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Peppermint. Merchant secrets for successful trading

In magic, mint is considered a very powerful plant. With its help you can find out the future, recover from diseases and attract good luck. Participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Liliya Khegai told readers of her website about the magical properties of mint and gave recommendations for its use.

How does mint help?

In order to there was always money, put a mint leaf in your wallet, in the section with bills. The mint aroma will make money energy work several times faster.

If you want to see prophetic dream or find out the answer to an exciting question in a dream, then drink mint tea before bed and put a few leaves under your pillow. Before you fall asleep, think about what worries you and what question you want to answer. In a dream, you will see what you were thinking about.

To charm a man, Lilia Khegai recommends taking a sprig of mint with you on a date. Place it in your purse or pocket so that the scent is subtle but still diffuses around you.

To improve relationships As a spouse, always keep a bouquet of mint in the bedroom. Relationships will become harmonious and strong.

If you want to attract love and find your soulmate, then take a bath with mint more often. Add the leaves of this plant to water in equal quantities with rosemary and lavender. This herbal bath will make you desirable and attractive.

If you want to attract a lot amount of money, then take a mint leaf, hold it in your palms and rub it thoroughly.

If you want about clean your house from negative energy , do not brew a large number of mint broth and spray it all over the room. This will allow you to bring light and joy back into your home.

If you want to attract good luck In any case, before going somewhere, eat a mint leaf. This will give you energy and confidence. Luck will be on your side.

Knowing the magical properties of this plant, you can improve your life by attracting into it everything you need for happiness. We hope that the advice from Lilia Khegai will help you attract good luck and get rid of many problems. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.06.2014 09:15

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Each of us wants money to always be in our wallet. So what item can be placed inside a wallet to enhance the circulation of monetary energy? There are a great many options, choose the one that suits you most.

  • One dollar or "Lucky bill".
  • Small mirror. Thanks to him, the money will double.
  • Three Chinese coins tied together with a red ribbon. They will provide a balance of energies.
  • Magnet of any color. He will attract money to himself.
  • Affirmation. It must be written on green or yellow paper the size of a bill. Possible texts of affirmations: “Everything that I take out of my wallet comes back there in abundance,” “My income is constantly growing.” “Monetary energy is inexhaustible”, “Every day my income grows and multiplies.”
  • Mint leaf (or drop on the lining) essential oil mint). Used to attract monetary luck.
  • A little semolina. They say man ka at man gives away money.
  • A picture of a bunch of grapes - it will improve your financial situation.
  • A green tea bag (or a picture of it). Has the ability to increase the amount of money.
  • A piece of sun-dried horseradish root. Stabilizes material energy.
  • A pinch of cinnamon. Money loves this spice and happily rushes into a wallet scented with cinnamon.
  • Part of a heather branch. Effectively attracts additional funds.
  • Dried lavender flower. The talisman will not allow your wallet to become empty. Another method for tripling the contents of your wallet is to smear a banknote with lavender oil and place it between bills of higher denominations.
  • A grain of wheat or a spikelet - ancient symbol wealth.
  • Dry leaf of geranium (pelargonium). Promises financial success.
  • Bean pod. Will save you from unreasonable spending.
  • 3 bay leaves. Laurel is a sign of prosperity and wealth.
  • Amethyst. Gives prosperity.
  • The “feu” rune and the “otal” rune (or their image). “Feu” brings well-being and is used to increase well-being and obtain material benefits. “Otal” - guards, holds and protects wealth attracted by the “feu” rune. If you draw runes on one sheet of paper (preferably the size of a banknote), then pay attention to their location: “feu” should be on the left, “otal” should be on the right. Or simply draw them on two small squares or circles made of cardboard - you will get a kind of imitation of runes.

  • Gold. It can be anything - from one link from a chain to a finished piece of jewelry. Any gold item in your wallet will make your financial situation stronger and more stable.

If you are going buy a wallet for someone as a gift, do not forget to put a coin or small bill in it - our ancestors believed that an empty wallet should not be given as a gift, otherwise it will remain empty forever.

If change accidentally spills out of your wallet, collect it only right hand. Leave the very last coin lying in place and say: “I leave one, I get the rest.”

