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First steps in the temple. Can an unbaptized person cross himself? Can an unbaptized person go to church? Do the unbaptized go to church

16:36, June 10, 2016

Is it possible to be in the service of an unbaptized person?

It happens that some question will form in the mind. You wear it, think about it, a favorable situation or conversation is created: the topic is revealed. And sometimes one jumps out on your tongue and doesn’t give you rest. What to endure? Go to the priest, write to the priest, call the priest. The church is open to everyone. And in the current issue, Priest Viktor Dudkin, editor-in-chief of the media of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese, answers a selection of interesting questions.

Is it possible to contract any infection through Holy Communion, since it uses a shared spoon?

I don’t know of cases in parish life when someone became infected with something while receiving the Body and Blood of Christ during Divine services. And for me personally, the consumed Chalice has never become a source of infection. If such a problem existed, our clergy and the Church itself would simply disappear.

This question often arises for only one reason: a lack of faith in a person, and hence the fear of contracting some disease. Let us pray for the gift of faith to overcome our unreasonable fears.

Is it acceptable for a child to play worship at home?

You know, there are entertaining games (which, of course, is good), and there are meaningfully serious games. That is, the child is so serious in his play that he forgets about everything. The game very much reflects the inner structure of the soul and the direction of the child’s thoughts. And if the game of worship is an impulse of the soul, and not blasphemy and fun (and this is immediately obvious), then this is permissible. This is a kind of children's prayer. Pure and direct. You won’t always find an adult man of prayer in such a state of prayer. Of course, you need to know when to stop everything. And if such a game takes the form of a prank, it must be stopped immediately.

What can people who have not yet been baptized, but are about to be baptized, do in church? Is it possible to attend services, pray, sing?

People who were going to be baptized but had not yet been baptized were previously called catechumens. These are those who, having heard the preaching of the Gospel, publicly declared their intention to become Christians and are preparing to receive the sacrament of Baptism. Before Baptism, a certain preparation took place - catechesis (teaching the faith). Now the tradition of catechesis is being restored in our country and is already bearing its clear fruits - people approach the sacrament consciously, with understanding and an idea of ​​how to build their lives according to the Law of God. During preparation for Baptism, a person can pray in church and participate in divine services, including the Divine Liturgy (before the Liturgy of the Faithful), but until he has become a member of the Church, he cannot begin the sacraments. Notes for remembrance are not submitted for the unbaptized - you can pray for them in your “private”, home prayer.

What is an absentee funeral service and how does it differ from an in-person funeral?

The funeral service is the rite of burial of the deceased. There are different ranks - for the burial of laity, clergy, monks, and also for baptized infants. And they have differences that reflect the status of the deceased.

Unfortunately, years of persecution of the Church led to the fact that the pious traditions of our ancestors were violated, and many are not even aware of them. An Orthodox Christian must strive to depart into eternal life reconciled with God and people, having confessed and received the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Already at the moment of death, the diligent prayer of the Church for her faithful child begins: the Canon of prayer is performed at the separation of the soul from the body. And immediately after death the Succession takes place upon the departure of the soul from the body. Then the reading of the Psalter begins over the body of the deceased. On the day of the funeral, the deceased is taken to the Church of God, the funeral service is performed, and the funeral procession, singing prayers, goes to the cemetery. Here a litiya is celebrated over a fresh grave. This pious order is now known only to deeply churchgoers who constantly visit the temple of God. And they strive to lead the departed dear to them “on the path of the whole earth” as the Orthodox Church teaches.

Most of our compatriots, alas, without knowing this, spend a lot of money and effort on purchasing expensive coffins, on arranging noisy, drunken feasts - wakes, which not only does not benefit the suffering soul of the deceased, who stands before God, but even harms it. But in order to still fulfill his spiritual duty to the deceased, one of his relatives or even acquaintances goes to the temple to order the so-called “absentia” funeral service. In this case, the rite is performed over a sheet of paper on which the priest pours earth. Relatives take this earth to the cemetery, where they scatter it over the grave of the deceased. By such an act, everyone who did not take part in the prayer shows their complete indifference to the deceased, to his afterlife.

How did the funeral service in absentia appear? Alas, the consequences of the persecution of the Church in the twentieth century are still making themselves felt. Temples of God were closed. Millions of our brothers and sisters were deprived of spiritual nourishment. And then, when it was impossible to even find a priest to perform the rites of the Orthodox funeral, the relatives of the deceased Christians were forced to bury them without church prayer. Then they turned to one of the existing Orthodox churches, where the clergy, with the blessing of the clergy, performed the so-called “absentee funeral services.” In these circumstances, performing such a ceremony was a necessary measure. But today we have every opportunity to fulfill all the canons of the Orthodox Church. Temples of God are open everywhere, we can perform funeral services over the bodies of the departed in them, as prescribed by the Church Charter.

“Funeral services in absentia” can only take place in special cases. For example, during a war, relatives not only may not have the opportunity to participate in the burial of their deceased relative, but sometimes they do not even know about the place of his burial, they only have notification of death. In this case, the “funeral service in absentia” is blessed by the Church and can be performed. It also occurs in the case when a person is in an unknown absence for many years and the fact of his death is established by the court. But, to our deep regret, “absentee” funeral services are sometimes performed even for those who lived and died just a few blocks from the Church of God.

We must honestly tell ourselves that holding an “absentia” funeral service, if, I repeat, it is not caused by exceptional circumstances, is simply a soul-destroying formality, our attempt to justify our laziness and callousness of soul. Such insincerity brings the deceased much less benefit than it should.

Prepared by Dmitry Romanov

Number of entries: 81

Hello. I just found out today that I am not baptized. I am a believer, I go to church, I pray at home. And today I just found out that I am not baptized, it hurts me so much. I was told that I was gone and no one was hearing my prayers. This is real, right?

No, not like that, Olga. The Lord hears all prayers, do not believe what they tell you. And with baptism - if it has become known for certain that you have not been baptized, then hurry to be baptized as soon as possible: Easter is ahead, you will enter into Easter joy as a baptized person!

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good afternoon, father! My child died during childbirth (the umbilical cord was entangled) due to asphyxia. Many years have passed, and just recently I heard that a mother who has buried her child cannot eat apples until she is saved. Is it true? And another question: do I need to order a service for my child? How should you remember a child? Thank you.


