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The energy of orchids in the house. Orchid according to Feng Shui: health and prosperity

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Signs and superstitions about whether orchids can be kept at home

Fresh flowers always attract positive emotions. You need to find out: is it possible to keep orchids at home, signs and superstitions about this. A large number of signs and superstitions are associated with indoor plants. The orchid is no exception: the attitude towards this flower is twofold. On the one hand, the orchid is considered an energy vampire, on the other hand, it is a symbol family happiness. What will an orchid bring to the house, harm or good?

The orchid is a harbinger of spring because it blooms in New Year according to the eastern calendar.

There is a legend: the goddess Venus, walking through the forest, came across a swamp. She didn’t even notice how she lost her shoe in the swamp. In place of the shoe it has grown amazingly beautiful flower. Since then, the orchid has been considered the patroness of women. The orchid is a symbol of love, tenderness and fidelity.

Even in ancient times, the orchid was attributed magical properties. One of the main ingredients of love potions was a decoction of orchid leaves. Beauty and subtle aroma can reveal charm and self-confidence in a woman. It is believed that if a guest comes to you with bad intentions, the orchid will “bring down its anger on him.”

Purple and red orchids are recognized as a good stimulant for developing willpower.

Of course, it won’t lead to death, but the flower will provide headaches and feelings of anxiety. Only a man with serious intentions can give an orchid to a woman. The flower is able to “recognize” people’s true intentions. According to the wise Chinese, the orchid combines the opposites of masculinity and femininity. That is why she was given the title of talisman of family ties. In a house where there is this plant, there is often mutual understanding and respect. The orchid is also a harbinger of spring, as it blooms on the New Year according to the eastern calendar.

Skeptics claim that an orchid at home can draw out life force. This opinion is not without foundation. Indeed, this graceful flower capable of influencing a sleeping person. Especially in dark time days. And this influence is not always positive. This is why it is not recommended to keep an orchid in the bedroom. It is better to place the plant in the living room, winter garden or kitchen. Orchid can also act as a powerful allergen. Moreover, the allergy is provoked not by the flower itself, but by the fertilizer. If you notice symptoms, it is better to isolate the plant.

Whether it is superstition or not, the choice is yours.

The teachings of Feng Shui explain that the influence of a plant can be varied depending on the color and location:

  1. Purple and red flowers are a good stimulant for developing willpower. When located in the southwest it will bring harmony and harmony in family relationships.
  2. Yellow and orange inspire creative people. When located in the northwest, the flowers open business qualities owners.
  3. Light flowers act as antidepressants. Especially for young girls. To improve health, it is better to install a pot with a plant on the eastern side of the room.
  4. To attract good luck in business, keep a pot with a plant in the northern part of the office.

Light orchids act as antidepressants.

The orchid delights with its originality. The flowers have a bizarre shape. Some flowers resemble a spider, and there is a variety that looks like a woman's lips. The color of the petals is varied: from black and burgundy to light pink and even white.

There is a legend dedicated specifically to the white orchid. One day a nun doubted her Christian faith.

She decided to leave the monastery. However, on the way she was overtaken by rain. As the nun watched, streams of water washed away the color from the orchid petals.

And the flower became white, almost transparent. The nun realized that only true faith can wash away all sins from the soul, and returned to the monastery with a pot of white orchid.

Signs and superstitions have recently received attention great attention. They did not bypass avid florists either. Among home flower lovers, active debate has begun about whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home? It should be noted that the opinions of specialists and amateurs are completely different in this regard, and the signs are extremely contradictory. Which of them to believe and which not - everyone has to decide individually.

The history of the orchid

The orchid is the most beautiful representative of the most ancient flowers. The first mentions of her date back to the seventh century BC, but experts are ready to argue that in fact this beauty appeared much earlier. For quite a long time it was considered one of the symbols of purity, perfection, beauty and harmony.

In the past, this flower was intended only for the elite (those with some talent or outstanding appearance). The guys presented it to their beloved, thus expressing their admiration for her and thereby showing that their thoughts were absolutely pure.

Recently, people are increasingly interested in the following questions:

  • What kind of flower is an orchid?
  • Can I keep it at home?