The mint herb is not only aromatic and tasty, but also magical. The ability of mint to enhance attention is used by those in the know to tune into divination. Other properties of mint are used in amulets, in the treatment of various diseases, in many magical rituals. What can he do? magic grass mint?

The ability of mint to enhance intuition and attention is used by those in the know in magic

Collection of mint herb: the properties of this plant are revealed in June - July, later mint ages and is less suitable for magic.
Magic properties mint: healing, purification, protection, love, strengthening the will and attention of the Knower.
Magical uses of the mint herb: as mint symbolizes masculine, then the magical properties of mint are used in rituals addressed to male deities. Very often, peppermint is added to incense, amulets and talismans, and is used in rites and rituals. Universal remedy to raise positive vibrations, cleanse space and subtle bodies person. Peppermint oil is used along with fresh mint, but we must not forget that it is very concentrated.
Common names of the plant: cognac mint, noble mint, English mint, garden mint, tea mint.

The magical properties of mint in rituals

You may only be familiar with mint as an aromatic herb that is added to food. Then we’ll talk about how the properties of mint are used in divination. Where mint decoction is not required, but its aroma is sufficient, dry herbs can be replaced with oil.

1. Using mint for prophetic dreams: put mint under your pillow, drink a mint infusion at night, before going to bed, ask a question that worries you and fall asleep, the answers will come in your dreams.

2. Love talisman: a sprig of mint hidden in the bedroom will help mend fences between quarreling couples.

3. A decoction of mint is given to a person for several days after the removal of a love spell, damage or other magical attack.

4. To heal and cleanse the body, take baths with a decoction of fresh mint.

5. Rub mint juice over the pain areas; rubbing the temples is especially good for headaches.

6. Mint is smoked in ritual rooms for purification before rituals.

7. Also good for cleaning the house from evil forces spray the room with mint decoction or mint oil solution.

8. Peppermint develops divination abilities and enhances intuition.

9. Mint drink is considered a love drink and since mint is a masculine herb, it works well to attract male love.

10 Before the date, take mint bath and take a few fresh mint leaves with you to your meeting.

11. Mint helps increase income, brings good luck and financial success.

12. Spearmint (curly) mint heals, attracts good luck, promotes prosperity, and helps to easily endure long trips. For the ritual with mint, you need to crush the dried leaves in a special mortar, then periodically burn them, fumigating the house.

13.Catnip brings love, happiness.

14. Mint will protect not only your home, but also your business - keep a sprig of mint (mint sachet) at work or carry a few leaves with you.

We, following the traditions of northern magic, use it in rituals for happiness, beauty, love, family, for children, for the development of magical abilities and spirituality. Mint will give beauty and youth, attract love, give strength and protection during rituals, and enhance abilities. Where to buy mint? It is better to grow fresh mint yourself, but mixtures for fumigation at home with mint and mint oil can be buy at Northern Fairy Tale!

Today we have this:

Remember that the oil is very concentrated, it can only be applied to the skin diluted, and the oil cannot be eaten.

The article presents the folk and most effective signs for trading, thanks to which it will be possible to achieve an increase in sales. Suggest your options in the comments.

Signs for selling a car, house, housing, cottage, land, apartment, room, real estate

The car must be sold after thorough washing and cleaning. There is no need to feel sorry for the car; you won’t be able to sell the car that way.

When selling an apartment or house, you don’t need to tell everyone about the upcoming event. Customers who come should be invited to sit down, but as if by chance (to drink tea), but the owners must stand. Only the owner should be present in the apartment; pets and elderly people may interfere. In the corner of the kitchen you can place a broom or mop with the handle down. You can hide 5 ruble coins under the doormat and leave them to the new owners. A horseshoe is hung above the door, with its horns up, so it will attract buyers and bring good luck.

Signs for selling livestock, animals, kittens, livestock, dogs

Quickly sell an animal in good hands a conspiracy will help. It is better for a woman to pronounce a conspiracy and sincerely believe in its power.

The words are spoken several times, early in the morning or late in the evening: “I am a seller, always great, I will sell my goods to you. Money to money. Money for me, my goods for you. Amen". During the conspiracy, the animal crosses itself three times.