No, Marina, about apples - complete nonsense, don’t take it into account at all! What a pity that our people so stubbornly hold on to all sorts of stupid fantasies and ridiculous ideas. All this comes only from extreme lack of education. Since your child has not yet been baptized, you can remember his soul at home prayer. But don’t be too discouraged, the Lord, of course, accepted his soul in the heavenly abodes, he feels very good now, because he was sinless!

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good morning! For the past 4 years I have been tormented by one question. More precisely, I made a big mistake. 4 years ago I got married, and my husband and I got married immediately after the painting, but I was not baptized... Am I guilty before the LORD GOD and my husband? And what have I done? Is our wedding considered valid? I really believe in God.


I'm sorry, Alexandra, but you have sinned greatly. You must be baptized and then perform the Sacrament of Marriage again.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello. Please tell me, is it possible for an unbaptized person to wear a body icon? I’m sick, they brought it to me from Russia from a church (I live in a Muslim country, I’m Russian myself). I want to be baptized, but there is no Orthodox church nearby.


Faith, the fact that you have not been baptized for so long is bad. Travel to another country or city, but you need to be baptized immediately. The fact that you live in a Muslim country does not justify you. When a person really needs something, he finds a way to get it, no matter what the cost. And you have eternity at stake! Do not waste time, make every effort for your salvation. Pray at home that the Lord will grant you this great Sacrament - baptism. You can wear the body image.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Is it possible to take children to communion if they are not baptized in the Orthodox Church? Since my father is not a Christian, but my mother is. Thank you for your reply.


Hello, Vera! Only Orthodox Christians can partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, i.e. members of the Church. I would advise you to baptize your child and then you will be able to bring him to communion, and also pray for him in church.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, father, is it possible to remember unbaptized relatives along with Orthodox relatives in home prayer for the living and the dead, or is it necessary to somehow mention them separately? Save me, God!


It’s possible, Svetlana. It is possible to remember the unbaptized at home prayer, and, I think, it is not necessary to highlight their names in some special list at the end of the commemoration. You can do this simply for the sake of convenience.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

My man is unbaptized, we live in a civil marriage, I am baptized, a believer. We have been trying to conceive a child for several years now, but it is not working. I had surgery and treatment, but still nothing. I know why I was punished - I had an abortion, I repented of it a million times. They say that if you take an orphan into a home, then you will have your own, probably not in our case. We have two teenage girls under our care (my man's sister's children, she's fine, she just didn't take care of them). Please tell me who to pray to, how, from whom to ask for a child? I live near Tikhvin, there is an opportunity sometimes to go to the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, maybe to her? Sometimes it seems like I don’t have enough nerves, please help me.


Hello Evgenia. First of all, enter into a legal marriage, in accordance with the legal norms of the state in which you live. Taking a blessing and praying for the conception of a child in prodigal cohabitation is absurd and blasphemous. You should not be allowed to participate in any Sacraments now, except in case of danger of death. Otherwise, the medicine will seem worse than the disease. Christ says that He is loved by those who fulfill His commandments; show your love for God by forcing yourself to live according to the commandments, and then pray for the gift of a child to you. Take a step towards Christ, and He will take ten steps towards you.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

I began to join the church only after I baptized my children. And therefore, at the christenings of the children, I was present unbaptized, but I read the mother’s prayer. Now I’m very tormented and worried, I can’t bring myself to approach the priest and repent. Tell me, now it turns out that the baptism of children is incorrect, and they are not considered baptized? Thank you.


Hope, Baptism is a sacrament. Baptism is performed by a priest, and the sacrament of baptism does not depend on you. The fact that you were not baptized at that time was only harming yourself, not your children. Your children, without any doubt, are considered baptized, and there is no need to worry unnecessarily. You were also baptized, and when a person is baptized, all sins are forgiven. So everything is fine with you, but if your conscience torments you, you can tell the priest this in confession. Now we are in Great Lent, so fast, confess, take communion, and bring your children into the church. Your children are baptized correctly, and this baptism is valid.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, father! I am tormented by several questions. I have a friend, at least that's what I call him. But he has strong feelings for me that I don’t experience. However, I enjoy spending time with him. True, a couple of times this communication went, as it seems to me, too far... I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to leave the person, but I don’t want to give him any hope. Maybe you can advise what to do? How do you know if this is your person or not? A year ago I already had a young man, and it seemed like it would be for life! And then it was all over forever. And another question. This friend himself is not baptized, but he believes in God (it’s just that his parents are of different religions - Orthodoxy and Islam, that’s why he was not baptized). But he himself realized that God exists, and now he is very drawn to Orthodoxy. We have already been to evening services twice. He really likes the choral singing in the church. True, he says, he would hardly have gone without me. Once he mentioned that he wanted to be baptized. I started reading the Bible myself. Maybe you can advise where it’s best to start, and whether he can attend the Liturgy? Thank you very much!


Hello Maria. Don't try to sit on two chairs, it won't end well. We need to start with catechesis. If there are such courses in the foreseeable area, you need to sign up for them and attend them together. If not, or the level is not high, then you can use audio lectures. In terms of primary education, A.I. Osipov’s public lectures are very good; he explains everything literally on his fingers, with a large volume of life examples and patristic teachings. Here you can listen to them or download them: Pay attention to the records of recent years. And only after you are convinced that your friend has really chosen Christ as his goal, and Orthodoxy as his path to Him, can you think about marrying him. God help you.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello, father. I am 27 years old, I was baptized when I was one year old. I recently found out that my godfather was not baptized himself at the time of my baptism, and he was baptized only 10 years after my baptism. What should I do? Is my baptism correct and valid? Thanks for the answer.


Katerina, godparents must be baptized Orthodox Christians. Godparents must raise their godchildren in the Orthodox faith. Godparents are recipients from the font, and do not in any way influence the sacrament of Baptism itself. The priest baptizes and hands the baby over to the godfather after the font for the further education of the baby. Your baptism, without any doubt, is valid, because you were baptized in an Orthodox church by a priest, regardless of who your godfather is. Although, of course, usually before the Sacrament they always ask the godfather who he is and whether he is Orthodox. Don’t worry, and thank God for granting you such a great sacrament of baptism and for the fact that your godfather also found Orthodoxy, maybe even thanks to you. Attend church more often, confess and receive communion. Now is Lent - a favorable time for this.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)


Photinia, of course, homemade preparations can also be brought to church for a memorial service, people often do this, and I think it’s good. Only you are not allowed to bring meat to church, and during Lent, of course, you need to bring lean foods. As for the baptism of your nephew, you need to find out everything completely. Ask your brother, who is 9 years old, then try to find his godmother or church where he could have been baptized. If you can’t find out anything, then you need to go to the nearest church and talk to the priest, he will tell you what needs to be done.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon. My name is Natalya. I live in Kyrgyzstan. I have a friend Tatyana who has cancer. She has been selflessly fighting this disease for almost a year now. She recently told me that this illness happened immediately after the death of her father (father Victor died in January 2012). She often dreams about him. And it seems to her that he won’t let her go. Her dad was not baptized, and accordingly, he was not buried in the church. Tatiana baptized. She believes and goes to church. She is a very good person. I really want to help her get out. Tell me, father, what can and should be done in her case? What else do I need to do, besides read the canon for the sick? Please pray for her. Thank you in advance for your answer. Sincerely, Natalia.