The signs associated with it interest them no less. These superstitions, in particular, are more related to the complexity of artificial propagation of this plant. Some signs come from personal experience accumulated by our ancestors.

Orchid - an energy vampire?

Those who were interested in the question of whether it is possible to keep orchids at home, signs and superstitions almost led to the idea that this flower is a real energy vampire. The plant feeds on the vital energy of those who live with it under the same roof. Even the famous teaching of Feng Shui tends to support this theory, although it often takes the side of plants and favorably treats a large number of them in a person’s home. However, is this really so?

The culprit is the pollen of some varieties of orchids, which not only has a strong calming effect, but even lulls a person to sleep. As a result, the plant began to be credited with magical properties as an energy absorber.

Orchid - muzhegon plant

If you inquire deeply about whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home, folk signs will definitely say that it is a kind of muzhegon. However, this statement is not entirely correct. The fact is that the orchid is truly a female flower, bringing true benefits only to the fair half of humanity. It is able to enhance femininity, attractiveness and other qualities that the fairer sex possesses. And here Negative influence on men lies primarily in the fact that they become very gentle and even effeminate.

Is it possible to keep a phalaenopsis orchid at home?

Nowadays the phalaenopsis orchid is becoming quite popular. Is it possible to keep such a flower at home? Almost everyone who has their eye on this beauty for their indoor flower garden is interested in this question.

The negative signs associated with these plants do not at all prohibit their cultivation, but only impose some restrictions on it. You should not keep orchids in the bedroom, since it is at night that most plants are active. It is also necessary to minimize the contacts of men in the house with orchids. And under no circumstances should you decorate with them. men's rooms and offices.

What does Feng Shui say about orchids in the house?

In general, Feng Shui is quite favorable towards any plants in the house, including orchids, but they need to be bred taking into account the above-mentioned wishes. This will avoid negative impact and make this plant a real decoration that brings joy to its owner.

A very controversial orchid plant. Can I keep it at home? Signs and superstitions often say the opposite. But at the same time, purity and innocence force one to put all the pros and cons on the scale. As practice shows, nothing bad happens to those who acquire this flower. However, it must be properly looked after and under no circumstances allowed to become diseased or wither.

Orchids can become real healers for the fair sex. They bring back youth good mood and even health. In addition, the flower can enhance feminine qualities and character traits. Positive energy can also be attracted into the home with the help of this green friend. The color of the buds is of no small importance, because each of them can influence others differently.

Orchids are protectors

If you still doubt whether you can keep an orchid at home, then it should be noted that it sometimes becomes a real protector of its owners. If a person comes to visit you, having negative thoughts against you or wanting to commit evil, then the flower will certainly drive him away, causing him to feel unwell. Overt or secret enemies who visit your home where the orchid is located will eventually feel a headache, anxiety or other negative conditions.

Is it possible to keep orchids at home: signs and facts

Presumably, the orchid does not have a negative effect on its owner, but it all depends on the color of the plant’s flowers. It is he who can be decisive if you make a difficult decision: to get or not to get an orchid.

According to signs, red and purple flowers help in the fight against laziness. If a woman has decided to get rid of negative habits or has gone on a diet, this choice is just for her. A plant of this color activates willpower and will contribute to achieving success in your plans. If for some reason you have been putting off a certain task, then the color red will help you take it on decisively.

For those who still doubt the question of whether it is possible to keep an orchid at home, one more argument can be given in favor of this plant. not only contribute to increasing material wealth, but also help in overcoming steps in career ladder. The same can be said for orange flowers. They encourage you to lead an active lifestyle.

And pink color can help you find inner harmony. This perfect solution for those who see the world only in black colors, as well as for individuals who tend to become depressed.

Orchid is a plant that is ideal Any will do woman. It will help protect against negative energy those around you, and emphasize inner beauty its owner. However, this flower, like any other plant, requires careful care and attention.

Orchids(Orkhidei) - this is unpretentious plants with gentle and beautiful flowers. In total, there are 28 thousand varieties of orchids, all of them belong to the orchid family. These plants can be found in the tropics and on arid high mountain plateaus. For each type a certain temperature regime If you don't stick to it, the flower dies.

