the peculiarities of care and developed techniques for creating tropics in an apartment on the windowsill.

Home care for clerodendrum is determined by its shape, as in the photo.

You can form a bush that is easy to care for. A liana-like plant in which thin branches diverge into different sides, by the will of the florist, are no less picturesque. The shape is created by cutting.

When and how to prune

In favorable conditions and good care Behind the clerodendrum at home, the vine can grow up to four meters in length. Therefore, pruning is carried out in several stages.

In winter, when the plant has dropped its leaves, shoots are removed by a third, this stimulates subsequent branching and flowering. In order to create a bush, at the beginning of the collection of green mass, the young branches are shortened a little more. To get a stem, you need to leave one shoot, constantly clearing it of emerging branches. Root shoots also plucked.

The plant itself is capable of regulating its growth. In winter, some branches dry out, and this is normal. And in the summer, if the flowers have withered, the branch needs to be cut off and new shoots will grow, on which the buds will bloom.

For summer flowering it is important to provide winter coolness. In this case, the leaves may turn yellow and fall off, and this is not scary, the physiology of the plant. In early spring, in the photo, clerodendrum looks like this when cared for at home.

Transplantation and propagation

Important operations in caring for clerodendrum flowers are replanting and propagation. After five years, the flowering of the bush decreases and it is important to grow a replacement for it. To do this, you can use cuttings obtained from pruning.

The root system of a flower does not like to be disturbed. Therefore, the method of transplantation should be transfer into a large container with a prepared drainage layer. The substrate is prepared in equal parts:

  • clayey turf;
  • leaf soil;
  • sand.

Replanting the plant in early spring before the start of sap flow. Before this, pruning is done. The transplanted clerodendrum is watered with fertilizer and placed in a warm place, giving a signal that it is time to wake up.

The cut branches can be placed in water and later rooted into the ground. If cuttings are rooted in a peat-sand mixture, then bottom heating and a greenhouse are required. Replant rooted cuttings after a year. You can grow a new plant from collected seeds.

If home flower there were no conditions for a dormant period, it may not bloom. It does not bloom if the soil is old and fertilizing is irregular. Violations of maintenance conditions in summer will lead to yellowing and falling leaves.

Diseases and pests of clerodendrum

With insufficient care, ordinary indoor insects and plant pests can settle on a weakened plant. These include:

  • spider mite;
  • whitefly;

Only urgently taken measures can protect the entire bush from being colonized by whiteflies. She mines the leaves under top layer and the larvae are difficult to introduce.

Spider mites are detected by punctures on the leaves and yellowing. When there are a lot of them, the web is visible to the naked eye.

If home remedies do not help in fighting insects, you should use Actellik, Fufan or Fitoverm. Repeat the treatment several times at intervals of 3 days.

If the leaves of a flower begin to turn yellow in the summer, then it is necessary to apply foliar fertilizing with Ferrovit, and then look for the cause of chlorosis. It lies in non-compliance with the agricultural technology of the flower.

Creating conditions for an indoor clerodrendum flower is not so difficult, it just requires constant attention, and the flower will give you wonderful blooms and aroma.

Conditions for caring for clerodendron - video

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