Natalya, your friend should be advised to go to confession more often: the fact is that such appearances of relatives in most cases are an illusion, deception, and are rooted in their own sinfulness. And you try to submit notes for her at the Liturgy more often and also submit memorials to some monastery, where they read the “indestructible” Psalter around the clock.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father. On parental Saturday in church, when the priest prayed and listed the names of the deceased, in addition to my deceased relatives, I mentally remembered my husband’s relatives (unbaptized brother), his grandfather, who died in the war, and several acquaintances who I don’t know if they were baptized, and in my thoughts I prayed to the Lord for their peace; in the notes I didn’t write the names of the souls of the deceased, who I don’t know were baptized, I just mentally prayed for them. Now I’m thinking, is it possible to do this, because they don’t pray for the unbaptized in the church, but I happened to remember their names, somehow it happened by itself!?


Hello Svetlana! An unbaptized person is outside the Church and its sacraments, therefore the Church does not pray for such people. But there is no sin in the fact that you mentally remembered your unbaptized relatives.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! On March 23, my husband will be 40 days old, he is not baptized, I am reading a prayer at home, I received a blessing from the priest, but tell me, please, I can go to the cemetery on the 40th day, because it will be fasting? Since it will be Saturday and my children are not in kindergarten or school, when can they hand out candy (after or before the 40th day)? Thank you very much, sorry if I composed my letter a little incorrectly.


Veronica, as you already know, the church does not pray for unbaptized people. Those who are not baptized are not members of the church. No one forbids you to pray for them at home, and of course, you can go to the cemetery whenever you want. It is not customary to go to the cemetery on Sundays, major church holidays and Easter. The most suitable day is Saturday. All parental memorials take place on Saturday. You can always give alms for the deceased, but most of all this must be done before 40 days.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon, dear editors! In which church in Moscow can you submit a note about someone who has passed into eternal life without holy baptism? Is it possible at all?


No, Galina, alas, a note about an unbaptized person cannot be submitted: the Church prays only for Its members, for people who have dedicated their lives to God and received Holy Baptism in the Name of the Holy Trinity. But you can pray for such a person at home, and light candles in church, trusting in God’s mercy towards every God-created soul.”

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)


Often, people entering a church for the first time and interested in the Christian tradition have similar questions about how to behave in church. Archpriest Alexei Mityushin, rector of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Kozhukhovo, answered the most common questions.

Is it possible to take photographs in the church?

Indeed, this question arises all the time. On the one hand, of course, it is possible. On the other hand, it is better to ask permission from the temple attendant. In general, photography is not allowed where the flash could degrade the image of the icon or fresco. For the same reason, you cannot take photographs in museums. Flash destroys images.

If we come to church, we must observe the rules of decency and good manners. The temple is larger and taller than a museum. This is a place of prayer and increased reverence, and photography has a secular nature that can lead to confusion or outrage.

Is photography and video recording permitted during the performance of the sacraments?

All churches treat this differently. This is a moment that enters our lives, just as electricity, electric chandeliers, and microphones entered our worship services. In any case, everything should be done with reverence. Photography should not interfere or be intrusive.

On the one hand, this may not be very pleasant. But on the other hand, we should not forget that there are thousands of people who are sitting at home and for various reasons cannot leave their apartment, and it is very important for them to see what happened at the service, because for them it is a great consolation and great joy. Through such videos they feel their involvement in the Church. Then videotaping the same service or sermon is of great benefit.

Can animals be in the temple?

According to church practice, it is not allowed to allow a dog into the church. This animal is considered not entirely pure. Therefore, in church tradition there is a ritual for lighting a temple if a dog runs into it. However, it is worth remembering that a dog is an excellent watchman, and today not a single temple can do without it.

But we have cats in our churches. This is not prohibited.

In Greece, for example, on one of the holidays even snakes crawl into the temple.

Is it possible for unbaptized people to attend church?

Of course you can. There is no prohibition. If we speak according to the canons, then unbaptized people cannot be present at the Eucharistic canon, in other words, at the Liturgy of the Faithful. This is the period after reading the Gospel until the end of the liturgy, including the communion of the Mysteries of Christ.

Can an unbaptized person touch sacred objects?

An unbaptized person can kiss icons, holy relics, and the life-giving cross. But you cannot participate in the sacraments where the Holy Mysteries are taught, eat holy water or consecrated prosphora, or go out for confirmation. To participate in the sacraments, you need to be a full member of the church, you need to feel your responsibility before God.

An unbaptized person should understand and accept such prohibitions with reverence. So that it doesn’t turn out like in one patericon, where a Jew pretended to be baptized in order to partake of the Mysteries of Christ. When he received a piece of Christ’s body in his hands, he saw that it had turned into a piece of meat with blood. Thus, the Lord enlightened his sacrilege and immoderate curiosity.

Are Muslims and people of other faiths allowed to visit the temple?

Of course you can. Again, there is no prohibition. We must remember that every soul is truly a Christian by birth. Therefore, every person, regardless of his religion, can be in church.

Is it possible to eat before visiting the temple?

You cannot eat before communion of the Mysteries of Christ. Before communion, you must fast, which begins at midnight. From this time until the moment of communion we do not eat or even drink water.

The monastery charter states that even if you do not receive communion, you should go to the Liturgy on an empty stomach. And since we, the laity, try to imitate the monks in their exploits, most Orthodox Christians go to the Liturgy on an empty stomach.

Exceptions include people with severe illnesses. For example, people with diabetes are strictly forbidden to go to church on an empty stomach.

Who shouldn't get married?