Orchids photo

Because of their beauty, orchids have become the favorite flowers of many housewives. They perfectly decorate the apartment and give the interior a fresh and sophisticated look. Flower pots should only be placed in well-ventilated areas.

Why can't you keep an orchid in the bedroom?

Experts do not recommend using orchids in the bedroom interior, since the flowers emit a special aroma that is harmful to human health. Plant lovers may encounter such negative manifestations as:

  • irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • depression.

According to Feng Shui, the effect of an orchid in the bedroom on the health is also negative, since this flower feeds on the energy of those sleeping. The effects of these plants in the bedroom are evidenced by many reviews.

Reviews of orchids in the bedroom

1. I experienced negative effects from the orchid. I was given this indoor plant a few months ago, I put a pot of flowers on my bedside table. A month later, I noticed that my head began to hurt frequently and my sleep became restless. For a long time I didn’t understand why this was happening until I read about the characteristics of the flower. I put the pot on the balcony and everything returned to normal.

2. We also encountered bad influence orchids, and a child was injured. They gave us a flower and we decided to put it in the nursery. The child began to wake up frequently at night, had trouble falling asleep, and got up irritated in the morning. We went to doctors, but they didn’t tell us anything specific. The problem resolved itself when the cat accidentally broke a flower pot. Then we found an article on the Internet that an orchid pumps out vital energy.

3. I have had the flower for six months now, but I have not yet noticed any bad manifestations from it, although I have read a lot about its “harmful” properties. I attribute this to the fact that I often ventilate the apartment and do not allow air to stagnate.

The question of whether orchids can be kept in the bedroom should be approached very carefully. With good ventilation and open window A pot of your favorite flower can be safely placed on the windowsill. The best place for arranging a living flower is glass balcony, winter Garden or loggia.

If the room is poorly ventilated, but you want to decorate the bedroom with flowers, then you can think about designing a bedroom with photo wallpaper with orchids. Photo wallpaper can fit stylistically into any interior. Depending on the color and shades, such a solution will be appropriate for classic design and for modern style high tech. An alternative to photo wallpaper can be a modular picture with orchids in the bedroom. One large orchid or a large bouquet, decorated in the form modular picture They will make the bedroom cozy and have a calming effect. Photo wallpaper with orchids in the bedroom interior or a painting will become the best solution for those who love these flowers.

Photo wallpaper with an orchid in the bedroom. Photo

Photo wallpaper with orchids in the bedroom interior. Photo

Modular picture with an orchid for the bedroom. Photo

A large panel with an orchid at the head of the bed. Photo

How to arrange orchids according to Feng Shui

According to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, the orchid is one of the most powerful talismans that attract good luck. You can place a flower in the house anywhere, and the main aspect of the influence of the talisman is different zones will either increase or decrease.

  • According to Feng Shui, an orchid located in the northern part of the house will attract material wealth.
  • In the east, it will bring peace and relieve illness.
  • A flower in the south-eastern part will attract good luck and bring cheerfulness to the inhabitants of an apartment or office, and in the south-eastern zone it will help cope with illnesses and restore strength.

Many signs and superstitions say that an orchid brings harmony to the house. This flower symbolizes perfection, purity and purity. If they give you such a plant, they thereby want to express sincerity of feelings and deepest respect. But there are other signs that do not advise keeping an orchid in your apartment.

Signs about negative influence

First of all, it is worth noting that an orchid is a flower for women, and therefore signs do not recommend keeping it in your home for male representatives. The plant can pamper its owner, and therefore placing it in a son’s children’s room, in a man’s office, or in a couple’s bedroom is highly undesirable.

  1. It is a bad omen to receive this plant as a gift from a subordinate who treats you with disrespect. And if at the moment of the offering he thinks about how to harm you, the flower is able to accomplish this. It can provoke an attack of unreasonable anger, insomnia and problems in the intimate sphere.
  2. The orchid is called an energy vampire. Signs indicate that this plant absorbs positive energy in the house, which harms the owners. Household members may experience a loss of strength and constant fatigue.
  3. They brought an orchid from someone else’s house - signs and superstitions say that this is also bad sign. It is believed that this plant quickly gets used to its owner and does not tolerate a change of environment. As a result, the flower may experience stress and take revenge on the new owner: the atmosphere in the house will begin to deteriorate, quarrels and conflicts will begin.

