Internet magazine of a summer resident. DIY garden and vegetable garden

Feeding plants from bread, how to prepare fertilizer and scope of application

Over time, every summer resident finds tricks for himself on how to increase the harvest, how to make flowers bloom magnificently. An important stage of farming is fertilizing. There are a huge number of different fertilizers in specialized stores, and somehow one simple, cheap, but effective plant food has already been forgotten - bread, which is probably found in every home.

One of the main components of bread is yeast; it contains a lot of nutrients, including growth stimulants and minerals. By reacting, the soil structure improves, the vital activity of living microorganisms increases, and the effect of previously introduced organic matter (manure, droppings) is enhanced. After such feeding, the plants begin to grow actively, the root system and the above-ground part develop. The fruits become tastier, and the flowers respond by blooming longer and more abundantly. Winter resistance appears.

To feed plants, you can use separately purchased yeast, but you don’t always have it in the house, and you can forget to buy it in the store. Unlike the previous version, bread is available in every home and any bread is suitable for this purpose (white, black, especially rye). Even if mold has already appeared on the pieces, it can still be used. This is a significant advantage over.

Sick and mature bushes are carefully fertilized with bread so as not to slow down their further development.

The optimal time to apply fertilizing is spring, during the period of picking seedlings, planting in open ground, and also when ovaries are forming. Warmth is important for the effect of yeast; it will not be present in the cold. During the fermentation period, calcium is actively absorbed in the soil, so wood ash or wood ash is added to the organic fertilizer to replenish it. The result of feeding can be observed after a week; the stem and leaves gain fleshiness and rich color.

The following respond well to grain feeding: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, strawberries, potatoes, eggplants, melons and flowers, especially peonies. For carrots, use white bread infusion.

Fertilizing your beds, getting a good harvest and not using chemicals is the best thing that can happen. When using bread, you don’t need to be afraid of exceeding the concentration, unlike drugs. But you shouldn’t partake it too often, 2-4 times per season is enough, no more, so that the acidity of the soil does not increase. In this case, you will have to carry out.

Cucumbers are fed when the first ovaries appear. On depleted soil - in the phase of 4-5 leaves. Calculation: 0.5 liters of solution per lash.

Preparing fertilizer

Buy several loaves of bread, cut them into pieces and dry them. It’s even easier to collect the remaining bread (pulp and crusts) during the winter, dry it and put it in a container. Before use, fold the crackers into a bucket halfway (you can do less, then the concentration will be weaker), cover with a lid or plate that fits the inner diameter of the bucket, put a pressure on top that will not allow the bread to float. Fill with warm water and place in a warm place, in the sun, for 3-7 days depending on the air temperature, the hotter it is, the faster the fermentation process will begin. Strain the finished “mash” and dilute it with water 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, depending on how concentrated the infusion is. Water the plants at the roots.

No less effective can be achieved by watering with beer, but this is not a cheap pleasure.

Plants need vitamins and minerals regardless of the place of growth (bed, garden or windowsill), each farmer decides which fertilizer to choose, but bread and yeast are an effective alternative to drugs from the store.

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