A person who is not registered with the registry office cannot get married. Those people who have some canonical obstacles to this cannot get married, for example, getting married to a blood relative is prohibited. You cannot get married if one of the spouses is hiding his mental illness. If one of the spouses cheats on his chosen one.

The most difficult issues are resolved with the blessing of the bishop. There are cases that the parish priest cannot and does not even have the right to solve on his own.

What time can you not get married?

You cannot get married during the fasts: Great, Rozhdestvensky, Petrovsky and Assumption. You cannot get married on Christmastide (from Christmas to Epiphany). They do not get married on Bright Week until Antipascha. They don’t get married on Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday. They do not crown John the Baptist on the feast of the beheading. They also do not marry on parish patronal feast days.

Is it possible to get married in church?

In the Orthodox Church there is no rite of debunking. If people, due to their great sins, have failed to maintain love, if they have destroyed a marriage, then a blessing to enter into a second marriage is taken from the diocesan bishop.

This kind of situation is out of the ordinary, purely sinful, and there is no specific pattern for it. If a person finds himself in such misfortune, then the process of entering into a second marriage should begin with a confession to his parish priest. It is advisable to repent before the priest who married you. If this is not possible, you should confess to your confessor and consult with him.

How should a woman look in church?

A woman should look modest and at the same time beautiful. To go to church you need to dress well, festively, but in such a way that a man coming to church thinks about God, and not about female beauty.

Can a woman wear trousers to church?

As it was said in the film “17 Moments of Spring”: “It is difficult for a pastor to go against his flock.” Therefore, no matter how much we call people to God-like existence, parishioners have their own character and are self-willed. If the clergy kick out all women wearing trousers from the temple, then almost no one will remain. It should be remembered that trousers are different: some are modest, and some are not modest.

If a woman goes to church to receive communion, she should wear a skirt and headscarf. Of course, no one will kick out women in trousers and without headscarves. But a headscarf is mandatory in Orthodox Russian churches. To participate in the sacrament, you should look appropriate.

Is it possible to come to church wearing makeup?

The devil tries in every possible way to distract us from prayer. If a “bright” woman stands in the middle of the temple, wearing a lot of cosmetics, she will commit a double sin - not comply with the church charter and distract others. Everything should be in moderation.

When can you confess in church?

The time of confession is indicated on the doors of the temple, on the church notice board.

If a person needs to confess outside of this schedule, then you can go to the priest on duty at the church or call him with a request to confess at a special time. Such a confession can be made at any time of the day or night.

However, it is necessary to distinguish confession from conversation. Confession is specific conscious repentance of sins. And a spiritual conversation is a time when a priest can slowly talk to a person.

When can you take communion in church?

Basically, the liturgy is celebrated daily. What time - you can find out from the person on duty at the temple, by phone, in the schedule or on the temple website.

The time of communion depends on the temple; each has its own beginning of the service, and therefore its own time of communion.

When can you go to church?

You can enter the temple at any time. Since the 1990s, it has become possible to keep the temple open all day, and not just during the liturgy. In the center of Moscow, some churches are open until 23:00. If it were possible, I think the temples would be open at night.

What is strictly forbidden to do in the temple? Is it possible to cry in church?

It is forbidden to talk loudly or talk about abstract topics.

In church you can cry only in such a way that it does not disturb others and does not turn into a theatrical performance.

What can you order and buy at the church?

Nothing is bought or ordered in the church. Can be purchased at the church shop on the temple grounds. You can buy icons, icon cases, and church utensils.

Order Sorokoust, various prayers and services.

In which church can you be baptized?

You can be baptized in any parish church, except the monastery. In most monasteries, baptism is not performed.

I also advise you to be baptized in a church where there is a baptistery - a font for complete immersion.

Is it possible to become infected with something in church?

If we are talking about the sacrament of the Eucharist, no, you cannot become infected in church during the sacrament of communion. This is proven by the thousand-year practice of the Christian tradition. The sacrament of communion is the greatest of the sacraments of Christ's Church.

Can pregnant women go to church?

Are pregnant women really not allowed to go to church?

Pregnant women not only need to go to church, but also need to partake of the Mysteries of Christ every week.

Is it possible to go to church during menstruation? Is it true that women should not attend church on menstrual periods?

There is a church tradition when women on their “women’s holidays,” as Nifont, Metropolitan of Volyn and Lutsk called them, do not go to church.

But a woman, even on these “holidays,” remains a person and does not become a second-class creature who is not allowed to enter the temple.

The Church of Christ is a refuge for weak and mourning people. And during her menstrual infirmities, a woman often suffers not only physical, but also moral sorrows.

On such days, women should not begin the sacrament of communion or kiss icons.

priest Alexey MITYUSHIN

28-10-2008, 18:42

Actually, a question.

The question is:

28-10-2008, 18:47

28-10-2008, 18:48

Formally, an unbaptized person is not allowed to do anything in the church. That is, of course, no one will forbid you anything, but for God it is as if you do not exist.

Can I just go to church? And do I need to be baptized upon entering?

28-10-2008, 18:50

Formally, an unbaptized person is not allowed to do anything in the church. That is, of course, no one will forbid you anything, but for God it is as if you do not exist.
:041:No. I won't be able to cover one more topic.

28-10-2008, 18:53

Of course you can come in.. But if you don’t know how to behave or how to do what, try better to refrain from actions, in case they offend believers.. You can find out everything about behavior and rules in a personal conversation with any clergyman.

28-10-2008, 18:57

Formally, an unbaptized person is not allowed to do anything in the church. That is, of course, no one will forbid you anything, but for God it is as if you do not exist.
cruel :)


28-10-2008, 19:05

Formally, an unbaptized person is not allowed to do anything in the church. That is, of course, no one will forbid you anything, but for God it is as if you do not exist.

28-10-2008, 19:06

Formally, an unbaptized person is not allowed to do anything in the church. That is, of course, no one will forbid you anything, but for God it is as if you do not exist.
danimaybe! :046:


28-10-2008, 19:08

Can I just go to church? And do I need to be baptized upon entering?

28-10-2008, 19:10

Is it possible to attend baptisms and weddings?

28-10-2008, 19:10

NaTyLYA, centaur, Kpacota, thank you very much!
I was mostly interested in how to behave so as not to offend the feelings of believers.


28-10-2008, 19:12

Well, you won’t offend anyone with your presence, you won’t run around the temple naked :))

28-10-2008, 19:22

Formally, an unbaptized person is not allowed to do anything in the church. That is, of course, no one will forbid you anything, but for God it is as if you do not exist.