Some types of orchids emit a special aroma that acts as a sleeping pill on humans.

Positive signs

Having figured out why folk signs prohibit keeping an orchid at home, you should move on to positive influence this flower.

  • Being a female plant, the orchid helps its owners preserve their natural beauty and prolong youth. Every day it will give you a great mood, improve your health and enhance your feminine charm.
  • Signs promise that if you care for an orchid at home correctly, it can become a real amulet. The flower will help develop hidden talents and achieve success in the creative field.
  • A healthy orchid that does not lack attention will fill your home with positive energy. She will not allow ill-wishers and envious people into your environment, and will protect you from guests who are planning evil against you. People say that the flower can provoke headaches and other ailments among its owner’s enemies.
  • If your boss is too strict, then you should give him an orchid. The plant will awaken empathy in him, and as a result, your boss will become calmer and more loyal towards his subordinates.
  • When a girl or woman is given this plant, it means that she is treated with special reverence and has extremely serious intentions.
  • If the gift ends up in the home of a married couple, their relationship will soon move on to more high level, and passion will resume with renewed vigor.

But you should not place this plant near your bed: at night it becomes especially active, which can negatively affect your sexuality.

The effect of orchid color on humans

The influence of an orchid is largely determined by the color of its buds.

  1. For those who are wondering whether it is possible to keep a purple orchid in their home, signs give a positive answer. Especially if you this moment you need to give up bad habits. A flower of this shade will help you quit smoking and support you in your desire to find perfect figure and in general will contribute to the management healthy image life.
  2. Red will increase efficiency and help get rid of laziness. With it, you will no longer put off important things until tomorrow and will always finish what you start. At the same time, making responsible decisions will become much easier.
  3. Flower yellow color promises financial well-being. Success in your career awaits you with him.
  4. Orange gives its owner a boost of energy every day. And if you feel that your strength is running out, buy just such a flower. Your activity will increase significantly, which will allow you to begin implementing your plans. With such a plant you will receive a huge portion of inspiration.
  5. Blooming in pink and white promises an improvement in mood. It is recommended to keep such plants in your home for women prone to depression. Pink and white orchid flowers, according to signs and superstitions, will get rid of prejudices, help you find inner harmony and drive away negative thoughts.

Where should the plant be kept?

Since folk signs have different interpretation Regarding orchids, for many the question of whether this flower can be kept at home remains open. It is worth noting here that you need to choose the right place for it.

  • Being on the southeast side, the plant will bring prosperity to the house and promote success. Moreover, if the flower is red, then it is better to place it in the living room or in the workplace.
  • If a woman wants to renew a passionate relationship with her husband, then signs advise placing the orchid on the southwest side. Soon mutual understanding will return to their family, and alienation will disappear. Wherein good sign considered a flower with dark red and scarlet buds.
  • The white orchid that you place on the eastern window will become a home healer. Every morning you will feel cheerful, illnesses will go away much faster, and headaches will no longer bother you.
  • If you place an orchid on the northwestern side, it will make relationships between family members more harmonious: conflicts will disappear, grievances will be forgotten, and household members will become more united.

The best place is a western or eastern window sill. Thanks to this arrangement, the flower will attract a lot of good things into your home and drive away negative energy.


Signs advise keeping orchids in your home only if you are able to provide them with proper care. And if the flower does not experience discomfort, grows and looks healthy, it will definitely give you a lot of positive emotions.

  1. This plant requires a special substrate, which can be purchased ready-made.
  2. For an orchid, as a rule, choose a transparent container or the lightest possible pot with holes in the bottom - this way the roots will not overheat.
  3. Be sure to place a drainage layer under the substrate to prevent water stagnation.
  4. Use settled water for irrigation room temperature. Watering is carried out every three days in the summer and a couple of times a week with the onset of cold weather.
  5. Feeding is applied once a month. Young flowers and plants that are in the flowering phase are fertilized more often - once a week.
  6. From time to time the orchid is shed in the shower. In this case, the water pressure should be weak, the temperature should not exceed 40°.
  7. It is advisable to keep the orchid at an air temperature of +20 to +25 °C on a well-lit windowsill, but you must ensure that the plant is not exposed to direct sunlight.