“How my hands cherish and stroke you, so that no one else’s hands will hurt you after that. You will live in satiety and never know sorrow. Homely warmth, good owners. Amen" This plot will be needed to find a good owner.

For successful trading, signs for the seller of goods, vegetables, good trade in a store, beer, jewelry

In place of the sold product, you need to immediately put the one you want to sell quickly.

Trading will be successful if the first buyer is a man.

The first client always needs to give in on price, then the day will be successful. But if you quarrel with such a buyer, you will end up with a shortage.

You need to spend the first money on all the goods, then you can sell everything off.

The first proceeds cannot be borrowed or exchanged until the end of the day.

A coin under the scale attracts money.

If the first bill is large, then the trading day will be successful.

Do-it-yourself trading amulet made from coins

“Coin of Fortune” is an amulet that will help business development. The owner collects coins from change for 6 days in a row on new moon. On the seventh day, with this money, you need to buy a figurine, a pen, a notepad. Throw the rest of the money over your left shoulder, saying: “Paid in full, paid for everything. So be it". Leave without looking back at the scattered money and without talking to the people you meet. The purchased items are the amulet.

Amulet for trade against competitors and the evil eye

Stones that can be inserted into any jewelry and carried with you constantly are considered a strong amulet. Agate will protect you from dishonest people. Chalcedony will help prevent conflict situations with competitors, partners and attract new customers. Carbuncle and agate will show and discourage scammers. Apatit will reveal the best business qualities owner and will help overcome obstacles.

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Dog, as in real life, and in a dream is a symbol of friendship and fidelity. But seeing a puppy in a dream is not always interpreted as good sign, How...

Common names: cognac mint, noble mint, English mint, garden mint, tea mint.
Aura: cold
Planet: Venus
Element: air
Are used: above ground part of the plant
Magic properties: healing, cleansing, protection, love, psi power
Magical uses: Since mint symbolizes the masculine gender, it is used in the rites of a male deity. Very often, peppermint is added to incense, amulets and talismans, and is used in rites and rituals. A universal remedy for raising positive vibrations, cleansing space and aura.

Using mint for prophetic dreams: put mint under your pillow, drink a mint infusion at night, before going to bed, ask a question that worries you and fall asleep, the answers will come in your dreams.

Healing and cleansing the body: Take baths with a decoction of fresh mint. Rub mint juice over the pain areas; rubbing the temples is especially good for headaches. Add mint to your tea. Peppermint oil is used in the same way as fresh mint, just remember that it is very concentrated.

Love talisman: A sprig of mint hidden in the bedroom will help improve relations between a quarreling couple. Mint drink is considered a love drink and since mint is a masculine herb, it works well to attract male love. Before your date, take a mint bath and take a few fresh mint leaves with you to the meeting.

Magic bath, love bath: lavender, rosemary and mint are taken in equal parts, tied in gauze and immersed in hot bath, let the bath sit for 10-15 minutes, the herb will brew and the bath will cool down just right to the desired temperature.

Mint is smoked in ritual rooms for purification before rituals. It is also good to cleanse the house of evil forces by spraying the room with a decoction of mint or a solution of mint oil. mint will protect not only your home, but also your business - keep a sprig of mint (mint sachet) at work or carry a few leaves with you.

In ancient times, not a single ship set sail without mint; it was considered both the best protective amulet against misfortunes at sea and a good vitamin supplement in drinks.


Common name: squaw mint, ditch mint, pudding mint, mosquito mint

Aura: cold

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Are used: top, aboveground part plants (leaves, stems, flowers)

Magic properties: defence from evil spirits, exorcism

Magical uses: They use pennyroyal to exorcise evil spirits. To do this, you need to brew mint in boiling water and sprinkle the entire room with mint water in the morning. Witches believe that the evil spirit is afraid of the smell of pennyroyal and leaves the house. Bog mint is hung in barns and barns to protect animals and agricultural products from the evil eye and damage.

For travelers, and for those who walk a lot, it is recommended to put a mint leaf in your shoe so that fatigue does not overcome you. This use of mint also provides protection from enemies while traveling.

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