Well, you are radical!! Where did you get this information from - from above? Does God have such a special vision, or rather blindness, to unbaptized people who enter the temple?

28-10-2008, 19:25

I was more interested in how to behave so as not to offend the feelings of believers. In the church, no one cares about you. If you don’t run around the church and attract attention to yourself, then by and large you won’t offend anyone in any way. If your head is covered (in a scarf or at least a hood), then no one will pay attention to you.

28-10-2008, 19:30

Formally, an unbaptized person is not allowed to do anything in the church. That is, of course, no one will forbid you anything, but for God it is as if you do not exist.
What do you say to this ( The priests for the most part have a positive attitude towards the fact that an unbaptized person came to the Temple. In their opinion, he came to God. And that's good.

28-10-2008, 19:36

But for God it is as if you do not exist.



28-10-2008, 20:11

What do you say to this ( The priests for the most part have a positive attitude towards the fact that an unbaptized person came to the Temple. In their opinion, he came to God. And that's good.
And I think so too. If you decided to go to the temple for the first time, and you have the following questions. Maybe you are now on the road that leads to the temple.

28-10-2008, 20:20

28-10-2008, 20:22

Well, you are radical!! Where did you get this information from - from above? Does God have such a special vision, or rather blindness, to unbaptized people who enter the temple?

It’s not blindness, of course, it’s just that, as the priests say, requests will not be heard, that’s all.

28-10-2008, 20:24

Hm. Interestingly, a priest spoke in one of the programs. He said that when an unbaptized person comes to the Temple, it is already good. And the priests welcome this. How is that?
I heard the same thing from Father Tikhon in Optina. (I hope that the priests in Optina are an authority for you.)

28-10-2008, 20:26

Recently I was in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery. And when I was there, people asked whether it was possible for an unbaptized person to light candles and pray - they definitely said that it was possible. And it is necessary. Because God loves everyone and is glad to everyone who comes to him. Maybe later this person will become a believer, maybe not, but he is still not deprived of communication with God if he goes to the Temple without unclean thoughts!


28-10-2008, 20:28

It’s not blindness, of course, it’s just that, as the priests say, requests will not be heard, that’s all.
In my opinion, all requests are heard, since the Lord created us in His image and likeness. And it is not he who has turned away from us and does not hear, but we, in our sins, do not see or hear him. It’s just that in church they don’t order services for the unbaptized, but they need to pray at home, since our prayer may be their only SALVATION.

Petersburg woman

28-10-2008, 20:32

Is it possible for unbaptized people to go to church? This is how the clergyman answered this question: “Unbaptized people can visit the temple, listen to the gospel and its interpretation. Otherwise, how will they know about God? But after this, at a certain point in the liturgy, they must leave the temple. If they want the fullness of church life, then let them be baptized. Going to church helps us become different, become a new person. And without a church this is impossible. All talk about goodness and truth without God is empty chatter”...


28-10-2008, 20:35

Formally, an unbaptized person is not allowed to do anything in the church. That is, of course, no one will forbid you anything, but for God it is as if you do not exist. This is the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church, and not my invention.

We must choose our words more carefully so that involuntary blasphemy or slander does not occur. God is Love, He is like the sun - it shines for everyone, both good and evil, for believers and non-believers, and everyone is precious to Him, He desires salvation for everyone.

Actually, a question.

I'm not going to be baptized. I treat the Orthodox religion with respect, as the religion of my ancestors and my people, but I myself am far from it.

And then I recently went to church (in a skirt, a headscarf, and didn’t get baptized). She stood there, thought about the eternal, and went out. I don’t rule out that I’ll have to come back in the future.

The question is:
How should an unbaptized person behave in church? Do I need to cross myself at the entrance?
Can an unbaptized person light candles and buy holy water?
Is it possible to light candles for an unbaptized person?
And what else do you need to know about this? Buy a book about behavior in the temple, they are available almost everywhere. In the meantime:
It is not necessary to be baptized at the entrance if you do not consider the cross to be your protection and salvation. Please light candles and venerate icons (if such a desire arises), trying not to disturb those around you. There is no need to do this during worship, again, so as not to disturb others. Behave calmly and pray as your soul tells you.
There is no point in lighting candles for the unbaptized - it is better to pray for him in your own words. God will definitely hear you.
Holy water is not for sale, you can get it for free and/or put money as a donation.
Try not to stand with your back to the altar or keep your hands in your pockets. The rest will come or not come with time, you know best.

You can find out everything about behavior and rules in a personal conversation with any clergyman.
I know from my own experience. How difficult it is for a person from the street to approach a priest. Not because they are guarding him :) But because they are scared from ignorance, to some they seem to be either celestial beings or roguish people (I take the extremes). And it seems that it’s easier to approach that sweet grandmother over there.... We all know the continuation. This is one of the first temptations of those who come to the temple. one must understand that a priest is a person who has chosen the path of serving God and people, not to demand the impossible from him, but also not to shake in front of him. It is he who will answer all your questions in the most qualified manner or send you to someone who is more useful to you now.
Is it possible to attend baptisms and weddings?
According to the rite, the presence of unbaptized people at the Sacraments is not allowed (and baptism and weddings are sacraments) and it is absolutely impossible to perform them on unbaptized people. Nowadays, the first rule is often not followed; it is impossible to check the religion of all guests at a wedding. This is a matter of their personal understanding or ignorance. Again, if people are going to be baptized in the future, they become catechumens and can attend all services.

28-10-2008, 20:37

The question is:
How should an unbaptized person behave in church? Do I need to cross myself at the entrance?
Can an unbaptized person light candles and buy holy water?
Is it possible to light candles for an unbaptized person?
And what else do you need to know about this?

In church you can be baptized and not only at the entrance, if you have such a need. You can also attend the services, only at the Divine Liturgy at the Liturgy of the Catechumens, you cannot be present at the Liturgy of the Faithful, and during the Divine Liturgy the priest will say “Depart the Catechumens” and all unbaptized people need to leave the church, well, these are some rules of worship, but they should be respected , and other services can be attended from beginning to end. Lighting candles, I don’t know about that, I think it won’t be a big deal if you have good intentions...:016:

That's right. A person who has not been baptized cannot participate in the Sacraments, and a note cannot be submitted for him. Regarding presence at the Liturgy, this is correct, but today this prohibition is not as strict as before.

This is the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church, and not my invention.