The orchid is very beautiful, and therefore it has many fans. But remember that she will attract good luck and joy into the house only if proper care. And pay attention to the signs: they will tell you where it is best to place this tropical plant.

Orchids always evoke a feeling of joy and delight in people. Especially if you give them as a gift to a woman. Few people know what exactly threatens an orchid in a house or apartment. You should carefully study all possible signs that are associated with this plant. In the old days, if a man gave this flower to a woman, it meant that he had feelings for her. Many legends tell that it was created by the Gods to bring joy and pleasure to people. Signs and superstitions are based precisely on legends, and every person has every right to interpret them in the way that is convenient for him. Is it really possible to keep orchids at home?

Negative effects of orchids

Many signs and superstitions suggest that this plant can negatively affect a person’s life. The question is often heard about whether it is possible to keep orchids at home? Everyone answers this question independently, because it is difficult to prevent a lover of these plants from enjoying the beauty of their favorite flower. But, there are certain signs associated with negative meaning such a “neighborhood”.

Most of our ancestors were convinced that this plant negatively affects the energy of the owner. It absorbs all pleasant emotions and provokes owners into quarrels and poor health. But this has its own nuances that always need to be studied.

Reasons for negative influence

Signs and superstitions about the orchid suggest that it can take away from a person everything good that happens at home. But there are a certain number of explanations for this.

An orchid is a rather fragile and delicate flower. Signs about an orchid believe that it can convey such properties to a person who is next to it. Therefore, you should not give it to men, because they will become more feminine and tender.

Some people advise giving it to strict bosses. It is believed that this will awaken in him a feeling of sympathy and tenderness. As a result, he will become more loyal to his subordinates.

Impact on women

The question is often asked whether women can keep such flowers at home. Folk signs are convinced of a positive answer. They believe that an indoor orchid helps to reveal feminine and become more attractive to men. It also has a positive effect on femininity, which is sometimes so necessary for modern girls.

The omens orchid is called the flower of femininity and tenderness, so it should be purchased by those ladies who have been trying to build love relationship. Indoor orchid will attract men and make them more pliable to start new relationships. It should only be given to those people who have already arranged their lives and can transfer positive energy to others. She will never harm those who care for her. Plants bloom only when your wish is about to come true. If women managed to see it blooming, it means that you will soon meet your soulmate.

Positive influence

Folk predictions are not always exclusively negative. There are certain signs about an orchid in the house that present it in a favorable light. In Asian countries there is a belief that it helps rid the house of black energy. It is advised to keep it in the house in order to improve relationships between residents and attract more happiness.

Most often, people start houses white orchid. It is believed that it has a positive effect on a person’s spiritual state. With its help, it is much easier to establish your emotional balance and make the right decisions.

Where should the plant be kept?

Sometimes there is a controversial opinion about a married couple keeping a flower. Many people are convinced that it will have a bad influence on a man. Just remember that any flower can be kept in your home. You just need to know where the right place for it will be.

It is best if you place the pot on the east or west side of the apartment. This will allow you to attract only good events into your home and get rid of bad ones. In order for a beauty to blossom, she needs to be provided with proper care. It blooms only if the owner treats it well. In other cases, achieving flowering is simply unrealistic. It is important to remember that white plants in the house always require plenty of sunlight. It is important that it stands in a place where the solar flow is of average category, and will not allow the leaves to turn yellow.

Color meaning

Phalaenopsis is an orange-hued flower. It is believed that phalaenopsis has a very positive effect on wealth in the home. It helps not only to get a job with a high salary. Phalaenopsis helps to attract money into the house like a magnet, so people who keep it never need material wealth.

Almost all the signs about an orchid at home assure that it will have a positive effect on your life. Its negative impact depends entirely on you. If you take care of her properly and think only about good things, then nothing bad can happen. If a beautiful orchid blooms in your home, it means that your whole life will soon change for the better.

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