28-10-2008, 20:40

That's right. A person who has not been baptized cannot participate in the Sacraments, and a note cannot be submitted for him. Regarding presence at the Liturgy, this is correct, but today this prohibition is not as strict as before.
You can pray in church, give notes for baptized friends yourself, light candles, take and drink holy water, if you are treated (or given when submitting a note) with prosphora - you can eat it, like holy water - on an empty stomach, with reverence and prayerful sighing ( in your own words). You can participate in religious processions and church celebrations. You can ask the priest for a conversation.

You cannot confess, get married, become a godfather, take communion, or receive unction.

In principle, it is possible. But there are parish traditions, and it is better to talk in advance with the priest who will perform the Sacrament. A strict priest may not let you in.

Natulya, I beg you, don’t make a statement again on behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church. It has become clear more than once that you are not familiar with the official position (or are deliberately distorting it). You guess - guess. We have freedom of conscience. But don’t talk about things you don’t understand.

You are probably an official representative of the Russian Orthodox Church here. And it’s absolutely none of your business what I do. The topic is not about me!

28-10-2008, 20:44

Excuse me, but how do you imagine the statement of the “official position of the Russian Orthodox Church” on the forum?

28-10-2008, 21:08

Whenever I have questions, I go to this site. If you wish, you can ask the priest a question, but you need to register, of course.

"Behavior in the temple
An Orthodox church is a place of God's special presence on Earth. You need to behave reverently in church, so as not to offend the greatness of the shrine, and not to incur the wrath of God.
You must arrive to the service in advance, 5-10 minutes in advance. When entering, cross yourself and make a bow from the waist. Upon entering, men remove their hats. Women enter the temple with their heads covered and dressed according to their gender, having wiped off their lipstick. Clothing must be decent and neat.
In the temple you cannot speak in a loud voice, keep your hands in your pockets, or chew gum. You should not walk around the temple unless necessary. You need to light candles and venerate icons in such a way as not to disturb other worshipers.
Conversations in the temple should be limited to the limit. Briefly greet acquaintances, postponing conversations for later.
When you come to church with children, you should not allow them to run around, play pranks and laugh. You should try to calm a crying child; if this fails, you should leave the temple with the child.
You can only sing along with the choir very quietly. During public singing, do not allow “disorderly screaming.”
Sitting in the temple is allowed only due to illness or severe fatigue. You cannot sit with your legs crossed.
If everyone praying kneels, you need to join them. Smoking is not allowed on the church porch. You cannot enter the temple with animals or birds. It is unacceptable to walk and talk while reading the Gospel, singing the “Cherubim” and the Eucharistic canon at the liturgy (from the Creed to the “Our Father”). At this time, it is also undesirable to light candles and venerate icons.
You need to reprimand a neighbor who has violated the rules of good behavior quietly and delicately. It is better to refrain from making comments at all, unless, of course, there is an insolent, hooligan action.
Finally, you need to stay in the church until the service is completely over. You can leave ahead of time only due to infirmity or serious necessity.

Konstantin Slepinin
Basics of Orthodoxy

28-10-2008, 21:10

28-10-2008, 21:14

Actually, Mr. Kuraev himself has said more than once that when an unbaptized person comes to the Temple, this is already good. The priests have a positive attitude towards this.

28-10-2008, 21:17

I've never heard anything else :)

Regarding the “position of the Russian Orthodox Church” expressed earlier, it is complete nonsense...

28-10-2008, 21:18

28-10-2008, 21:23

Formally, an unbaptized person is not allowed to do anything in the church. That is, of course, no one will forbid you anything, but for God it is as if you do not exist.

Right! and they won’t give you a discount card in the store.

28-10-2008, 21:24

Yes, that is I agree... it seems I expressed myself incorrectly :)

I agree that I have never heard that the unbaptized cannot come to church, etc...

And about the “position of the Russian Orthodox Church”, naturally, the one who said this, not you :))

28-10-2008, 21:48

I personally don’t give a damn about the opinion of the Russian Orthodox Church, and even more so I don’t give a damn about the opinion of the user NaTyLYA. Author, go to church and if you want to be Heard, you will definitely be.

The word “Church” (translated from Greek “gathering of the elect” means a gathering of people as a result of a call, an invitation. The apostles were chosen by Jesus Christ to unite into a gathering, that is, into the Church. Therefore, in the fullest sense, the concept of the Church of Christ means a gathering under a single Head – The Lord Jesus Christ of all those who truly believe in Him in heaven and earth, doing His will, abiding in Him, partaking of His Divine Life.

The Church is a Divine-human organism, the unity of the Spirit dwelling in people trying to live according to the Gospel. Therefore, the Church is a community of people who believe in Christ, which has its own hierarchical and organizational structure.

The temple is also called a church because members of the Church (church community) gather in it for congregational prayer and communion with God. In this case, the word “church” is written with a small letter. The temple is called the house of God, the house of the Lord. The corresponding Greek word when translated into Church Slavonic is also translated as “church”.

Is it necessary to go to temple?

Yes, it's necessary. To be a Christian means to belong to Christ and the Church He created, which, according to the Apostle Paul, is “the Body of Christ, filling all in all in fullness” (Eph. 1:23), as well as “the house of God”, “the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15). The Church is a grace-filled divine-human organism, of which a person becomes a part by believing in God, receiving Holy Baptism and participating in church life. By deviating from the life of the Church, a person inevitably moves away both from the Church itself and from its Head - the Lord Jesus Christ. “Why do you call Me: Lord! God! “And you do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46).

The most important part of a person’s church life is visiting the temple - the house of God, the place of His special gracious presence on earth. A Christian tries to visit church as often as possible to communicate with God. Here he can accept the precious gifts of Christ: unite with Him in the Sacrament of Communion, be cleansed of sins in the Sacrament of Confession, receive help in illness through the Sacrament of Anointing, and enter into prayerful communion with the saints. Visiting a temple sanctifies a person’s life.

How often should you visit the temple?

The fourth commandment says that a person must work for six days and devote the seventh day to the Lord God. Therefore, every Christian should attend church on Sundays, including the all-night vigil on Saturday evening and, if possible, on church holidays. You can come to the temple at any other time.

Is it possible to eat food in the morning before visiting the temple?

According to the Church Charter, this is not allowed. Anyone who does not receive communion eats antidor or prosphora at the end of the service, which is taken on an empty stomach. But the Charter is designed for physically healthy people. For children and people suffering from physical ailments, concessions are possible; they are allowed to eat before visiting the temple.

What should you do before entering the temple?

Before entering the temple, you must cross yourself three times, after each making the sign of the cross, make a bow from the waist, mentally saying prayers: after the first bow: “God, be merciful to me, a sinner,” after the second bow: “God, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me.” , after the third bow: “I have sinned beyond number, Lord, forgive me.” The main thing is to try to leave thoughts about everyday affairs and have a prayerful attitude in your soul to communicate with God.

How to behave in the temple?

People going to church need to know that the Church has its own rules and regulations. Coming home to his friends or acquaintances, any person follows the established order, certain rules of decency and behaves modestly, especially if he came to ask the owner of the house for some help. When coming to a temple - the house of God, it is all the more necessary to observe the rules established there, behave piously and not create inconvenience to other people. These rules also apply to appearance. Women should not come to the temple in very short skirts, sweaters and blouses without sleeves (with open sleeves), or with makeup on their faces. A woman's head should be covered with a headscarf or scarf. Men should not come to the temple in shorts and T-shirts. Before entering the temple, men take off their hats.

It is good to come to the temple 10-15 minutes before the start of the service. During this time, you can submit notes, light candles, and venerate icons. After this, stand in an empty place. According to tradition, during worship, men stood on the right side of the temple, and women on the left. If there is enough free space, there is no need to occupy the main passage from the entrance doors to the Royal Doors. There is a tradition in the Church when, during anointing with oil, Communion or application to the cross, men approach first, and women after them.

You should not walk around the temple during worship or carry on conversations. It is advisable for those who come to the temple during the service to refrain from lighting candles or passing them, distracting people from prayer.

It is not permissible to sit cross-legged in church, or to keep your hands in your pockets or behind your back. One must behave decently and reverently in the house of God.

Why do you have to stand in church during services?

During worship, a Christian should be a reverent participant in the sacred action, and not a curious spectator.

In the temple, divine services and sacred actions are performed, during which a person stands before God with his soul, mind and heart, and since the soul and body are closely connected with each other, then by his very bodily position he expresses his inner mood. Man was created by God in such a way that the very vertical position of the body indicates its sublime purpose. Expressing respect to the boss, the man stands up. God is the Director of all life, everything that exists was created by Him. A person’s attitude towards God is determined not by job description, but by the attraction of the spirit. Therefore, to express deep respect for God, it is customary to stand in churches during services. And whoever prays sincerely, attentively, with all his soul, does not feel tired.

Of course, people suffering from physical ailments or in need of additional rest (for example, pregnant women, elderly people) can sit on the benches available in churches. But during the reading of the Gospel and in especially important places of the Liturgy, you should stand up. “It is better to think about God while sitting than to think about your feet while standing,” said the Moscow saint of the 19th century Filaret (Drozdov).

Is it mandatory to kneel in church during worship?

There are moments during the service when the priest and all the worshipers kneel, for example, during the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian and some other prayers of Lenten services, the reading of prayers on the Day of the Holy Trinity, sometimes they kneel during prayer services. Therefore, if the priest and all those praying are on their knees, then it is advisable to stand up too.

In cases where a person is sick or when the church is very crowded, you don’t have to kneel.

Is a Christian required to wear a headscarf all the time or only in church? What if the girl is not married?

Tradition requires a married Christian woman to cover her head in church or during home prayer. The headscarf is a sign of a married Christian woman: it is a sign of the power to which she is subject - the power of her husband. The Holy Scripture says: “And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered disgraces her own head” (1 Cor. 11:5). “Therefore a man should not cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God; and the wife is the glory of the husband. For man is not from wife, but woman is from man; and man was not created for wife, but woman for man. Therefore, a wife should have on her head a sign of authority over her, for the Angels” (1 Cor. 11: 7 - 10). Currently, this rule of piety applies to all Christian women. By observing it, women thereby show their humility and obedience.

Can an Orthodox Christian woman wear a pantsuit or women's trousers? Is it acceptable to enter the temple of God in this form and participate in the Sacraments?

Currently, calling a trouser suit or trousers exclusively part of men's clothing is inappropriate. The trouser suit or women's trousers are currently elements of women's clothing (pants in Christian Europe became part of men's clothing only in the 9th century during the time of the Bulgarian Tsar Boris).

Observing the appropriate standards of decency, an Orthodox Christian woman can enter the temple of God in this form and participate in the Sacraments.

Nowadays, clothing that emphasizes the shape of a woman's body (for example, tight trousers) is often perceived as a temptation for surrounding men (in Muscovite Rus' in the 16th century, men were reprimanded for wearing tight clothing). The clothing and general appearance of Christians should undoubtedly express modesty and not give rise to temptation among others: “woe to that man through whom temptation comes” (Matthew 18:7 – 9). With regard to the cut of clothing, Christians should take into account the reaction of the people around them, guided by the advice of St. Basil the Great: “We must also avoid such a deed or word that is permitted by Scripture, when others are inclined by something similar to sin, or to the fact that they lose no matter how zealous they are.” for good."

If the desire to dress in clothes of the opposite sex in a Christian man or woman is due to a sense of belonging to the opposite sex, or a desire to attract the attention of people of the opposite sex, then this is an area of ​​thoughtful pastoral and psychological help, but not a reason to offend such people or even expel them from the temple.

Are there any restrictions in church life for women who are naturally unclean?

In the conditions of modern church life, there is no unambiguous definition and attitude towards the rules of ritual impurity, originating from the Old Testament (see Lev. Chapter 15). The most common practice at present is that women are allowed to enter the church or its vestibule on such days, but are not allowed to receive Communion and other church sacraments. In cases of serious illness and existing mortal danger (according to the instructions of the Trebnik), such a person is not deprived of Baptism and Communion by the Church.

His Holiness Patriarch Paul of Serbia, from studying church rules concerning this topic, concluded that “the monthly cleansing of a woman does not make her ritually, prayerfully unclean. This uncleanness is only physical, bodily, as well as discharge from other organs. In addition, since modern hygienic means can effectively prevent the accidental flow of blood from making the temple unclean, just as they can neutralize the odor arising from the flow of blood, we believe that from this side there is no doubt that a woman during her monthly purification, with the necessary caution and taking hygienic measures, he can come to church, kiss icons, take antidoron and blessed water, as well as participate in singing. She would not have been able to receive communion in this state, or if she was unbaptized, to be baptized. But in a mortal illness he can both receive communion and be baptized.”

When you come to church, who should light a candle first and what should you pray for?

There is no special rule for whom and how many candles to light. You can first place a candle on a candlestick in the center of the temple, where on the analogue there is usually an icon of the holiday or a temple icon, as well as to the image of the Savior, the Mother of God, the holy saints of God. To commemorate the repose of the deceased, they place a candle to the cross on a rectangular candlestick - eve.

In prayer, first of all, they express gratitude to the Lord God for His blessings. They pray for forgiveness of sins that a person has committed and this makes their soul feel heavy. You can also ask for help with your existing needs.

Is it possible to light candles and venerate icons during Communion?

It is advisable to light candles and venerate the icons before the start of the service, and if you don’t have time, after it ends. During the service, all attention should be paid to what is sung and read in the temple. Communion is the most important part of the service, therefore during this period one should not light candles or venerate icons, so as not to disturb the communicants, who at that moment are passing through the church to the Holy Chalice, and then to the table with warmth. Those who do not receive communion must stand in one place and pray, maintaining reverence for the greatest Sacrament.

How should one behave when censing the temple?

When the clergyman censes the temple, you must step aside so as not to disturb him, and while censing the people, bow your head slightly. In this case, there is no need to turn your back to the altar. You just need to turn around a little. You should not be baptized at this time.

What to do if a child bursts into tears in church?

A crying child must be calmed down, and if this fails, then leave the temple with him so as not to disturb those praying. But there is no need to be embarrassed by this. Children who go to church every Sunday usually behave calmly.

Do people venerate the cross on Radonitsa?

Yes, just like any other day. They venerate the cross at the end of the service according to church tradition, because the cross is a Christian shrine, a symbol of faith and an instrument of our salvation.

Why do they walk around the temple with trays and collect money?

“Do you not know that those who officiate are fed from the sanctuary?” (1 Cor. 9:13). The Lord Himself has established that the Church exists on the donations of believers (see Lev. 27:32; Deut. 12:6; 14:28; 18:1-5.

A person’s prayerful request to God must be supported by a willingness on his part to bring something to Him as a gift. This has been known since the earliest biblical times. This is the spiritual meaning of sacrifices and various types of donations. Therefore, already in the ancient Church people made monetary contributions. St. John Chrysostom explains to those who in his time did not understand the meaning of collections: “Don’t be embarrassed - heavenly blessings are not sold for money, they are not bought with money, but by the free decision of the one giving the money, through philanthropy and alms. If these goods were bought with silver, then the woman who put in two mites would not receive much. But since it was not silver, but a good intention that had power, she, showing all her readiness, received everything. So, we should not say that the Kingdom of Heaven is bought with money - not with money, but with a free decision that manifests itself through money. However, you say, do you need money? It's not money that's needed, but a solution. Having it, you can buy heaven for two mites, but without it, even for a thousand talents you cannot buy what you can buy for two mites.”

The donations that believers make have two sides. One is spiritual and moral, and the other is life-practical.

The Lord says about the spiritual side: “Sell your possessions and give alms. Prepare for yourselves treasures that will not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys, for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Luke 12:33-34). And the Apostle Paul writes: “You sent me to Thessalonica once or twice for my needs. I say this not because I am looking for giving; but I seek fruit that will increase for your benefit” (Phil. 4:16-17).

The practical side. The Church and its people live in the real world. The life of the parish requires considerable expenses for the purchase of church utensils, vestments, liturgical books, for the maintenance of clergy and church employees, Sunday school teachers, as well as for restoration, repairs, and payments for heating, water, and electricity. There are no funds allocated from the state budget for these purposes, since the church in our country is separated from the state. Temples are forced to cover all these costs on their own, and their income comes mainly from donations from believers.

Since the Lord preferred tithes, the spiritual law of sacrificial love, to the ritual law, the spirit of sacrifice is required from a Christian. He should make charitable offerings according to his diligence. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians: “Let each one give according to the purpose of his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion; For God loves a cheerful giver. But God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that you, always having all sufficiency in everything, may abound in every good work” (2 Cor. 9:7-8).

If it is necessary to leave before the end of the Liturgy, when can this be done?

In case of emergency, you can leave the temple at any time. But if leaving can be delayed, then it is undesirable to leave during the reading of the Gospel, while singing the Cherubic Song, or during the Eucharistic Canon. If possible, it is advisable not to leave before the priest shouts “We will depart in peace,” shortly after the laity has received communion.

Is it possible for someone who has not been baptized to be anointed during the all-night service?

An unbaptized person can be approached for anointing if he shows a sincere interest in the Church, church life, even being unbaptized, and if he perceives the anointing as a kind of magic, as a kind of “church medicine,” but at the same time does not show any interest in church life, then it is better not to approach the anointing.

Is it possible for an unbaptized person to venerate the relics?

Unbaptized people can venerate holy relics and icons if they have faith and reverence for the shrine.

We must thank God that an unbaptized person has a good desire to venerate a shrine; this may be the first timid step on the path of the Church, so we must show attention and condescension to such a person.

How to feel about the fact that during the service you see a beautiful glow of icons, gates, and the like?

With great care. Through such knowledge, deception by an evil spirit can occur, which leads to a state called prelest in Orthodoxy. You also need to be careful about hearing voices and any physical sensations during prayer. There is no need to attach significance to such visions, try not to pay attention to them, so as not to be deceived. If these phenomena are repeated, then you should tell the priest about it.

From which side should you go around the icons in the temple - from right to left or from left to right?

With anyone. The main thing is that this is done reverently, prayerfully and not disturb other people. The icons are walked around not for the sake of performing some rite or ritual, but for the sake of prayer addressed to the Lord, the Mother of God and the holy saints of God, whose holy faces are depicted on the icons.

How many colors can you bring to the temple - an even or an odd number?

You can bring any number of flowers. It is not the quantity that matters, but the heartfelt disposition of those who bring it.

The custom of giving bouquets with an odd number of flowers to living people, and carrying an even number of them to the cemetery is a human institution that has no rational basis and only contributes to the emergence of superstitions. For example, some people are terrified of receiving a bouquet with a pure number of flowers, foreseeing their imminent death in this. However, the number of flowers given does not in any way affect the life expectancy, which depends entirely on God.

Is photography and video shooting allowed in the temple?

There is no church-wide ban on photography and video filming in churches (example: regular television broadcasts of the Patriarchal and Metropolitan Christmas and Easter services). However, in order to maintain church decorum, you should ask the priest for this blessing.

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